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Printed Lab Record



To determine head loss due to pipe fittings - Bends & Elbows

When the fluid is flowing through a pipe, the fluid experiences the resistance to flow due
to which some of the energy of fluid is lost. This loss of energy (or loss of head) is classified as

1) Major losses
2) Minor losses

All losses except those due to friction come under minor losses. Head loss in bend &
elbow due to loss of momentum because of sudden or gradual change in direction, hence it come
under minor losses.

Bends and Elbows

Bends & elbows are used in pipe fittings for direction change (mostly by 90° angle). But
there is slight difference between them. Here it is:

 Elbows are standard fittings in which two different pipes connected together at right
angle by auxiliary to form elbow.
 Bends are fabricated according to need in which pipe is simply bent by required angle. In
bend, you will find radius of curvature is more than that of elbow.

1) Diameter of pipe:
2) Dimension of measuring tank:
3) Specific gravity of carbon tetra chloride:
4) Inclination angle of manometer =

Experimental Set-up
The set up consist of bend & elbow on the same pipe carrying water. Two inclined
manometers are connected each across bend & elbow provides head loss. The manometers
contain carbon tetrachloride as a manometric fluid.

Water from the pipe having the bend & elbow drains in measuring tank. It has one level
indicator and is used to measure discharge.


Flow direction

Inclined manometer (CCl4)

Measuring Tank

Experimental Set up

Working formulae
Head loss is the loss in pressure and energy of fluid flow due to viscosity of fluid and
obstructions like bends elbows etc.
Head loss Hl = K *(V2/2g) ,
Where V is the velocity of flow (m/s)
Actual discharge , Q = Ax/t (m3 /s)
Where A is the area of the tank (m2)
x= rise in water level (m)
t = time (seconds)
Actual head (water head), Hl = h(sm-1) (m)
Where sm = specific gravity of manometer fluid
h = level difference in manometer (m)
Velocity, V = Q/a
Q = Actual discharge (m3 /s),
a = 4 d2 , area of pipe (m2)

d = radius of pipe (m)

By dimension homogeneity,
𝐻𝑙 ∝ 2𝑔

𝐻𝑙 = K* 2𝑔

Now, as ‘2g’ is constant we can combine it with proportionality constant K & we are
generalizing power of ‘V’, so empirical formula solely for this experiment becomes,

𝑯𝒍 = k.𝑽𝒎

In this experiment, value of constant ‘k’ & power ’m’ by regression and graphical method is to
be determined.

1) Graphical method:
Applying log to above equation,
ln 𝐻𝑙 = ln k + m*ln V
Comparing this equation with equation of line y= mx + C
So y = ln 𝐻𝑙 & x = ln V

Now, draw the graph ln 𝐻𝑙 Vs ln V, It is a straight line having slope ‘m’ & y intercept C = ln k.
By this the constant ‘k’ & ’m’ can be obtained.

2) Regression method:
Considering y = ln𝐻𝑙 & x = ln V, following formula can be used
∑ y = m. ∑ x + n.C where, n= No. of observations
∑ x.y = m. ∑ 𝑥 + C. ∑ x

After equating values & solving these two equations simultaneously, value of ‘m’ & C = ln k can
be obtained. There by calculate value of ‘k’.
Experimental procedure

Close the drain valve &

Turn on flow control
measure the time required
valve & set it for paticular
for 5 cm rise in water level in
flow rate
measuring tank by stopwatch.
(Start with maximum
( After this open the drain
flow rate )

Note down the

Now decrease the flow
manometric readings (for
rate. (Reapeat the
particular flow rate) for
each bend & elbow.

Sample Calculation
Observation Table

1) For Bend

Manometric readings 𝑯𝒍
Time required
=h(s- 𝑸𝒂 V ln 𝑯𝒍 ln V
Sr.No. for 5 cm rise in 𝒙𝟐 x*y
1)sinϴ 𝟑 (m/s) (y) (x)
Difference(h) (𝒎 /s)
Left Right water level (s)
(cm) (m)

∑y= ∑x= ∑𝒙𝟐 = ∑xy=

2) For Elbow

Manometric readings 𝑯𝒍
Time required
=h(s- 𝑸𝒂 V ln 𝑯𝒍 ln V
Sr.No. for 5 cm rise in 𝒙𝟐 x*y
1)sinϴ 𝟑 (m/s) (y) (x)
Difference(h) (𝒎 /s)
Left Right water level (s)
(cm) (m)

∑y= ∑x= ∑𝒙𝟐 = ∑xy=


 𝒍𝒏 𝑯𝒍 𝐯𝐬 𝒍𝒏 𝑽

 𝑯𝒍 𝐯𝐬 𝑽


Bend Elbow

Calibration result by
𝐻𝑙 = _______𝑉 −−−− 𝐻𝑙 = _______𝑉 −−−−
regression method
Calibration result by
𝐻𝑙 = _______𝑉 −−−− 𝐻𝑙 = _______𝑉 −−−−
graphical method


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