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Dashiena Lyn B.

Casil BSN - 2

The most typical position during labor is the left occiput anterior (LOA) position.
The attitude is flexion, the presenting part is the posterior part of the vertex and
the posterior fontanelle, and the denominator is the occiput. The baby is lying
with its back facing the mother's left thigh and its head somewhat off-center in
the pelvis. The lie is longitudinal. The long axis of the fetus is parallel to the long
axis of the mother. LOA specifically denotes the direction your baby is facing as
it enters your pelvis, which is between your spine and right hip. The ideal position
for birth is thought to be with your baby lying head down and facing your back
(occiput anterior). It's not always a sign of a problem if your baby isn't in LOA or
ROA. Usually, it only indicates that labor and delivery could differ.

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