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Level Test Tr.

Ju Ju
I. Reading and Writing
Read the article about a young swimmer. 5 marks
If there is not enough information to answer “Right” (A) or “Wrong” (B), choose (C) if it
doesn’t say in the passage.

Anna Johnson

Ana Johnson is a 13-year old swimmer who lives in Melbourne in Australia. Her dream is to
swim for Australia in the next Olympics. She swims in both long and short races and she has
already come first in many important competitions.

As well as spending many hours in the pool, Ana also makes time for studying and for friends.
“I have lots of friends who swim and we’re very close. It’s much easier to have friends who
are swimmers because they also have to get up early to practice like me and they understand
this kind of life. But I’m not so different from other people my age. In my free time I also
enjoy going to the movies and parties. There are also some good things about swimming for a
club. I travel a lot for competitions and I’ve made friends with swimmers from other
Australian cities and from other parts of the world.”

Ana is becoming well known in Australia and she believes it is important to get more young
people interested in swimming. “I don’t mind talking to journalists and having my photograph
taken. But last year I was on TV and that was much more fun”.

1. Ana’s home is in Melbourne.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say

2. Ana hopes she will become an Olympic swimmer.

A. Right Be. Wrong C. Doesn’t say

3. Ana knows that she is better at short races than long ones.
A. Right Be. Wrong C. Doesn’t say

4. Ana has won a lot of swimming competitions.

A. Right Be. Wrong C. Doesn’t say

5. It is difficult for Ana to make friends with other people who swim.
A. Right Be. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
II. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. 5 marks

1. Last month an internet cafe’ __________ near Ivan’s house.

A. opened B. began C. arrived

2. It only __________ Ivan five minutes to get to the cafe.

A. takes B. has C. gets

3. Ivan thinks there is a lot of __________ information on the internet.

A. certain B. sure C. useful

4. The cafe has different _________ of computer games that they can play.
A. things B. ways C. kinds

5. Ivan often_______ his friends there after school.

A. Waits B. meets C. goes

III. Read the description of some words about the free time that people have. 5 marks
What is the word for each one?
The first letter is already here. There is one space for each letter in the word.

1. People who like watching football often go to this place.


2. If you enjoy taking photographs, you will need this.


3. People who like swimming in the sea often go here.


4. You may play this instrument if you like music.


5. If you enjoy camping, you will need to take this with you.
IV. Word study “Verbs with prepositions. 5 marks
Look at the given words in the box and complete the sentences.

think of turn into sell out give up on bring up

1. When he was young he didn’t like running, but then he_________ a good athlete.

2. Your stories are so creative, you always ___________ great ideas.

3. Last week the cakes __________ in minutes, everyone wanted to buy one.

4. My grandparents ___________my mum in a nice house by the sea.

5. Don’t _________ your plans to join the football team. The teacher will choose you if you keep


V. Create the sentences using the present or past tenses with your own ideas. 5 marks










VI. Complete the correct relative pronoun to complete the sentences. 5 marks

1. I like the ending that/when/who the hero finally saves the planet.

2. I live in a house in Norwich which/ who/ what is in East Anglia.

3. What did you do with the money who/ which/ whose your mother lent you?

4. Thank you very much for your email, that/ who/ which is very interesting.

5. Is that the scene that/ who/ where the dinosaurs escape into the city?

VII. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. 10 marks

1. Two years ago I flew in a helicopter. I remember the feeling of ______ so well.

a. excited b. exciting c. excitement

2. I felt so nervous when I ________ my song in front of the whole school.

a. produced b. performed c. admired

3. Our class produced a calendar of pictures to ______money for charity.

a. rise b. raise c. ride

4. Scientists have to _______ research to find cures for serious illnesses.

a. make b. put c. do
5. We loved the film - the 3D special effects were ________ amazing.

a. really b.very c. a bit

6. In 1935, the first film ____________ produced in color.

a. has b. was c. is

7. “We have to _______ to make sure no-one hears us”.

a. shout b. whisper c. ask

8. In the next scene, Tina moved out of the sunlight and under the ________ of the palm trees.

a. cloud b. shade c. sand

9. It is a story __________ will make you cry.

a. when b. who c. that

10. The first movie was ___________ to people in black and white.

a. shown b. showing c. show

VIII. Use the phrases in the box to complete the sentences. 5 marks

use to will would didn’t use to won’t used to

1. When I was very young, we _______ have homework at school. Homework didn’t exist.

2. If I had to choose just one gadget, it ____________ be my laptop.

3. If we could go anywhere in the world, we ________ visit a tropical island.

4. When I’m older, I _________ probably live in another city.

5. Where did you _______ live when you were very young?

IX. Circle the correct linking expression to complete the sentences. 5 marks

1. We’re going to follow the route while/ until we get to the house.

2. We’ll make plans for tomorrow while/ until we’re having dinner.

3. As soon as/ while they reached the jungle, they knew they needed a map.

4. The rain started until/ as soon as she set up the cameras.

5. We’ll keep looking while/ until we see a tiger, then we'll start filming.

X. Complete the plans with as soon as, while or until. 5 marks

We’re going to take a boat down the river________we get to the hut. From here we’ll trek

through the forest________ we find a place to put up our tent. _________ We’re putting up the

tent, Sam will make dinner. ___________ we’ve had dinner, we’ll set up the cameras to record
nocturnal animals. The camera will record__________ we’re sleeping. We’ll have a look at the

film, _________ we get up the next morning

XI. Match. 5 marks

1. A device that is used to warm the food.

2. People can use it to chat, play, write and draw.

3. It is used to keep food fresh and cold.

4. It is used to wash shirts, skirts, dresses, etc.

5. It is used to remove the dust from the floor.

A. Washing machine

B. Vacuum cleaner

C. Microwave

D. Fridge

E. Computer
XII. What is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do? 10 marks

Write about your experience at least 150 words.

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