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Logical Thinking

1. In a quiz, no two students had the same score and the score of each student is equal to
n + 2 − 2k where n is a constant and k is the rank of that student. If the total score of
all participants is 2022, find the smallest possible value of n.
Answer: 342
Solution: Let m be the number of students taking the quiz. Then,

2022 = n + (n − 2) + (n − 4) + · · · + [n − 2(m − 1)]

2022 = mn − 2[1 + 2 + · · · + (m − 1)]
2022 = mn − m(m − 1)
2022 = mn − m2 + m
n= +m−1
Observe that m must be a factor of 2022 = 2 · 3 · 337. By checking, both m = 6 and
m = 337 give the smallest value of n which is 342.

2. On a plane, 100 triangles are drawn. What is the maximum number of regions that these
triangles can divide the plane into?
Answer: 29,702
Solution: By drawing the triangle one by one, the 1st triangle divides the plane in 2
regions, and the 2nd , 3rd , . . . triangle would add at most 6, 12, 18, . . . regions, respectively.
In general, when we draw the k th triangle, at most 6(k − 1) new regions can be created
since each of the three sides of the new triangle may intersect each of the k − 1 existing
triangles, and each such intersections create 2 more regions. Hence, asfter 100 triangles
have been drawn, the number of regions is at most
99 · 100
2 + (6 + 12 + 18 + · · · + 6 · 99) = 2 + 6 = 29, 702.

3. There are 12 lamps, initially off, each of which comes with a switch. When a switch is
pressed, a lamp which is off will be turned on, and a lamp which is on will be turned off.
One is allowed to press exactly 5 different switches in each round. What is the minimum
number of rounds needed so that all lamps will be turned on?
Answer: 4

Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad Heat Round 2022 (Senior Secondary Set 3)
Solution: Suppose all the lamps are turned on after n rounds. Then we have pressed the
switches 5n times in total. Note that each lamp should change state for an odd number
of times. As there are 12 lamps, the total number of times the lamps have changed state
should be an even number. This forces n to be even. Clearly, n ̸= 2 since at most
5 × 2 = 10 lamps can be turned on in 2 rounds. On the other hand, we can turn the
lamps on in 4 rounds as follows:

Round 1 : Press switches 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Round 2 : Press switches 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Round 3 : Press switches 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Round 4 : Press switches 7, 8, 9, 10, 12

Therefore, maximum number of rounds needed so that all lamps will be turned on is 4.

4. Some families form teams to join a competition. Each family consists of the father, the
mother, and not more than 5 children. There is a prize for the best father, the best mother,
and the best child, with the restriction that each family may win at most one prize. It
turns out that there are 7770 different possible combinations for the prize winners. What
is the total number of children joining the competition?
Answer: 37
Solution: Suppose that there are n families in total and m children. There are m choices
to the best child, then n − 1 choices for the best mother since the best mother cannot be
from the same family as the best child, and similarly n − 2 choices for the best father.
Hence, we have m(n − 1)(n − 2) = 7770. Now, as m ≤ 5n, we have

7770 ≤ 5n(n − 1)(n − 2) < 5n3 .

By inspection, this implies that n ≥ 12. Since (n − 1)(n − 2) is a factor of 7770, it is easy
to check that the only possibility is n = 16, which corresponds to m = 37.

5. 2022 cards are arranged in a row on a table. One of the letters A, B, and C is printed on
each card. It is found that there is at least one card between any two cards labelled A, at
least two cards between any two cards labelled B, and at least three cards between any
two cards labelled C. If the smallest and greatest possible numbers of cards labelled C
are m and M , respectively, find the value of m + M .
Answer: 1011
Solution: Consider any 4 consecutive cards. There can be at most one C since there
are at least three cards between any C’s. On the other hand, there is at least one C,
for otherwise they have to be A’s and B’s subject to the required conditions, which can
easily be seen to be impossible. In other words, there is exactly one C among any of 4
consecutive cards. Since 2022 ÷ 4 = 505.5, there must be either 505 or 506 number of
cards labelled by the letter C. Both bounds can be achieved, e.g., for the former consider
ABACABAC . . . ABAC and for the latter consider CABACABA . . . ABAC. Therefore,
m = 505 and M = 506 so that m + M = 1011.

Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad Heat Round 2022 (Senior Secondary Set 3)

√ √
6. Find the value of x if log2 x2 log2 2 10
= 15 + log2 x3 log2 5
Answer: 32
Solution: Using the properties of logarithms, we have
√ √
log2 x2 log2 2 10
= 15 + log2 x3 log2 5

log2 xlog2 40 = 15 + log2 xlog2 5

(log2 40)(log2 x) = 15 + (log2 5)(log2 x)
log2 x(log2 40 − log2 5) = 15
log2 x(log2 8 = 15
3 log2 x = 15
log2 x = 5
x = 25
x = 32

7. Find the minimum value of positive integer k such that (k 2 − 1)x2 − 6(3k − 1)x + 72 = 0
has real roots.
Answer: 3
Solution: For the quadratic equation to have real roots, the discriminant must be greater
than or equal to zero. That is,

[−6(3k − 1)]2 − 4(k 2 − 1)(72) ≥ 0

36(k − 1)2 − 288(k 2 − 1) ≥ 0
(3k − 1)2 − 8(k 2 − 1) ≥ 0
9k 2 − 6k + 1 − 8k 2 + 8 ≥ 0
k 2 − 6k + 9 ≥ 0
(k − 3)2 ≥ 0

This means that k ≥ 3. Therefore, the minimum value of k is 3.

8. Find the coefficient of x3 in the expansion of (3x2 − 2x + 5)5 .

Answer: −17, 000
Solution: Using the expansion of the trinomial, we have
X  5  X  5 
2 5 2 a b c
(3x − 2x + 5) = · (3x ) · (−2x) · 5 = · 3a · (−2)b · 5c · x2a+b
a, b, c a,b,c≥0
a, b, c
5 4!
where a, b, c ≥ 0, a + b + c = 5 and = . Since a + b + c = 5, the only possible
a, b, c a!b!c!
triples (a, b, c) so that 2a + b = 3 are (1, 1, 3) and (0, 3, 2). Therefore, the coefficient of x3
is given by

Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad Heat Round 2022 (Senior Secondary Set 3)
5 1 1 3 5
· 3 · (−2) · 5 + · 30 · (−2)3 · 52
1, 1, 3 0, 3, 2
5! 5!
= · 31 · (−2)1 · 53 + · 30 · (−2)3 · 52
1!1!3! 0!3!2!
= 20 · −750 + 10 · −200
= −15, 000 − 2, 000
== 17, 000

9. Factor x4 − 8x3 + 11x2 + 32x − 60 completely.

Answer: (x − 2)(x + 2)(x − 3)(x − 5)
Solution: By separating 11x2 into 15x2 − 4x2 , we have

x4 − 8x3 + 11x2 + 32x − 60 = x4 − 8x3 + 15x2 − 4x2 + 32x − 60

= (x4 − 8x3 + 15x2 ) − (4x2 − 32x + 60)
= x2 (x2 − 8x + 15) − 4(x2 − 8x + 15)
= (x2 − 4)(x2 − 8x + 15)
= (x − 2)(x + 2)(x − 3)(x − 5)

Therefore, x4 − 8x3 + 11x2 + 32x − 60 = (x − 2)(x + 2)(x − 3)(x − 5).

10. Let x1 , x2 , y1 , and y2 be real numbers satisfying the equations

x21 + 5x22 = 10

x1 y2 − x2 y1 = −5
 √
x1 y1 + 5x2 y2 = 105.

Find the value of y12 + 5y22 .

