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Activity 2:


1.)What characteristics and strengths of qualitative research were highlighted in the research

2.)Reflect on this question: In your opinion, what contribution has the qualitative approach brought
to research?


1.) The highlighted characteristics and strengths of qualitative research that can be seen from the
research example are:

-Realism, this is seen in the example since the information presented are based on facts
gathered from the people directly involved in the research; the fraternity members, politicians, and
government officials.

-It is based on actual experience, this is considered a strength of qualitative research because
the data can be collected thoroughly through the use of direct and firsthand observation.This can be
the author's effort to gather and assess whatever data he collected in the entirety of the data

-It can be done using multiple methods, qualitative research is versatile, meaning there can
be many ways to execute the research; questionnaires, surveys, interviews, and personal observation
to name a few. In this case, the author conducted fieldwork, just from that we can denote that he had
direct interaction with the people involved.

-Adjustable, qualitative research can have varied informations due to different opinions of
surveyees hence, the author can thereby assess the data gathered more profoundly and can lead to a
more specific and more accurate data. In the example, his analysis suggests that there were different
competing strands within elite politics, this single information that there were many different
opinions gathered and assessed for the finalization of the research.

2.) From my standpoint, I think that the main contribution of the qualitative approach to research is
the availability to gather different kinds of data with the use of face to face interaction with the
people in concern to the research topic. This is because, if you have questions that cannot be
answered by searching books, articles, or any reading materials, then you can go and personally ask
different people which is included and is involved with the topic and get what additional data you
can gather. With the direct interaction with the surveyees and/or interviewees, you might also get to
experience what they experience, depending on the situation. This will then deeper your
understanding of the variety of informations gathered and of the situation therefore making more
effective statements and more detailed information for the research.

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