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1. --
2. A handful of countries produce a portion of their electricity using nuclear energy.
However many people oppose nuclear energy because an accident can cause massive
devastation. The 1966 accident at the chemobyl’s nuclear power plant in the Ukraine
scattered radioactive contamination over a large part of Europe. Approximately 200,000
people were evacuated, and human health has been dramatically affected. Studies in
1999 found that the rate of thyroid cancer in young Ukraine children was ten times
higher than was the norm prior to the accident.
One reasonable solution combines conservation strategies with the increased use of
solar energy. The price of solar energy has steadily dropped, and if environmental
concerns were factored into the cost, solar power would already be significantly cheaper
than traditional fuels.
According to the text, solar can be considered very cheap if ....
A. No other alternative source available
B. Traditional energy becomes scarce
C. Environmental concerns count
D. People are more economical
3. Choose the one best answer – marked A, B, C, and D to each question
Relax we carry the lord. Your piece of mind is our highest priority. One
company Allied to Allied, our 800 locations worldwide. Your specialist in
house hold goods moving services. JKT 78078851, SRBY 7408377, Email :

The text above is about an advertisement on:

A. Allied fickford sale
B. Household goods
C. Goods moving service
D. Household services
4. Sangduen Challert has elephants on her mind. She works tirelessly to keep the elephant
population in Thailand from Dwindling to drastic levels. “Thai elephants are under
serious threat. Unless they are promptly and appropriately protected, they might only
exist in books and photos in the near future” says Sangduen.
Sangduen was bom into a remote mountain community in northem Thailand 47
years ago. Her love of the pachyderm began when she was very young. She was just a
teenager when she first saw elephants being used for commercial logging along the thai-
Burmese border. The experience changed her life.
In 1996, sangduen together with her family, founded the Elephant Nature Park in
Chiang Mai. Today, the park is supported by Sangduen’s family tour business which
runs educational and environment trips as well as a travel website. The main objective of
the park is to provide a sanctuary for elephants to live peacefully in their natural
environment. Thity rescued elephants of all ages are currently under the park’s care. The
disabled, orphan or blind elephants are mostly rescued from private owners, and fees are
negotiated to enable them to join the park’s herd.
Sangduen’s latest project is to remove elephants from urban cities and bring them
back to the natural environment. At present, thousands of elephants wander around big
cities like Bangkok with mahouts (elephant caretaker) seeking donations from tourist or
the public.
Sangduen also plans to open an elephant center in Surin. Thailand’s northeastern
province considered to be the primary home of indigenous elephants. The new sanctuary
will serve as another alternative for mahouts to bring their elephants back home to
“The Reader’s Digest recognition is a great honor for me. It shows that society cares
about the survival of the elephants,” she adds.
The most appropriate title of the above text is ….
A. An elephantine mission
B. Sanduen’s Awsome Enterprise
C. Safeguarding Elephants in Thailand
D. An Altenative Project of Saving the Pachyderm
5. --
6. --
7. Choose the best answer – marked A, B, C and D – to each questions
Earthquakes are one of … What causes them? Geologists explain them in terms of a
theory known as plate tectonics. Continents are floating apart from each other, this (X)
… the continental drift about sixty miles below the surface of the sea, there is an
emimolten bed of rock … plates, or slabs, carry continents and sea floors at a rate of
several inches a year. AS the plates separate … a new a new sea floor is formed by the
molten matter that was formerly beneath. Volcanic Island and large mountain ranges are
created by this type of movement.
X = ….
A. to be referred as
B. being referred to
C. refers to as
D. is referred to as
8. The kangaroo is a marsupial from the family Macropodidae (macropods, meaning ‘large
foot’). In common use the term is used to describe the largest species from this family, .
… the genus Macroous, red kangaroo, antilopine kangaroo, eastern grey kangaroo and
western grey kangaroo. Kangaroos are endemic to Australia. The smaller macropods …
in Australia and New Guinea.
Kangaroos have large, powerful hind legs, large feet (X)…, a long muscular tail for
balance, and a small head. Like most marsupials, female kangaroos have a pouch called
marsupium in which joeys … postnatal development.
A. adapting to leap
B. adapted for leaping
C. for adapting to leap
D. in adapting for leaping
… the Jakarta Post’s English writing workshop for professionals
Writing in English has become an essential everyday task for business executives and
… Whether it is sending out e-mails and office memos, or preparing report.
Unfortunately, examples of poor or ineffective writing are all around. Don’t let the
intimidation factor of writing in English stop you (X) … of communication in today’s
Learn the skills to develop writing skills and the habit of writing in English with the
= …. Post’s special workshop Using Writing for Effective Communication.
A. To develop important means
B. Developing the important means
C. For developing the important mean
D. From developing the important means.
10. Choose the best answer – marked A, B, C and D – to each questions
Earthquakes are one of (X) … What causes them? Geologists explain them in terms of a
theory known as plate tectonics. Continents are floating apart from each other, this … the
continental drift about sixty miles below the surface of the sea, there is an emimolten bed
of rock … plates, or slabs, carry continents and sea floors at a rate of several inches a
year. AS the plates separate ... a new a new sea floor is formed by the molten matter that
was formerly beneath. Volcanic Island and large mountain ranges are created by this type
of movement.
X = ….
A. The most deadly natural disaster
B. Most of the naturally dead disaster
C. The disaster dead most naturally
D. Disaster most naturally dead
11. Tana Toraja is located in the northern part of the South Sulawesi Province. Toraja is a
name of (X) ... of the mountainous regions of the northern part of the South Peninsula,
which have remained isolated until quite recently. Torajans are famous for … Torajan
houses are compound buildings that consist of traditional houses (Tongkonan) and rice
storage buildings (Lumbung). The buildings are ... The ornament is painted with
traditional colors dominated with the black and red colors. All of them create the
aesthetic value of the buildings of Torajan houses. The word “Tongkonan” is a name
derived from the Toraja word for ‘to sit’. It literally means the place where family
members meet to discuss important affairs, to take part in ceremonies and ... of the
X = ….
A. Bugis originally given to different people
B. Original Bugis to given the different people
C. Bugis origin given to the different people
D. Originally given Bugis to the different people