Answer: 23
Solution: Observe that

(x21 + 5x22 )(y12 + 5y22 ) = x21 y12 + 5x21 y22 + 5x22 y12 + 25x22 y22
= (x21 y12 + 25x22 y22 ) + (5x21 y22 + 5x22 y12 )
= (x21 y12 + 10x1 x2 y1 y2 + 25x22 y22 ) + (5x21 y22 − 10x1 x2 y1 y2 + 5x22 y12 )
= (x1 y1 + 5x2 y2 )2 + 5(x1 y2 − x2 y1 )2

10 · (y12 + 5y22 ) = ( 105)2 + 5(−5)2
105 + 125
y12 + 5y22 =
2 2
y1 + 5y2 = 23

Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad Heat Round 2022 (Senior Secondary Set 3)
Number Theory

11. Find the last two digits of 7 × 19 × 31 × · · · × 2023 where 7, 19, 31, . . . , 2023 form an
arithmetic sequence of common difference 12.
Answer: 75
Solution: Note that 7, 19, 31, . . . , 2023 form an arithmetic sequence with 169 terms and
common difference 12. Since 12 and 25 are relatively prime, at least one of the terms is
divisible by 25. Also, note that each term is congruent to −1 mod 4. As there are 169
terms, the product is also congruent to −1 mod 4. Since it is divisible by 25, therefore
the last two digits must be 75.

12. Find the smallest positive integer k such that the equation 2xy − 3x − 5y = k has an odd
number of positive integral solutions.
Answer: 5
Solution: Observe that

2xy − 3x − 5y = k
3 5 k
xy − x − y =
2 2 2
3 5 15 k 15
xy − x − y + = +
 2  2 4 2 4
5 3 2k + 15
x− y− =
2 2 4
(2x − 5)(2y − 3) = 2k + 15

When k is a positive integer, the number of positive integral solutions of the above
equation is precisely the number of positive divisors of 2k + 15. For this number to be
odd, 2k + 15 has to be a perfect square. The smallest such k is 5. Indeed, we can check
that when k = 5, the original equation has 3 solutions namely (3, 14), (5, 4), and (15, 2).
r q
p √
13. It is known that x > 0 and x = 72 9 72 9 · · ·. Find the value of x.
Answer: 1296
r q
p √
Solution: Let x = 72 9 72 9 · · ·. Note that

x = 72 9 x

x = 216 x
x = 216x 4
x 4 = 216
x 4 = 63
x = (63 ) 3
x = 64
x = 1296

Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad Heat Round 2022 (Senior Secondary Set 3)
14. Let p and q be integers such that p+q = 2025. If both roots of the equation 9x2 +px+q = 0
are positive integers, find the sum of all possible values of p.
Answer: −3114
Solution: Let α and β be the roots of the equation 9x2 + px + q = 0. Then we have
p q
α+β =− and αβ = .
9 9
This gives us

2025 = p + q
2025 = −9(α + β) + 9αβ
225 = αβ − α − β
226 = αβ − α − β + 1
226 = (α − 1)(β − 1)

As α and β are positive integers, the two factors α − 1 and β − 1 may be 1 and 226,
or 2 and 113. Hence, α and β may be 2 and 227, or 3 and 114. These corresponds to
p = −2061 and p = −1053, respectively. Therefore, the sum is −2061 − 1053 = −3114.
2 1 9
15. The parabola y = ax + bx + c has vertex at , − . If a > 0 and a + b + c is an integer,
4 8
find the minimum possible value of a.
Solution: The vertex form of the equation of the parabola is given by
1 9
y =a x− − .
4 8

Note that a + b + c is equal to the value of y when x = 1. That is,

1 9 9a 9 9a − 18
a+b+c=a 1− − = − = .
4 8 16 8 16

Thus, we need to look for the smallest positive a for which 9a − 18 is divisible by 16.
Upon checking, this corresponds to 9a − 18 = −16 which means that a = .

Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad Heat Round 2022 (Senior Secondary Set 3)

16. If the area of a triangle with side lengths 30, 20, and 24 is a × b × c × d and a ̸= b ̸=
c ̸= d ̸= 1, find the value of a + b + c + d.
Answer: 74
Solution: Using the Heron’s Formula with semiperimeter
30 + 20 + 24 74
s= = = 37
2 2
we have
√ p √
a×b×c×d= 37(37 − 30)(37 − 20)(37 − 24) = 37 · 7 · 17 · 13.

