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CB Edgar Cayce’s ARE” Join Our Community coos s Ea Cy sic Coy Diet and Mederranean Diet CAYCE HEALTH DATABASE Basic Cayce Diet Mediterranean Diet OVERVIEW Edgar Cayce had no idea how forward-thinking he was when he spoke of the importance of eating locally grown and seasonal foods. Nowadays, people are becoming more and more aware of the health benefits found in an ‘organic diet created with fresh, local ingredients. The foods most often recommended were in line with what is considered the Mediterranean Diet today. Cayce was an advocate of eating whole, preservative-free foods, with an emphasis on whole grains rather than processed ones; more fish, fowl, and lamb than red meat: more leafy green vegetables than starchy ones; and a daily diet composed of 80 percent alkaline-producing foods to 20 percent acid-producing foods. In general, most vegetables and fruits are alkaline-producing, and most grains, starches, meats, sweets, and no-nos are acid-producing But have rather a percentage of eighty percent a/kaline-producing to twenty percent acid-producing foods. Then, itis well that the body not become as one that couldn't do this, that or the other: or as a slave to an idea of a set diet. Do not take citrus fruit juices and cereals at the same meal. Do not take milk or cream in coffee or in tea. Do not eat fried foods of any kind. Do not combine white bread, potatoes, spaghet |-or any two foods of such natures in the same meal. (1568-2) The following summary describes the Basic Cayce Diet recommended for healing and health maintenance for most people. These diet concepts provide a framework for meal planning, The A.R.E. has published a handy Edgar Cayce Basic Diet magnet chart, which can be used to remind you to follow the diet by placing it on your refrigerator. A download of this chart is available in the member-only section as a PDF ACID-ALKALINE BALANCE Edgar Cayce frequently emphasized the importance of maintaining a proper acid~alkaline balance by eating mostly alkaline forming foods. A comprehensive list of foods is included in this section. The following summary will give you a quick overview of acid and alkaline-forming foods. Alkalir Forming Foods (80% of the daily diet should contain these foods): » All vegetables except dried ans, lentils, asparagus tips, and garbanzos, » All fresh fruits except cranberries, plums, olives, prunes, and blueberries (preserves and canned fruits are usually acld-f » Almonds, chestnuts, rail nuts, and hazelnuts. Acid-Forming Foods (20 % of the daily diet should contain these Foods} » All meats except beef juice and bone: » All grains, cereals, and bakery products except for soybeans All dairy except buttermilk, yogurt, raw mill and » Peanuts, pecans, and walnuts FOOD COMBINATIONS TO AVOID Certain food combinations are difficult to digest and may cause problems in the digestive system. Here is a brief list of food combinations to avoid: > Two armors starcny foods at the same mes » Milk and crus fru or juice » Cereals and citrus fruit or » Large quantities of starchy Foods with meat or cheese Coffee with mile or eresm. » Raw apples with other foods. ATYPICAL DAY'S MENU Using the laminated Basic Diet sheet as a guide, develop 2 variety of daily menus which suit your taste and conform to the dietary principles in this section. Here is a simple outline for a typical day's menu: Breakfast Either citrus fruit or cooked or dry cereal Lunch Raw vegetable salad with dressing or fruit salad. Dinner Steamed vegetables served with fish, poultry or lamb. FOOD PREPARATION Proper food preparation is important to preserve nutrients and avoid toxicity. Here are some suggestions: Steam vagatsbes in their onun juices (ie, patepar paper) > Naver fy foods > Use fresh, locally grown vegetables and frults whenever possible. » Avoid aluminum cookware ATTITUDES AND EMOTIONS Edgar Cayce stated that even the most nutritious foods can turn to poison in the system if eaten while a person is in a negative frame of mind. Never eat when angry, worried or extremely tired. Note: The above information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treat ment. Please consult a qualified health care professional for assistance in applying the information contained in the Cayce Health Database. Ee ketal Body, Mind, Spirit CCRC) Cee ge aera Deano Reet re ee EC es ee Prec aster Saray Pe eee ote dedicated to providing tools for ee Media Interview Se ee Ree nas coe Sees Ean aan

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