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1. Explain the following statement “All Nucleotides are Nucleosides but not all
Nucleosides are Nucleotides.
2. What elements make up a carbohydrate?
3. What are the functions of carbohydrates?
4. What are the 4 classes of carbohydrates?
5. What functional groups are found in carbohydrates?
6. What is the most abundant monosaccharide?
7. What is the most abundant disaccharide?
8. What is the most abundant polysaccharide?
9. What is the most abundant carbohydrate?
10. What is the function of glucose?
11. What is the difference between alpha and beta glucose?
12. What are the 2 types of starch and how are they differentiated?
13. What is a glycosidic bond and how is it formed?
14. Illustrate the formation of a glycosidic bond
15. What is the function of glycogen?
16. What is a glycoprotein and what are the functions
17. Why is glycogen more soluble in water than starch?
18. Why is cellulose insoluble in water?
19. Differentiate the 2 types of fibre, giving sources of each.
20. What is an amino acid?
21. What functional groups are found in amino acids
22. What distinguishes 1 amino acid from another
23. What is a peptide bond and how is it formed?
24. Between what 2 functional groups are peptide bonds formed
25. Illustrate the formation of a peptide bond
26. What is a zwitterion?
27. What are the 20 amino acids commonly found in proteins?
28. Which are the essential amino acids?
29. What is the conventional way of writing an amino acid sequence for a protein?
30. What is the primary structure of a protein?
31. Why is the primary structure of a protein important?
32. What is the secondary structure of a protein?
33. What is the tertiary structure of a protein?
34. What is the quaternary structure of a protein?
35. Give examples of proteins that belong to primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary
structures and their functions
36. What types of bonds are found in a primary structure?
37. What type of bonds are found in a secondary structure?
38. What type of bonds are found in a tertiary structure?
39. What type of bonds are found in a quaternary structure?
40. What are the functions of proteins?
41. What is the difference between globular and fibrous proteins and give an example of
42. Below are some examples of amino acids. Can they be classified as polar, non- polar,
acidic or basic?

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