Since the radicand is a product of relatively prime numbers, without loss of generality we
may have a = 37, b = 7, c = 17, and d = 13 so that a + b + c + d = 37 + 7 + 13 + 13 = 74.
17. An interior angle of an n-sided regular polygon is (18n + 12)◦ . Find the maximum value
of n.
Answer: 6
Solution: Recall that the sum of the interior angles of an n-sided polygon is 180(n − 2)◦ .
If each of the interior angle measures (18n + 12)◦ , then

180(n − 2) = n(18n + 12)

30(n − 2) = n(3n + 2)
30n − 60 = 3n2 + 2n
3n2 − 28n + 60 = 0
(3n − 10)(n − 6) = 0

Since n must be a positive integer, therefore, the maximum value of n is 6.

18. Find the area enclosed by the graph x2 + y 2 = |x| + |y| on the xy-plane.
Answer: 2 + π
Solution: Observe that the graph is symmetric with respect to the x-axis, y-axis, and
the origin. Hence, we only need to consider the first quadrant. In the first quadrant, the
equation of the graph can be written as
 2  2
2 2 1 1 1
x +y =x+y =⇒ x− + y− = ,
2 2 2
which is a circle passing through (0, 0), (1, 0), and (0, 1). By symmetry, the whole graph
can be constructed as shown below.

Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad Heat Round 2022 (Senior Secondary Set 3)

Now, the area bounded by the curve√can be thought of as a square of side length 2
plus the four semicircles of diameter 2. Therefore, the are enclosed by the graph of the
equations is
√ !2
√ 2 1 2
( 2) + 4 · π · = 2 + π.
2 2

19. In a right-angled triangle ∆ABC, ∠B = 90◦ , D is the midpoint of BC, and E is a point
on AC such that DE bisects ∠ADC. If DE = DC = 1, find the length of AD.

Answer: 2 + 5
Solution: Consider the figure below.

Let AD = x. Then
√ √
AB = AD2 − BD2 = x2 − 1 and
√ p √
AC = AB 2 + BC 2 = (x2 − 1) + 22 = x2 + 3.

By the Angle Bisector Theorem, we have

AE AD x x x2 + 3
= = =x =⇒ AE = x · CE =⇒ AE = .
CE CD 1 x+1
Consider the circle O with BC as diameter. Since DB = DC = DE, O has center D and
passes through E. Furthermore, AB is tangent to O since ∠ABD = 90◦ . By the Power
Chord Theorem, we have

x(x2 + 3)
AB 2 = AE × AC =⇒ x2 − 1 = .

This simplifies to x2 − 4x − 1 = 0 and the only positive solution is x = 2 + 5.

Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad Heat Round 2022 (Senior Secondary Set 3)
20. Let x and y be acute angles such that sin y = 2022 cos (x + y) sin x. Find the greatest
possible value of tan y.

1011 2023
Solution: Applying the product-to-sum identity, we have

sin y = 2022 cos (x + y) sin x

sin y = [sin (2x + y) + sin (−y)]
sin y = 1011 sin (2x + y) − 1011 sin y
sin y + 1011 sin y = 1011 sin (2x + y)
1012 sin y = 1011 sin (2x + y)
sin y = sin (2x + y)
Hence, sin y ≤ and so,

1011 1011 1011 2023
tan y ≤ √ =√ = .
1012− 10112 2023 2023

Equality is possible when sin (2x + y) = 1, i.e., when 2x + y is a right angle.

Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad Heat Round 2022 (Senior Secondary Set 3)

21. How many ways are there to arrange 10 identical red balls, 5 identical green balls, and 5
identical blue balls in a row so that no two adjacent balls are of the same color?
Answer: 1764
Solution: Consider the following cases:

Case 1: No green ball and blue ball are adjacent to each other.
In this case, the red ball must either occupy the 1st , 3rd , 5th , . . . , 19th positions or 2nd , 4th , 6th ,
. . . , 20th positions. In each case, there are C210 = 252 ways to arrange the green and blue
balls. Hence, there are altogether 252 × 2 = 504 ways in this case.

