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12. (Q) Please give 2 definition for, "God so loved the world as to give His only begotten son.” (A) A beautiful lesson has just been given, and definition. ‘This may suit those secking this the beer God, the Father, the first cause, secking - in the manifestations of self - brought the world, as we (as individuals) observe it about us, into being - THROUGH love: giving to man, His creation, His creatures, that ability to become ene with Him. That son WE have called the Son of man. the Christ Spit, the love ‘made manifest in bringing the erearure into material being in a plane we have called earth. That son was shown, then, the way. through the love of the Father, and He made manifest that love in giving His earthly, material life for a cause, an ensample, a mediation, a contact with the Father, a mediator for man. ‘Hence in love, through love, God IS love, in the Christ Consciousness, the Christ Sprit; the Son of man made same manifest in all the experiences through the earth, Hence, as given by the beloved disciple. "God so loved the world as to give His only begotten son. “that we, THROUGH Him, might have life — God - more abundant. He, though He were the Son, leamed obedience through the things which He suffered. He that climbs up any other way than accepting those things that are to be met dav by day, even as He, seeks through some other channel. The servant may never be greater than the master. He has given shar we may be equal and one with Him, yer through Him, His manifestations in Him, we live inthe earth, we move and have our being 13. (Q) Whatis meant by the children of light, as just given? (A) They that choose o be guided by His will and do not, through themselves, atempt to ‘manifest self rather than the will ofthe Father In the beginning was the word, and the word was God. He said, Let there be LIGHT - and there was light. Like begets like. It IS both cause and effect, and they that choose some other way become the children of darkness: and they are these: Envying, strife, hate: andthe children of these are sedition, rebellion, and the like ‘The chiléren of list first love, for "Though Imay have the gift of prophecy. though I may speak in unknown tongues, though I give my body to be burned and have not the spirit ofthe Son of man, the Christ Consciousness, the Christ Spirt, 'am nothing.” For, the children of light KNOW Him; He calfeth each by name. (262-46) (Q [295]: Is the fth of man in Buddha or Mohammed equal in the effect on his soul to the faith in Jesus Christ? (A) As He gave, he that receiveth a prophet in the NAME of a prophet RECEIVES the propher's reward, or that ABILITY that that individual spiritual fore MAY manifest in the life of thar individual, ‘Hence, as cach teaches, minister or see, or prophet, receives that ebeisance as is giving the life from that faith and hope as held by that as an individual, an ‘the Christ is found that as the advocete WITH the Father and the sprit ofthe Father glorified in him raat approaches through char manner, without that aa is approached inthe spiritual activity of any individual; for individuality is last lost, even as man in spirit overcomes death in the material, even as He overeame death inthe material, and able to put on immorality in a material world, bringing to man not only of flesh that endowed WITH the ability to be fone WITH the Father but magnifying the Father IN the individual yet in the material plane Hence, 2s we find, each in thear respective spheres are but stepping-stones to that that may awaken i the individual the knowledge of the Son ia theit Ives. (262-11) 46. For whether they be Greek, Parthenian, [Partin] Jew or Gentile - whether they be of Mohammed, Confucius, or even Shinto or On or Mu the Lord, the God, is ONE! 47_ For all force all power that is manafested in thyself. is of the ONE source. (1494 46. For whether they be Greek, Parthenian, [Parthisn] Jew or Gentile - whether they be of Mohammed, Confucius, or even Shinto or On or Mu the Lord, the God, is ONE! 47. For all force all power that is manafested in thyself, is of the ONE source. (1494. 3.(Q) Friday Night, Jan. 15, 1926, while reading James’ Religious Experiences. I cubmt this, as [can't tell whether it is 2 religious experience of my oun, or ‘whether it was purely a case of nerves - ie. physical or pathological. (A) (Interrupting) An EXPERIENCE - not nerves 4.(Q While reading. a sudden quivering came over me. I felt every pulsation of my heart, ofthe nerves, of the blood - I became conscious ofa vibratory force moving everything within my body - even the chair upon which Iwas siting seemed t0 be in motion. Iwas not asleep - (A) (Again interrupting) This, as we see, # a5 to the enity that manifestation ofthe action ofthe Spait Forces gsving that vibration wo the physical fora within, and is ae of the esult of consecration of self. selfs impulses, selfs inner self to that of the manifestation of force, as applies to this entiy. and is the spiritual eaction, and the PHYSICAL EFFECT of same. An experience as come have been endowed wath dzough the various ages of man's development, as may be seen in these ilfestations: Swedenborg, as he studied Socrates, as he meditated. Paul, the Apostle, as he meditated upon the happenings of the hous, with the purpose meeting tha spiritual force in man that brought this self-conviction: the entity, then, being over-shadowed by the force as seen, see? And as was by Buddha, in that positon when meditation inthe forest brought tothe consciousness ofthe entity the At Oneness of ALL FORCE manifested through physical aspects, or physical, a material world. ‘Then, this entity, [S00], SEES, EXPERIENCES, through this, asa personal baptism of that "My spirit beareth witness with Thy Spirit, whether ye be the Sons of God or noi,” and as this consecration of self, m every way and manner, brings to the enity that abilay of, when applied aright, ro gain an insight into higher, nobler, more glorious conditions: and from this day, the entity will experience as these “More wll seek the counsel of enuty regarding the interpretation of selfs (individuals, you see, approaching) condition, as relating to forces manifested in the carts plane. (000-187)

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