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Perform hand hygiene

Assuming that Safety and privacy have been ensured, identity and allergy
have been checked, pain and comfort have been addressed, procedure
explained and consent taken, I’m now going to prepare materials.
First wear clean gloves and prepare your tray and clean it, so assume that I’ve
clean it already. Then remove gloves.
So I will now prepare the materials. I have here a pair of gloves, my 10ml
syringe, my gauze, my cleaning solution, my alcohol swab.
Now that the materials are already prepared I am now readyto go back to my
Hello ma’am, I’m back. I already have the materials that I need to remove your
catheter. So can we proceed now?
Can I just expose the catheter a little bit?
So I can see that the catheter is still pattent and there is a free flow of urine.
However the bag is already been empty to prepare for the removal and the
urine in the bag is already well documented in the fluid balance chart.
So I would just like to explain to you ma’am that I am going to remove your
catheter, as ordered by your doctor. During the themoval of catheter, you may
experience frequency, urgency and discomfort as the catheter will go to your
And in this procedure I would just like for you to take a deep breath before I
take out your catheter.
In this procedure I will be wearing my gloves before handling the catheter.
In this situation, I will be cleaning the genitals of my patient, so I will open the
gally pat. And I have here my saline solution and my alcohol pad and clean it.
Pour it in the gally pat as per agency policy. I have here sterile gauze, this is I
will use to clean the genitals of my patient. So in cleaning the genitals, whether
its male or female, you have to clean in the urethral opening swabbing away to
the catheter.
So clean the urethral opening and pat dry.
Ma’am I have already cleaned your genitals were already going to proceed to
the removal of your catheter, is that okay with you?
Get 10ml syringe to deflate the balloon. Then discard it.
Now take out the catheter.
Now I need you to inhale and exhale and in your exhalation, I will be pulling
the catheter out.
Catheter is out and throw to waste bin.
Now, clean the genitals. So assume that I’ve already cleaned the genitals of my
patient and now recover the patient.
Make sure to discard this in the waste bin. And clean the tray for the next use.
Then advice patient to drink 2-2.5 liters of water daily.
Do you have any questions for me?
Okay if none. I will leave now if you need anything you can just call me. Thank
That would be all for my return demonstration. Thank you!

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