(X) … the Jakarta Post’s English writing workshop for professionals
Writing in English has become an essential everyday task for business executives and …
Whether it is sending out e-mails and office memos, or preparing report.
Unfortunately, examples of poor or ineffective writing are all around. Don’t let the
intimidation factor of writing in English stop you … of communication in today’s workplace.
Learn the skills to develop writing skills and the habit of writing in English with the Jakarta
Post’s special workshop Using Writing for Effective Communication.
X = ….
A. to join in
B. joining
C. join
D. join with
13. Choose the one best answer – marked A, B, C, and D – to each question.
About two centuries ago, humans enjoyed their first air bone ride in a cloth
balloon. Passenger rode in a basket fastened below the balloon. It was not easy for these
brave adventures because they depended solely on the wind velocity and direction to
move them about.
Germany began producing and using airships about forty-six years later with its
famous Zeppelins. The largest and probably most famous of Germany’s airships was the
Hindenberg, which could travel at eight-five miles per hour.
Later, Great Britain and France built smaller airships called ‘blimps’. The latter
airships were intended for patrolling the coast and observing submarine activity, while
the former served as passenger and cargo ships.

Why was it difficult to fly in the air-filled balloons?

A. The balloons were too sluggish
B. It was hard to get off the ground
C. There were too many people inside
D. There was no way of controlling them
14. Choose the one best answer – marked A,B,C, and D – to each question.
About two centuries ago, humans enjoyed their first air bone ride in a cloth
balloon. Passenger rode in a basket fastened below the balloon. It was not easy for these
brave adventures because they depended solely on the wind velocity and direction to
move them about.
Germany began producing and using airships about forty-six years later with its
famous Zeppelins. The largest and probably most famous of Germany’s airships was the
Hindenberg, which could travel at eight-five miles per hour.
Later, Great Britain and France built smaller airships called ‘blimps’. The latter
airships were intended for patrolling the coast and observing submarine activity, while
the former served as passenger and cargo ships.
Travelling relatively fast at that time, Hindenberg was intended ....
A. For patrolling the coast
B. For observing submarine activities
C. As passenger and cargo ship
D. As a means of military air transport
To tie the four in Hand Knot, select a necktieof your choice and stand in front of a mirror.
Then (X) ... below:
1) Start with the wide end ("W") of your necktie on the right, extending about 12 inches
below the narrow (“N”) on the left.
2) Then cross the wide and over the narrow end.
3) Turn the wide end back underneath the narrow end.
4) ... over in front of the narrow end again.
5) Then, pull the wide end up through the loop around your neck
6) Hold the front of the knot loosely with your index finger and bring the wide end down
through the font loop.
7) At last, remove your finger and tighten the knot carefully to the collar

X = ....
A. simply following these ways
B. simply follow the steps
C. simply to follow this method
D. simply to follow the procedure.
16. Woman : I have been having the worst headaches. I know some of it is stress, but I’m
worried that I might have something more serious, like high blood pressure.
Man : Well, We’ll check that out, of course, but first, tell me the last time you had
your glasses changed. It really sounds more like eye strain.
In the dialogue, the man suspects that ....
A. The woman needs new glasses
B. The woman has a high blood pressure
C. The woman is suffering from stress
D. The woman has a serious headache.
17. Man : Rudy doesn’t stand a dance of winning a gold medal in the Olympics.
Woman : True, but he is doing his best

What do we learn from this conversation?

