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Interview transcript

Hello, I am Noah Edmondson, and I am here with my lovely mother to do an interview.

Do you believe your generation or say older generations have changed the future of the world in a
negative way. For example, climate change and why?

Um I think my generation is not that far behind yours because I'm not that old, but at 46 yes I think
we probably weren't aware when we were your age about recycling and things like that but you
have to remember also that there was recycling and I used to take glass bottles back to the shop
there was a rag and bone man where you put your junk and uh we did recycle various items so even
though it wasn’t made a big deal we did know about it and did do it uh so have we made it worse
was your question?

Have you impacted the future of the world in a negative way?

Um not purposefully no.

Okay um in what way has my generation changed the world?

Uh well the biggest thing I would say for that or the most relevent thing would probably be
technology and your acceptance of uh diverse beliefs and diverse cultures and diverse gender
groups uh ethnic minorities and so on and so forth I think that your generation is much more
advanced in that area and has changed things much more dramatically

And you see that as a positive step forward in the world?

Yeah, I see that as a positive step forward I think there are some elements of it that are perhaps um
your generation takes offense more easily and sometimes struggles to have an argument and I can
say that as a teacher as well as a parent but in general yes good advances in technology and diversity

Okay so you'd say that my generation can tend to be a little more hysterical when it comes to um
stuff like gender and race

Um I don’t know about hysterical I think that your generation sometimes assume that they're
broader minded that our generation when in actual fact there are no right and wrongs, we all have
different opinions and blended opinions I think sometimes your generation struggles with those
differences of opinions

Okay um in your opinion which generation do you believe Is more morally correct and why?

Um well that’s a really difficult question well coming from a more biblical perspective and a more
Christian perspective um that’s a difficult question because there are many young people that do
follow biblical principal along with the older generation so um, I don’t think there's any one
generation that is more, did you say morally correct? (yes) I don’t think that there is any one
generation that is more morally correct I think it just depends on you as a person regardless of your

So, you'd say it's more of your point of view of the world

Yes, and how your brought up and how you behave and how you treat people uh can be in any age
There will always be a mixture of different people with different moral compasses in each

There will I mean you could walk down the street and meet one child your age that’s willing to go
out and uh be a thief and a liar and you could meet one down the street that could never dream of
being like that and the same with people my age it doesn’t matter.

Do you think most of your generation care about what my generation cares about?

No, I don’t

Why do you believe that? Why do you say that?

Well, I think my generation we have, only because we have more responsibilities obviously, I'm a
parent you're not um and I have a lot more things to think about a lot more responsibilities to think
about. Bringing a wage and pay the bills which are very pricey at the moment so from that if that’s
what you mean

Coming from more of um a standpoint of equality and um say stuff like politics, would you say that
the generations kind of are similar in the way they care about it? From a politics standpoint.

Hm I again its very much down to I mean if you bring the politics into it its very much down to
someone's disposition whether they are liberal or whether they were quite conservative. There are
less conservative young people and that they're becoming more liberal labour orientated um so um
just what was the actual route of that question again?

Do you think that we both care the same amount for it?

Yes, I do yeah

Okay and finally. What is the biggest impact your generation has made on the world?

That’s a really hard question as well

Not maybe not the biggest but what's something that um something that’s probably a positive
impact on the world that you believe your generation has put a step towards

Yeah I can say I mean um we did uh the feed the world project in the 1980s which was huge I mean
it was enormous and raised money for people in other countries that are struggling but it wasn’t just
that it was the whole premise of that it's not just about us that everybody matters and I think our
generation has really um propelled that forward and kept that kind of um attitude in quite a relaxed
way I mean certainly my generation, I'm a product of the90s that when I was a teenager so we were
very liberal and open and um remembered that happening as children in the 1980s so yeah I think
that’s made an impact certainly um yeah

Well thank you very much that’s where we will conclude.

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