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weapons and equipment battle brothers

assault rifle lasgun/boltgun etc captain

pistol laspistol/bolt pistol etc captain with war chant
ccw sword/chainsword etc champion
heavy flamethower heavy flamer champion with war chant
heavy chainsword sword eviscerator engineer
energy claws lightning claws psychic
gravity pistol grav pistol psychic with psychic 2
storm rifle stormbolter pathfinders
combat shield combat/storm shield battle brothers
energy sword power sword battle brothers with veteran infantry
energy fist power fist battle standard
energy hammer thunder hammer medical training
chainsaw fist chainfist assault brothers
assault rifle attachments: assault brothers with veteran infantry
gravity rifle attachment combi grav support brothers
plasma rifle attachment combi plasma brother bikers
flamethrower attachment combi flamer pathfinder bikers
fusion rifle attachment combi melta support bike
gravity rifle grav gun destroyers
plasma rifle plasma gun heavy exo suit
flamethrower flamer apc
fusion rifle meltagun attack apc
gravity cannon grav cannon drop pod
heavy machinegun heavy bolter attack speeder
plasma cannon plasma cannon artillery cannon
missile launcher missile launcher battle tank
HE frag heavy battle tank
AT krak attack walker
heavy fusion rifle multimelta talon gunship
laser cannon lascannon hawk interceptor
plasma pistol plasma pistol raven heavy gunship
shotgun shotgun battle tank with spear missile launcher
sniper rifle sniper rifle battle tank with demolition cannon
grenade launcher grenade launcher battle tank with wind missile launcher
minigun assault cannon
cyclone missiles cyclone missile launcher
combat drills seige drill
hunter missile hunter killer missile
typhoon missiles typhoon missile launcher
assault rifle arrays hurricane bolters
spear missile launcher skyspear missile launcher
demolition cannon demolisher cannon
wind missile launcher whirlwind missile launcher
hammer missiles
shred rifle
shock whip neural whip
plasma whip neural whip
force whip neural whip
sacred mace hallowed mace
sacred halberd anointed halberd
sacred spear spear of the faithful
fusion pistol inferno pistol
flamerthrower pistol hand flamer
energy mace power mace
heavy pistol hotshot laspistol
sniper rifle sniper rifle
mortar mortar
autocannon autocannon
heavy rifle hotshot lasgun
heavy volley gun hotshop volley gun
energy lance hunting lance
mini gls grenadier gauntlet
heavy baton bullgryn maul
light shield brute shield
heavy shield slab shield
heavy smg ripper gun
laser machinegun multilaser
light battle cannon taurox battle cannon
missile volley taurox missile launcher
battle sisters
captain greater high sister saint celestine
senior chaplain high sister canoness
lieutenant champion sister palatine
chaplain psychic sister sister dogmata
tech priest priest missionary/priest
librarian battle sisters battle sisters
chief librarian battle sisters with celestial infantry celestians
scouts canticle megaphone dialogous
tactical sacred banner imagifier/simulacrum
command or sternguard medical training hospitaller
ancient support sisters retributors
apothecary vanguard sisters dominions
assault fanatic sisters repentia
vanguard sacrosanct sisters celestian sacresants
devastators pistoleer sisters seraphim
bikers assault sisters zephryrim
scout bikers paragon sisters paragon warsuits
attack bike destroyer sisters
terminators biker sisters
centurion biker fanatics
rhino crusaders crusaders
razorback flagellants arco flagellants
drop pod cult assassins death cult assassins
land speeder apc rhino
thunderfire cannon infernal apc immolator
predator organ tank exorcist
land raider assault walker penitent engine
dreadnought support walker mortifier

human defense force imperial guard
commander company/platoon commander
storm trooper commander tempestor prime
executioner commissar
drill sergeant priest
psychic astropath
psychic with psychic 2 primaris psyker
conscripts conscripts
infantry squad infantry/command squad
field radio voxcaster
company standard standard
medical training medpack
weapon teams heavy weapons squad
special weapons special weapons squad
veteran squad veteran/command squad
storm troopers tempestus scions
cavalry squad rough riders
sniper squad ratlings
ogre squad ogryns/bullgryns
light apc chimera
armoured truck taurox/prime
attack vehicle with acid cannon bane wolf
attack vehicle with fusion cannon devil dog
attack vehicle with flamethrower cannon hellhound
support vehicle with 2 x twin aa cannons hydra
support vehicle with artillery cannon basilisk
support vehicle with eagle rockets manticore
support vehicle with 2 x twin shard mortars wyvern
support vehicle with ballistic missile deathstrike
battle tank with nova cannon leman russ eradicator
battle tank with seige cannon leman russ demolisher
battle tank with heavy autocannon leman russ exterminator
battle tank with anti tank cannon leman russ vanquisher
battle tank with heavy plasma cannon leman russ executioner
battle tank with gatling cannon leman russ punisher
battle tank with battle cannon leman russ battle tank
light walker sentinel
light gunship valkyrie
heavy gunship vendetta
soul snatchers cults genestealer cults
soul snatcher patriarch patriarch
snatcher veteran
mage magus
neophyte support prime primus
neophyte support mage
neophyte support mad scientist biophagus
neophyte support propagandist clamavus
neophyte support commander nexos
neophyte elite 2 x energy swords locus
neophyte elite array of pistols kelermorph
alpha biker jackal alphus
acolyte warden acolyte iconward
brute champion abom
minions brood brothers
support minions
neophytes neophyte hybrids
acolytes acolyte hybrids
morphs hybrid metamorphs
mutant brutes aberrants
soul snatchers genestealers
elite snatchers
minion bikers
minion quadbike
attack vehicle
light apc
grinder truck
mining truck
battle tank
light walker

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