A. Rudy probably will not win a gold medal
B. Rudy’s standing in line for a glad medal
C. Rudy was the best, so he got a gold medal
D. Nobody’s better them Rudy at getting gold medal
18. Choose the best answer
Marked A, B, C, and D – to each question
A team of Anthropologists from the Max Planak institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
in leipzig tests … call the primate cognition test Battery.
A. They
B. Which
C. Who they
D. Whom they
19. There are positive mental results to exercising. First you will feel less stress. Exercising
reduces stress because you forget about your problems while you are exercising. Second
you will better about everything. Exercising releases endorphins into your body.
Endorphins are chemicals (X) ... make you feel good. Third you will sleep better.
Exercising helps you relax, so you can fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep longer.
After ... you feel better throughout the next day. Finally, you feel better about yourself.
This will give you more confidence to handle your daily life and even enjoy it. In
conclusion, reducing, feeling good, sleeping better, and ... are the positive result of
A. that
B. so that
C. in order to
D. in order that
20. Choose the one best answer –marked A, B, C, and D - to each question.
“Studies show first-born or only children are expected to be successful.”
This sentence can be rewritten as “....”
A. Only children are first in their studies.
B. First-born children are only successful in their study.
C. First-born or only children expect success according to studies.
D. Others expect that first-born and only children will be successful
21. Man : My briefcase is just like yours, isn’t it?
Woman : Almost, mine is smaller, and it doesn’t have a lock, I think I’d rather
have had one like yours.
The woman would rather have had a briefcase like the one the man has because ....
A. The man’s briefcase has a lock
B. The man’s briefcase is smaller
C. She does not have one
D. They are alike
22. Costumer : Excuse me. I bought this last week and now is stopped (X) ... it is
very good quality.
Shop assistant : I’m sorry that’s rather unusual. They are usually very reliable.
Costumer : but it’s not working so ...
Shop assistant : I’m sorry about that. Can I see your receipt?
Costumer : Here’s the receipt?
Shop assistant : thank you sir. If you can just wait a moment, the manager can see You
Costumer : I want a refund, not the manager
Shop assistant : I’m sorry sir, but ... she is the only one who can give refund.
X = ....
A. I didn’t think
B. I can’t think
C. I don’t think
D. I have no idea
23. Sangduen Challert has elephants on her mind. She works tirelessly to keep the elephant
population in Thailand from Dwindling to drastic levels. “Thai elephants are under
serious threat. Unless they are promptly and appropriately protected, they might only
exist in books and photos in the near future” says Sangduen.
Sangduen was bom into a remote mountain community in northem Thailand 47
years ago. Her love of the pachyderm began when she was very young. She was just a
teenager when she first saw elephants being used for commercial logging along the thai-
Burmese border. The experience changed her life.
In 1996, sangduen together with her family, founded the Elephant Nature Park in
Chiang Mai. Today, the park is supported by Sangduen’s family tour business which
runs educational and environment trips as well as a travel website. The main objective of
the park is to provide a sanctuary for elephants to live peacefully in their natural
environment. Thity rescued elephants of all ages are currently under the park’s care. The
disabled, orphan or blind elephants are mostly rescued from private owners, and fees are
negotiated to enable them to join the park’s herd.
Sangduen’s latest project is to remove elephants from urban cities and bring them
back to the natural environment. At present, thousands of elephants wander around big
cities like Bangkok with mahouts (elephant caretaker) seeking donations from tourist or
the public.
Sangduen also plans to open an elephant center in Surin. Thailand’s northeastern
province considered to be the primary home of indigenous elephants. The new sanctuary
will serve as another alternative for mahouts to bring their elephants back home to
“The Reader’s Digest recognition is a great honor for me. It shows that society cares
about the survival of the elephants,” she adds.

The word dwindling in first paragraph most nearly means ....

A. Becoming fewer in number
B. Changing the size very rapidly
C. Moving from urban areas to sanctuaries
D. Turning extinct in a short period of time.
For those of you in dire need for an exhilarating underwater expedition, west papua’s Raja Ampat
is most certainly your ideal destination. Comprising over 1500 limestone isles to explore. Raja
Ampat. Which means “four Kings” in local language, is exceptionally rich of coastal wonders.
These smaller island surround four main island of salawati, Batanta, Misool, Waigeo and the
kofiau. Located of northwest of bird’s head peninsula, and strategically positioned between the
indian and pacific Oceans, most of now sea-covered region of raja ampat used to be land, which
then submerged at the end of last Ice Age. Raja ampat is accessible by taking a fast boat from
sorong fishery port. Escorting you to wasai, capital city of Raja Ampat before taking another fast
boat or speedboat rides to the smaller islands.
Renowned for its marine biodiversity, as one of the most extensive on the planet, the
archipelago is home to more than a thousand types of fish, hundreds of type of coral also
mollusks. Therefore, it would be apt to hire marine biologist as your guide, which will assist you,
not only in indulging, but also in learning more on ecosystem. By dawn, dance with colorful
anemone fishes, from parrotfish, surgeonfish, clownfish, wobbegongs, mantis shrimp, pygmy
seahorse, to mantarays in the subterranean paradise, with rays of sun peering through the reef’s
coral caves. Cape Kri, Melissa’s garden, Sardiness reef. The text, Nudibranch Rock, Wai Island
Night Dive, to name a few diving sites in the area to visit. Later in rhe day, unwind and kick back
at the thatched-roof patio by the blue lagoon of Jef Pele, where by dusk, sparkles and shimmers
with turquoise fluorescent glow.

The main purpose of the text above ….

A. to discuss how natural and beautiful Raja Ampat Island are
B. to persuade perspective tourist to visit Raja Ampat Island
C. to expose the natural potential of Raja Ampat Island
D. to show that Raja Ampat Island are a choice for pleasure
To tie the four in Hand Knot, select a necktieof your choice and stand in front of a mirror.
Then ... below:
1) Start with the wide end ("W") of your necktie on the right, extending about 12 inches
below the narrow (“N”) on the left.
2) Then cross the wide and over the narrow end.
3) Turn the wide end back underneath the narrow end.
4) ... over in front of the narrow end again.
5) Then, pull the wide end up through the loop around your neck
6) Hold the front of the knot loosely with your index finger and bring the wide end down
through the font loop.
7) At last, remove your finger and tighten the knot carefully to the collar (X) …

