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“ Slow and steady wins the race ”

Once, there was a get-together of five best friends after a very long time. They had
known each other since their childhood. They were sitting in front of the television on
which a race championship tournament was going on. All the friends were watching the
race tournament with great interest. Suddenly, Ali got an idea, and he said we should also
organize a race between us. After thinking for a while, none of the friends supported this
race. Ali noted that none of you can beat me in a race, so you are not racing me. Ahmad
also said that he had seen Ali running fast. After being silent for a while, Awais
challenged Ali in the two-mile long race. Both decided the track, followed by a bet of
100$ and started running. The trail begins from their place and passes through the market,
followed by a small river. Both were running with all their lives. Ali was running so fast
that he suddenly disappeared from Ahmed's sight. Ali was a strong and fit boy, but on the
other side, Awais was weak. Ali covered 800m of distance in just 45 seconds. Ali used to
be very proud and say no one could beat him. After running so fast, he got tired and
thought, let's go to the market and buy some things. He likes some paints and shirts for
himself. Afterwards, he went to another shop and liked the shoes. After shopping, He
thought Ahmed was weak and could not even run properly, so he would be far behind. He
was very thirsty, so he thought, let's go and get something to drink, so he went to another
shop. He ordered some juice for himself and sat on the table near him. Some other people
were sitting there who had ordered juice for themselves. When the waiter was bringing
their juices, suddenly, his dish slipped and fell on Ali. Ali was a furious boy, and he
never forgave him when someone did something wrong; he always took revenge. He
started fighting with the waiter. Ali was busy in fighting while, on the other hand, Ahmad
was running, and he was on his way to the finish line. Ali suddenly realized he was in a
race, so he ran from there. On the run, Ali was very upset and thought he would lose the
round, and he had bet the hundred dollars. Ali got into a fight in the market, leading the
police to chase him. Fearing the police, he started running faster and faster, he was out of
sight of the police, but while running, he hit into a brick and fell hard on the ground. Ali's
knees were badly bruised and bleeding profusely. There were two paths to the finish line,
but Ali didn't know about this. He was still thinking that Ahmed would be far away;
otherwise, he would have passed me. Ahmed was tired now. He also thought to rest and
go to the market to have a drink, but he didn't waste time like Ali. Ali was a very wise
boy; he chose the other way that went to the finish line. From the market to the finish
line, Ali was on one trail while Ahmad was on the other trail. Ahmed thought that Ali had
run so fast that he would have reached so far, but still, he did not give up and started
running again. Ali was puzzled as to why Ahmad had not come yet, so he decided to go
back to the market to find out where Ali was. When he reached the market, he saw that
there were two paths to the finish line. Seeing this, Ali was worried, and now he started
running faster than before. Now in the last stage, both had to cross the river. When Ali
reached the river bank, he saw Ahmad in the boat in front of him. Ali quickly got into his
boat and started chasing Ahmad. Suddenly there was a big wave, due to which both their
boats sank. Ahmad was a good swimmer, while on the other side, Ali never swam. Soon
Ahmed crossed the river while Ali drowned in it. Finally, Ahmad wins the race while Ali,
who was very fast, losses. He was beaten because of his mistake. At last, the boy who
was slowly running wins the race, and Ali dies due to his own mistake. If he had not
wasted his time in the market, the outcome would have been different.

 Conclusion:
Success is the best destination, but not all people can reach there. In the current situation,
we want to solve every problem very quickly. Hence, we do everything in stress, hurry
and even use shortcuts, which may end up in failure. We tend to forget that success is the
sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out. Winston Churchill once said, "If you're
going through hell, keep going". One must keep on moving, planning the next actions and
acting on them confidently and persistently. One doesn't need to be intelligent or speedy
to succeed. A person who slowly but steadily walks towards the right path wins the race.
Success comes to those who are steady, even though they may be slow.
One of the greatest advantages of being slow and steady is that one learns things much
better than one who observes things in a hurry. We can understand the situation deeply if
we are going through any process steadily and closely. It gives more time to plan and act
strategically. This helps to deal with the problem far better than the one who does all the
work in a hurry and always misses the fine details of any process.
It is rightly said that slow and steady wins the race. It means that regular work pays in the
end. Therefore, we should work methodically. Regularity, punctuality and steadfastness
bring success. A man who does his work slowly and steadily will not make many
mistakes. Those who do their work in haste commit many mistakes. Haste makes waste.
Therefore, we should not do -anything in haste. Only regular and punctual work brings
success in life.


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