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The Disagreement

Parent: Oh, so they’re making monuments in NYC for those two uhh, what do you call them?

Teen: Trans people? Also you mean Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson.

Parent: I don’t care to know who they are, they’ve influenced your generation really badly.

Teen: They did not. They helped pave the way for the LGBTQ+ community after what they and
many others did during the stonewall riots. They also provided shelter to the homeless and trans
individuals who needed it. They were so kind.

Parent: You don’t even know about what happened at the riots.

Teen: Well, I wasn’t there to see it but I’ve read about it. Like, I know that it happened in 1969,
and that police raids started it, and that it was in Greenwhich Village.

Parent: Do you know why they raided the bars and restaurants?

Teen: Yea, I know.

Parent: Tell me then.

Teen: They raided bars and restaurants due to the managers not having the proper license and
if there were drag performers involved.

Parent: Don’t even get me started on drag performers. They are all just confused. They
shouldn’t be wearing that clothing, dresses aren’t meant for guys. Same thing goes for trans

Teen: Dude, it’s literally a piece of cloth. What’s so wrong with that?

Parent: Well, there is only so much masculinity and femininity someone should show.

Teen: Why are you so outdated? Like times have changed. People can wear whatever.

Parent: Watch your attitude, and you better not start cross-dressing. It’s wrong.

Teen: I will do what I want. It’s my body.

Parent: Yea well I don’t agree with it.

Teen: What’s so wrong about someone wearing what they want? This isn’t hurting you, it should
be their choice. Them being trans shouldn’t hurt you either.

Parent: I disagree, them deciding to be trans is against god, it's a phase and trendy. Therefore
parents shouldn’t let that happen.

Teen: It is not a phase, when will you understand that? Also, parents are supposed to be there
fir their child and support them. You haven’t done either. Why do you act like your opinions
matter more then mine?

Parent: Yes I have. I raised you, I put food on the table, put clothes on your back, and a roof
over your head. I did support you. Your opinions matter to me.

Teen: I know that, but you gave me the bare minimum. Is supporting your child yelling and
arguing with them because they're trying to express themselves? I get it, you don’t understand,
or you don’t care. You could try to show that I matter more to you.

Parent: I don't yell at you, and I give you so much. Besides, you aren’t expressing yourself,
you're lying.

Teen: I am not lying, this is how I feel, yet you will not accept that. It seems like you don’t care.

Parent: I do care, but you don’t understand that you’re going against god. You should believe
that you’re in the wrong.

Teen: I’m in the wrong for being myself? That isn’t fair and isn’t right. When will you understand
the fact that trans individuals go through so much hate and discrimination, you are adding onto

Parent: Well maybe the fact that they go through so much is because they aren’t following god.
You are supposed to love your body the way it is, your body is a gift from god. He created it for a

Teen: If he wanted my body to be this way, why doesn’t my mind agree? Why do I feel so
uncomfortable with myself?

Parent: So you’re implying your trans?

Teen: Yea, so explain to me.

Parent: Well I dont agree but, you have to figure it out yourself. You need to find yourself. You
will be happy with how you are now.

Teen: You will never understand the fact that I am. You will not change me.
Parent: I do understand, I felt that way once.

Teen: The thing is, you don’t understand, if you did, you wouldn’t be acting like this.

Parent: Watch your tone when you talk to me, I’m the parent you are the child. Also, I’m not
acting any sort of way.

Teen: You never seem to care, so I’m leaving to go to my room.

Parent: Fine. But we will talk about this some other time.

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