X = ....
A. holding the narrow end and slide the knot up
B. through holding the narrow end and slide the knot up
C. holding the narrow end and slide the knot up
D. by holding the narrow end and slide the knot up
26. Choose the one best answer –marked A,B,C, and D - to each question.
A handful of countries produce a portion of their electricity using nuclear energy.
However, many people oppose nuclear energy because an accident can cause massive
devastation. The 1986 accident at the Chembyl’s nuclear power plant in the Ukraine
scattered radioactive contamination over a large part of Europe. Approximately 200.000
people were evaluated and human health has been dramatically affected. Studies in 1999
found that the rate of thyroid cancer in young Ukrainian children was times higher than
was the norm prior to the accident.
One reasonable solution combines conversation strategies with the increased use of
solar energy. The price of solar energy has steadily dropped, and if environment
concerns were fact one into the cost, solar power would already be significantly cheaper
than traditional fuels.

The text implies that there have been a lot of people suffering from cancer due to ....
A. Nuclear plants
B. Chernobyl’s plants
C. Nuclear energy sources
D. Nuclear accidents
Michael Jordan has played for the Chicago Bulls for years, and everyone cheers for
him. Fans have filled the seats at the United Center ever since he led the team to six
NBA championships, and many have watched each of his game on TV. Therefore, it is
no wonder that he has attracted such admiration and tame. Jordan possesses all the
qualities of an athletic superstar, extraordinary attractiveness, incredible physical talent,
and exemplary character.
First of all, Jordan is a fine physical specimen of a man. He is not only handsome,
but he has a magnificent body on his six-and-one-half-foot frame. He always shaves his
hair, which seems to symbolize his commitment to the game. With his broad and rippling
muscle, he looks strong and formidable in his number 23 jersey.
Second, Jordan is a talented athlete who has developed a game of speed, agility,
and intelligence. He quickly dodges the opposing team’s defense and makes spectacular
shots, sometimes as he falls away from the basket, other times when he drives toward it.
As a result, he always scores a lot of points, which makes him to the top scorer an the
Bulls and also within the rest on the NBA. Most amazing of all are his “Air Jordan”
moves, which rely on agility and leaping ability. He jumps up in the air and can stay
there for a long time before coming down. He is also smart, and as the team captain he
tries to keep his teammates as disciplined as he is on the court. Without Michael Jordan,
the Chicago Bulls would not be where they are today.

He was appointed captain due to several reasons, one of which being ….

A. His exemplary character
B. His discipline on the court
C. His being a top scorer in NBA
D. His speedy movement on the court
28. Choose the one best answer-marked A, B, C and D- to each question.
In the 1920s, Josephine Dickson, an accident-prone New Jersey housewife,
inspired the invention of the Band-Aid. Her husband, Earle, who tended her various
burns and wounds, hit upon the idea of sticking small squares of sterile gauze onto
adhesive tape, covering it with a layer of crinoline and then rolling bit up so that
Josephine could cut off and apply the ready-made bandages herself.
Earle’s employer, Johnson & Johnson, soon began producing the first Band-Aid By
the time Earle died in 1961-by the a member of the company’s board of directors-Band-
Aids sales had exceeded $30 million a year.
The expression hit upon in the text most nearly means ….
A. Touched with sudden force
B. Succeeded-in achieving
C. Had an unpleasant effect
D. Caused damages or injuries
29. Costumer : Excuse me. I bought this last week and now is stopped ... it is
very good quality.
Shop assistant : I’m sorry that’s rather unusual. They are usually very reliable.
Costumer : but it’s not working so ...
Shop assistant : I’m sorry about that. Can I see your receipt?
Costumer : Here’s the receipt?
Shop assistant : thank you sir. If you can just wait a moment, the manager can see You
Costumer : I want a refund, not the manager
Shop assistant : I’m sorry sir, but (X) ... she is the only one who can give refund.
X = ....
A. I must look for manager
B. I will see the manager
C. I must find the manager
D. I have to get the manager
30. Michael Jordan has played for the Chicago Bulls for years, and everyone cheers
for him. Fans have filled the seats at the united center ever since the team to six NBA
championships and many have watched each of his games on TV. It is no wonder that he
has attracted such admiration and fame. Jordan possesses all the qualities of an athletic
superstar, extraordinary attractiveness, incredible physical talent, and exemplary
First of all, Jordan is a fine physical specimen of a man. He is not only handsome,
but he has a magnificent body on his six-and-one-half-food frame. He always shaves his
hair, which seems to symbolize his commitment to the game. With his broad and rippling
muscle. He looks strong and formidable in his number 23 jersey.
Second, Jordan is talented athlete who has developed a game speed, agility, and
intelligence. He quickly dodges the opposing team’s defense and makes spectacular
shots, sometimes as he falls away from the basket, other times when he drives toward it.
As a result, he always scores a lot of points, which makes him the top scorer on the Bulls
and also within the rest of the NBA. Most amazing of all are his “Air Jordan” moves,
which rely on agility and leaping ability. He jumps up in the air and can stay there for a
long time before coming down. He also smart, and as the team captain he tries to keep
his teammates as disciplined as he is on the court. Without Michael Jordan, the Chicago
Bulls would not be where they are today.
It can be implied from the text that Michael Jordan is ….
A. a basketball superstar
B. a very disciplined athlete
C. his club’s indispensable player
D. NBA’s most feared player
31. The kangaroo is a marsupial from the family Macropodidae (macropods, meaning ‘large
foot’). In common use the term is used to describe the largest species from this family.
(X) … the genus Macroous, red kangaroo, antilopine kangaroo, eastern grey kangaroo
and western grey kangaroo. Kangaroos are endemic to Australia. The smaller macropods
… in Australia and New Guinea.
Kangaroos have large, powerful hind legs, large feet …, a long muscular tail for
balance, and a small head. Like most marsupials, female kangaroos have a pouch called
marsupium in which joeys … postnatal development.
A. especially which of
B. especially those of
C. especially this of
D. especially that of
Jam turns nicely chewy when baked. We’ve used raspberry jam for these lovely biscuits,
but why not experiment with other flavors.
125 g butter, at room temperature
180 g caster sugar
1 egg
150 g sell-raising flour
75 g plain flour
30 g corn flour
2 T raspberry, approximately
1. Preheat the oven to 180 C
2. Line two baking trays with baking paper using electric beaters, beat the butter and
sugar in a bowl until light and creamy
3. Add the egg and beat until well combined
4. Sift the flour and flour over the mixture, then stir in using a large metal spoon until
well combined Roll teaspoons of the mixture into balls and place on the baking trays
5. Using your thumb, make small indentation in the center of each, then spoon about ¼
teaspoon of jam into each dent. Bake for 12-25 minutes, or until light golden brown
6. Transfer to a wire rack to cool, then store in airtight containers. Instead of topping the
biscuits with jam, you can use a small item of confectionery, such as a “freckle” or “
smartie”, or brush them with egg white before baking and sprinkle them with
hundreds and thousands. If your biscuits become soft, heat them in a moderately low
oven for a few minutes and they’ll be as good as new

