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Casuyon, Meika Ella G.

Paired with Miss Sykie Tingson

Case of Stan – In this case we agreed to follow these following Approaches:

The therapist working with Stan takes 4 stages of counseling: (1) establishing and
maintaining a good working relationship with Stan, (2) exploring Stan’s dynamic, (3)
encouraging Stan to develop insight and understanding, (4) helping Stan see new alternative and
make new choices. Therapist derives suitable strategies to be used in the therapeutic sessions
with Stan, they integrate four theoretical perspective (Adlerian therapy, Glasser’s choice theory,
Rogerian Approach and Existential therapy) and structure six sessions to help Stan. With those
approaches and sessions has impact on Stan who has low self-esteem due to the impression he
has made of himself the way his parents made him feel inferior in his early childhood.

Similarities: We are similar with the Existential Approach,

I chose to use Existential Approach first, but as we discussed, I was able to realize how a
support group is important to a person, especially in healing. So, we agreed with Adlerian
Therapy which will definitely help Stan to establish himself through the eyes of others which he
grew up knowing to be so important to one’s perception of worth. This Approach will be
accompanied by Glasser’s Choice Theory and Rogerian Approach. However, I prefer to use after
the Existential Approach. This will be incorporated into Stan's Counselling Sessions. This
Approach, will help him see the beauty and purpose of his life. He will be able to see the
meaning of his existence opposite to what he thinks about his life due to the childhood traumas
and issues he experienced. He stated that he wants to make changes in his life but he has deep
concerns about the social expectations especially with his age of 35 years old which he expressed
to be feeling guilty that he seems to be nowhere in life. This guilt is the result of allowing other
people to define his choices and even on how he make choices. This Approach will help him
understand that his internal conflicts and life's direction that he is looking can only be found if he
search within himself. In addition, in order for him to achieve the change that he wants, he needs
to be willing to accept and must accept that he is responsible for his choices and must not let his
past get into the way of that change. Once he learned to accept that he is actually the main
contributor to his problems, he will find means and ways which will lead him to that certain
outcomes he wanted with his life.
Furthermore, I also consider Gestalt Oriented Therapy which focuses on the unfinished
business of Stan with his parents, siblings and ex-wife. This unfinished business is the cause of
self-resentment that he has. Gestalt Approach will deal with Stan through experimentation where
a possible experiment as one of those individuals he got to interact with as a child. Through that,
he can act as a child that he was and he can respond to those individuals which he will learn how
to reveal his emotions to them. After that, he will be able to deeply appreciate the thought of how
his feelings and thoughts influence his actions today.

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