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Assignment 2

To create an acrostic, follow these five easy steps:
1. Decide what to write about Nutrition.
2. Write your word down vertically.
3. Brainstorm words or phrases that describe your idea.
4. Place your brainstormed words or phrases on the lines that begin with the same
5. Fill in the rest of the lines to create a poem.

N – Nutritious food is what we need today, in order to live a healthy lifestyle.

U – Undergo some exercises to have the dream body style.

T – Taking some minerals and vitamins to have an energy in our body.

R – Remember that nutrition is important in our lives

I – It can make our immune system stronger and better

T – This time let’s not forget that without nutrition

I – It can make our body weak and sick.

O – Our Health is our wealth so let’s not disregard it.

N – Now, take some healthy food and protect our body from diseases.

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