You can do the following steps to top your biscuits

A. moving them to a metal shelf for cooling
B. gently drooping small stuff over them
C. using a small stuff like freckles
D. brushing them with egg white
33. Like millions of others, you … on Google’s search engine, and possibly other online
features as well. Tanks to (X)…, you might soon be relying on the internet giant to
power your phone too. The obvious main advantage of the Android is its integration with
Google. This means, among other things, the ability to auto-sync your phone with your
contacts and calendar data online. Another … is that it’s an open source platform, with
an ever-expanding library of downloadable apps. Manufactures are also provided with a
flexible framework … that vary widely in functionally and work on different networks.
A. Its innovative platform Android mobile
B. Its innovative mobile platform Android
C. Its Android platform innovative mobile
D. Its Android innovative mobile platform
34. As soon as the water boils. Turn off the heat, but keep the pot on the warm stove. Do not
(X) … . Leave the eggs in the hot water for ten to fifteen minutes. It is important you do
not start the timer until you turn off the head. Too much time will make the eggs
discolored and smelly, while too little time ….
X = …..
A. Replace the cap
B. Change the cap
C. Remove the lid
D. Move the lid
35. Michael Jordan has played for the Chicago Bulls for years, and everyone cheers for
him. Fans have filled the seats at the united center ever since the team to six NBA
championships, and many have watched each of his games on TV. It is no wonder that he
has attracted such admiration and fame. Jordan possesses all the qualities of an athletic
superstar, extraordinary attractiveness, incredible physical talent, and exemplary
First of all, Jordan is a fine physical specimen of a man. He is not only handsome,
but he has a magnificent body on his six-and-one-half-food frame. He always shaves his
hair, which seems to symbolize his commitment to the game. With his broad and rippling
muscle. He looks strong and formidable in his number 23 jersey.
Second, Jordan is talented athlete who has developed a game speed, agility, and
intelligence. He quickly dodges the opposing team’s defense and makes spectacular
shots, sometimes as he falls away from the basket, other times when he drives toward it.
As a result, he always scores a lot of points, which makes him the top scorer on the Bulls
and also within the rest of the NBA. Most amazing of all are his “Air Jordan” moves,
which rely on agility and leaping ability. He jumps up in the air and can stay there for a
long time before coming down. He also smart, and as the team captain he tries to keep
his teammates as disciplined as he is on the court. Without Michael Jordan, the Chicago
Bulls would not be where they are today.
One of Jordan’s most spectacular ability is his ….
A. dodging movement
B. jumping movement
C. shooting ability
D. ball dribbling
36. The kangaroo is a marsupial from the family Macropodidae (macropods, meaning ‘large
foot’). In common use the term is used to describe the largest species from this family.
… the genus Macroous, red kangaroo, antilopine kangaroo, eastern grey kangaroo and
western grey kangaroo. Kangaroos are endemic to Australia. The smaller macropods (X)
… in Australia and New Guinea.
Kangaroos have large, powerful hind legs, large feet …, a long muscular tail for
balance, and a small head. Like most marsupials, female kangaroos have a pouch called
marsupium in which joeys … postnatal development.
A. have found
B. founded
C. are founded
D. are found
37. Tidak ada
38. Costumer : Excuse me. I bought this last week and now is stopped..... it is
very good quality.
Shop assistant : I’m sorry that’s rather unusual. They are usually very reliable.
Costumer : but it’s not working so (X).....
Shop assistant : I’m sorry about that. Can I see your receipt?
Costumer : Here’s the receipt?
Shop assistant : thank you sir. If you can just wait a moment, the manager can see you
Costumer : I want a refund, not the manager
Shop assistant : I’m sorry sir, but ....she is the only one who can give refund.
X = .......
A. I like a refund
B. I’d like a refund
C. I’d like to refund
D. I have to refund
39. Tana Toraja is located in the northern part of the south Sulawesi Province. Toraja is a
name of ... Of the mountainous regions of the northern part of the south peninsula.
Which have remained isolated until quite recently. Torajans are famous for ... torajan
houses are compound buildings that consist of traditional houses (tongkonan) and rice
storage buildings (Lumbung). The buildings are (X) ... . The ornament is painted with
traditional colours dominated with the black and red colours. All of them create the
aesthetic value of the buildings of torajan houses. The word “Tongkonan ” is a name
derived from the toraja word for “to sit”. It literally means the place where family
members meet to discuss important affairs, to take part in ceremonies and ... of the
A. Sculpted with ornaments of various shapes
B. Sculpted by ornaments of various shapes
C. With sculpted ornaments by various shapes
D. Sculpted ornaments with various shapes
40. Choose the one best answer – marked A, B, C, dan D – to each question.
The world’s nuclear plants have accumulated highly radioactive waste. Worldwide, high-
level waste is stored about ground, and no government has a clear policy on its eventual
disposal. While most experts believe that burying the waste is the safest bet in the long
term, the problem is finding sites that are geologically stable. Decaying radioactive
isotopes release heat. As a result, high-level waste must be constantly cooled. This is
many experts want to store waste above ground until it has decayed and is cool enough to
be stored safely in sealed repositories several hundreds of meters below ground.
It is clear from the passage that the safe disposal of radioactive waste....
A. Remains a global problem
B. Is a widely – controlled problem
C. Becomes an individual problem
D. Has been satisfactorily
For those of you in dire need for an exhilarating underwater expedition, west papua’s Raja Ampat
is most certainly your ideal destination. Comprising over 1500 limestone isles to explore. Raja
Ampat. Which means “four Kings” in local language, is exceptionally rich of coastal wonders.
These smaller island surround four main island of salawati, Batanta, Misool, Waigeo and the
kofiau. Located of northwest of bird’s head peninsula, and strategically positioned between the
indian and pacific Oceans, most of now sea-covered region of raja ampat used to be land, which
then submerged at the end of last Ice Age. Raja Ampat is accessible by taking a fast boat from
sorong fishery port. Escorting you to wasai, capital city of Raja Ampat before taking another fast
boat or speedboat rides to the smaller islands.
Renowned for its marine biodiversity, as one of the most extensive on the planet, the
archipelago is home to more than a thousand types of fish, hundreds of type of coral also
mollusks. Therefore, it would be apt to hire marine biologist as your guide, which will assist you,
not only in indulging, but also in learning more on ecosystem. By dawn, dance with colorful
anemone fishes, from parrotfish, surgeonfish, clownfish, wobbegongs, mantis shrimp, pygmy
seahorse, to mantarays in the subterranean paradise, with rays of sun peering through the reef’s
coral caves. Cape Kri, Melissa’s garden, Sardiness reef. The text, Nudibranch Rock, Wai Island
Night Dive, to name a few diving sites in the area to visit. Later in rhe day, unwind and kick back
at the thatched-roof patio by the blue lagoon of Jef Pele, where by dusk, sparkles and shimmers
with turquoise fluorescent glow.
It is most likely that the paragraph following the text is about.....
A. A brief history about the islands’ inhabitance
B. An old legend about the origin of the islands
C. Disadvantages that tourist obtain from the island
D. Information about addresses for tourist to contact.
For those of you in dire need for an exhilarating underwater expedition, west papua’s Raja Ampat
is most certainly your ideal destination. Comprising over 1500 limestone isles to explore. Raja
Ampat. Which means “four Kings” in local language, is exceptionally rich of coastal wonders.
These smaller island surround four main island of salawati, Batanta, Misool, Waigeo and the
kofiau. Located of northwest of bird’s head peninsula, and strategically positioned between the
indian and pacific Oceans, most of now sea-covered region of raja ampat used to be land, which
then submerged at the end of last Ice Age. Raja Ampat is accessible by taking a fast boat from
sorong fishery port. Escorting you to wasai, capital city of Raja Ampat before taking another fast
boat or speedboat rides to the smaller islands.
Renowned for its marine biodiversity, as one of the most extensive on the planet, the
archipelago is home to more than a thousand types of fish, hundreds of type of coral also
mollusks. Therefore, it would be apt to hire marine biologist as your guide, which will assist you,
not only in indulging, but also in learning more on ecosystem. By dawn, dance with colorful
anemone fishes, from parrotfish, surgeonfish, clownfish, wobbegongs, mantis shrimp, pygmy
seahorse, to mantarays in the subterranean paradise, with rays of sun peering through the reef’s
coral caves. Cape Kri, Melissa’s garden, Sardiness reef. The text, Nudibranch Rock, Wai Island
Night Dive, to name a few diving sites in the area to visit. Later in rhe day, unwind and kick back
at the thatched-roof patio by the blue lagoon of Jef Pele, where by dusk, sparkles and shimmers
with turquoise fluorescent glow.

About the island what is the writer mainly proud of?

A. location,flora, people’s tradition, and distance from the mainland
B. underwater expedition, coastal wonders, natural ecosystem, and scenery
C. coastal reef, dangerous streams, hunting ground, and traditional buildings
D. Number of island, height of waves, fauna, and rocky mountains
43. Woman : The professor drilled and drilled until I couldn’t stand it.
Man : I heard he assigned a whole lot of exercises without explaining any of the
grammar rules too. I’m glad I went to the gym
In the dialogue, the man and the woman are talking about
A. a gymnasium
B. a health club
C. a lecture
D. a dentist
44. Man : Let’s go to the dance at the students Center on Frida.
Woman : I’d like but I am going to a lecture. Thanks for asking me though.
The woman is going to ... on Friday
A. Stay at home
B. Go to a dance
C. Go to a lecture
D. Go to the students Center
As soon as the water boils, turn off heat, but keep the pot on the warm store. Do not ... leave
the eggs in the hot water for ten to fifteen minutes. It is important you do not start the timer
until you turn off the heat. Too much time will make the eggs discolored and smelly, while
too little time (X) ... to be runny.

A. May make the eggs

B. Will make them
C. Will cause them
D. Causes the eggs

Customer : Can I (X) ... , please?

Shop assistant : Yes, madam, please come this way.
Customer : Have you got a bigger size.
Shop assistant : Yes, we’ve ...
Customer : Is there a cheaper one?
Shop assistant : Well, there is, but it is not the same quality, of course.
Customer : I’d like a different color.
Shop assistant : ... that’s the only color we’ve got.

X = .....
A. Use it on
B. Try it on
C. Wear on it
D. Wear it on
47. Choose the one best answer-marked A, B, C, and D – to each question
Earthquakes are one of.... What causes them? Geologists explain them in terms of a
theory known as plate tectonics. Continents are floating apart from each other, this ... the
continental drill. About sixty miles below the surface of the sea, there is an emimolten
bed of rock.... plates, or slabs, carry continents and sea floors at a rate of several inches a
year. As the plates separate (X) ... a new sea floor is formed by the molten matter that
was formerly beneath. Volcanic islands and large mountain ranges are created by this
type of movement.

X = ....
A. to one another
B. one from the other
C. fromone to the other
D. from each other
48. Man : so I asked Frank if we would live together next semester and he said that he
going to roommate with George
Woman : oh that’s too bad, well I know but Steve is looking for roommate
In the dialogue, the woman suggests that....
A. The man lives with frank and George
B. The man asks George to be his roommate
C. The man share a room with Frank
D. The man and the Steve are roommate
49. Choose the one best answer-marked A, B, C, and D – to each question.
By the time a child is six or seven she has all the essential avoidances well enough
by heart to be trusted with the care of a younger child. And she also develops a number
of simple techniques. She learns to weave firm square balls from palm leaves, to make
pinwheels of palm leaves, to climb a coconut tree by walking up the trunk on flexible
little feet, to break open a coconut with one firm well-directed blow of a knife, to play a
number of group games and sing the song, to tidy the house by picking up the litter on
the story floor, to go to neighboring house and bring back a lighted faggot for the cook-
house fire. But in the case of the little girls all these tasks are merely supplementary to
the main business of baby-tending. Very small boys also have some care of the younger
children, but at eight or nine years of age they are usually relieved of it. Whatever rough
edges have not been smoothed off by this responsibility for younger children are worm
off by their contact with older boys.
Little boys are admitted to interesting and important activities only so long as long
as their behavior is circumspect and helpful. Where small girls are brusquely pushed
aside, small boys will be patiently tolerated and they become adept at making themselves
useful. The four or five little boys who all wish to assist at the business of helping a
grown youth lasso reel eels, organize themselves into a highly efficient working team;
one boy holds the bait, another holds an extra lasso, others poke eagerly about in holes in
the reef looking for prey, while still another tucks the captured eels into his lavalava. The
small girls, burdened with heavy babies or the care of little staggerers who are too small
to adventure on the reef, discouraged by the hostility of the small boys and the scorn of
the older ones, have little opportunity for learning the more adventurous forms of work
and play. So while the little boys first undergo the chastening effects of baby-tending and
then have many opportunities to learn effective cooperation under the supervision of
older boys, the girls’ education is less comprehensive. They have a high standard of
individual responsibility, but the community provides them with no lessons in
cooperation with one another. This is particularly apparent in the activities of young
people: the boys organize quickly; the girl’s waste hours in bickering, innocent of any
technique for quick and efficient cooperation.
The word brusquely in the text most nearly means….
A. quickly
B. gently
C. abruptly
D. seriously
50. Choose the one best answer-marked A, B, C, and D – to each question.
In the words of Thomas DeQuency. “It is notorious that the memory strengthens as you
lay burdens upon it. “ If, like most people, you have trouble recalling the names of
those you have just met, try this. The next time you are introduced, plan to remember the
names. Say to yourself. I’ll listen carefully. I’ll repeat each person’s name to be sure I’ve
got it, and i will remember.” You’ll discover how effective this technique is and probably
recall those names for the rest of your life.
The word notorious in the text most nearly means....
A. good for most people
B. famous for something bad
C. bad for thinkers like DeQuincy
D. popular at the moment of speaking
51. Choose the one best answer-marked A, B, C, and D – to each question.
The following is a manual for an electronic product.
At first, you have to connect the charger to your hand phone; the flash symbol on the
charger plug must face upward. And then wait until you are sure the battery icon appears
on the screen. It is important that you charge the battery approximately 5 hours or until
the battery icon indicates that it is fully charged. When charging is done, you have to
remove the charger by pulling it out from your electronic device.
Based on the text, it can be implied that the device is....
A. broken
B. brand new
C. newly repaired
D. old fashioned
52. Choose the one best answer-marked A, B, C, and D – to each question.
In the 1920s, Josephine Dickson, an accident-prone New Jersey housewife, inspired the
invention of the Band-Aid. Her husband, Earle, who tended her various burns and
wounds, hit upon the idea of sticking small squares of sterile gauze onto adhesive tape,
covering it with a layer of crinoline, and then rolling bit up so that Josephine could out
off and apply the ready-made bandages herself.
Earle’s employer, Johnson & Johnson, soon began producing the first Band-Aids. By the
time Earle died in 1961 - by then a member of the company’s board of direction – Band-
Aid had exceeded $30 million a year.
It can be inferred from the text that….
A. Earle had inspired the production of the Band-Aids
B. The Band-Aids sale was a great success
C. Earle died by the age of forty-one
D. Johnson was a member of the company’s board of directors
53. Like millions of others, you (X) ... on Google’s search engine, and possibly other online
features as well, Thanks to ..., you might soon be relying on the internet giants to power
your phone too. The obvious main advantage of the Android is its integration with
Google. This means, among other things, the ability to auto-sync your phone with your
contacts and calendar data online. Another ... is that it’s an open source platform, with an
ever –expending library of downloadable apps. Manufactures are also provided with a
flexible frame ... that vary widely in functionality and work on different networks.
X = ....
A. probably rely quite a bit
B. rely quite a bit probably
C. quite probably rely a bit
D. quite a bit probably
54. Choose the one best answer-marked A, B, C, and D – to each question
The world’s nuclear plants have accumulated highly radioactive waste. Worldwide, high-
level waste is stored above ground, and no government has a clear policy on its eventual
disposal. While most experts believe that burying the waste is safest bet in long term, the
problem is finding sites that are geologically stable. Decaying radioactive isotopes
release heat. As a result, high level waste must be constantly cooled. This is why many
experts want to store waste above ground untill it has decayed and is cool enough to be
stored safely in sealed repositories several hundreds of meters below ground.
In the text, many experts vieew that radioactive waste
A. may be thrown away anywhere
B. should never be stored underground
C. should never be left to decay above ground
D. can be stored safely underground
55. Choose the one best answer-marked A, B, C, and D – to each question
.... in the 1950s, the situationists already noted that ‘the visual aspect of cities counts only
in relation to its physiological effects.
A. Writing
B. Written
C. To be written
D. It was written
56. Choose the one best answer-marked A,B,C, and D – to each question
Erosion is regarded as the physical removal of soil by water and wind and the
deterrioration of all parts of the habitat in which man and his crop and livestock have to
exist. Since there is no conclusive evidence to any major climate change to explain this
deterioration, we must conclude that erosion has been due primarily to thoughtless
destruction of the vegetative cover. This has led to deterioration of the microclimate
above and below the surface, generally in the direction of a general drying out of the soil,
and to the loss of organic matter in the soil, and to the loss of organic matter in the soil
thus reducing its capacity to resist erosion by conserving the water that falls on the
surface. If everything possible is done to conserve the vegetation, this will also ensure
optimal conservation of soil and water.
The definition of erosion given in this text…

A. is a strictly regional one

B. concentrates on flooding
C. disregards man’s role in it
D. assumes that the process is inevitable
57. Although this shopping lis may not provide an example of sophisticated writing, ....
A. it nevertheless tells us something about the writing process
B. but it tells us about the preparation of good composition
C. however it takes a lot of efforts to become a good writer
D. it turns out to be everyone’s concern to cope with
58. Choose the one best answer-marked A, B, C, and D – to each question
Earthquakes are one of ... What causes them? Geologists explain them in terms of a
theory known as plate tectonics. Continents are floating apart from each other, this ... the
continental drill. About sixty miles below the surface of the sea, there is an emimolten
bed of rock (X) ... plates, or slabs, carry continents and sea floors at a rate of several
inches a year. As the plates separate ... a new sea floor is formed by the molten matter
that was formerly beneath. Volcanic islands and large mountain ranges are created by
this type of movement.
X = ....
A. along which
B. over which
C. to which
D. in which
59. Are you allergic to your phone?
Nickle can trigger eczema like rash
Some mobile phone contain nickel a metal that can cause allergic dermatitis- an itchy
rash – on one side of the face and in the ear in 10- 20% of the population .
“Woman are more likely than man to have allergy, probably because they were
sensitized when they had their ear pierced, which can introduce nickel into the
bloodstream, “says Luz Fonaice head of the allergy section of Winthrop_ University
Hospital in New York.
A study of popular models of mobile phones found that most flip phones and
approximately a third of the blackberry devices tested contained nickel. In some of these,
the plastic had worm of the keypads, the Iphone and Motorola models tested-which were
all touch-screens and had no keypads-contained no nickel at all
If you suspect you are allergic to your Iphone, you can protect your skin by setting
your phone to speakerphone using an earpiece, or putting a phone cover and clear screen
your device.
The expression they had their ears pierced in the second paragraph most nearly means….
A. Sound were heard in their ears
B. Holes were made in their ears
C. Someone put nickel in their ears
D. Something was penetrated into their ears
60. --

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