Case 2: A green ball and a blue ball are adjacent to each other.
We place the ‘green-blue pair’ first. Since half of the total number of balls are red, and
that no two red balls may be adjacent, the number of empty spaces before and after this
pair must be both odd. Hence, there are 9 choices of positions of this pair, i.e., 2nd and
3rd , 4th and 5th , . . . , 18th and 19th . Of course, there are 2 ways to arrange the two balls
among the pair. After this pair is placed, the position of the red balls are fixed, e.g., if
the pair is placed in the 6th and 7th positions, then the red balls must be placed at the
1st , 3rd , 5th , . . . , 20th positions, and there are C48 = 70 ways to arrange the remaining 4
green balls and 4 blue balls. Hence, there are altogether 9×2×70 = 1260 ways in this case.

Combining the two cases. the number of ways is 504 + 1260 = 1764.
22. 25 cards are marked from 21 to 45 and 2 are drawn at random. Find the probability that
one card drawn is a multiple of 4 and another is a multiple of 7.
Solution: Observe that the set {24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44} are the cards marked with numbers
multiple of 4 and {21, 28, 35, 42} are of multiple 7. Consider the following cases:

Case 1: One number is a multiple of 4 and another is a multiple of 7, none of which is 28.
The probability that a number is a multiple of 4 but not the number 28 is while the
probability that a number is a multiple of 7 but not the number 28 is . Since there are
2 ways to do these, hence we have
5 3 1
2× × = .
25 24 20
Case 2: One number is 28 and the other is a multiple of 4.
The probability that a number is 28 is and the probability that the other number is
a multiple of 4 is . Since there are 2 ways to do these, hence we have
1 5 1
2× × = .
25 24 60

Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad Heat Round 2022 (Senior Secondary Set 3)
Case 3: One number is 28 and the other is a multiple of 7.
The probability that a number is 28 is and the probability that the other number is
a multiple of 7 is . Since there are 2 ways to do these, hence we have
1 3 1
2× × = .
25 24 100

Adding all these cases, we have

1 1 3 23
+ + = .
20 60 100 300

23. There are 52 cards marked with numbers 1 to 13 and there are 4 cards of each number.
If we pick 4 cards randomly, what is the probability that the 4 cards are marked with
different numbers?
Solution: Without restriction, the number of ways to draw 4 cards is C452 . Now, number
of ways to draw 4 cards of the same number is

C14 × C13 × C12 × C11

13 × = 13.
Hence, the probability of drawing 4 cards marked with different numbers is
13 1 20824
1− 52
=1− = .
C4 20825 20825

24. In a party there are 8 boys and 10 girls. Each participant wears a red, yellow, or blue
hat, such that no two participants of opposite gender wear hats of the same color. How
many possibilities are there for the colors of the hats worn by the participants.
Answer: 3834
Solution: Pick any one boy and one girl. There are 3 × 2 = 6 ways to assign the colors of
their hats. Without loss of generality, suppose the boy is assigned a red hat and the girl
is assigned the yellow hat. Now, we try to assign hats to the remaining participants.

· If at least one boy has a blue hat, then all the girls have yellow hats and there are
27 − 1 = 127 ways of assigning hats to the remaining boys, each may get a red or a
blue hat, but not all red.
· Similarly, if at least one girl has a blue hat, there are 29 − 1 = 511 possibilities.
· If nobody is assigned a blue hat, there is only 1 possibility, i.e., all boys have red
hats and all girls have yellow hats.

Combining all these cases, we have a total possibilities of 6 × (127 + 511 + 1) = 3834.

Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad Heat Round 2022 (Senior Secondary Set 3)
25. In a drawer, there are x white gloves and y red gloves with x > y and x + y ≤ 2026. When
two gloves are drawn at random, the probability that the two gloves are of the same color
is exactly . Find the largest possible value of x.
Answer: 1035
Solution: The number of ways of selecting two gloves of the same color is C2x + C2y while
the number of ways of selecting two gloves of different color is xy. Since the probability
that the two gloves are of the same color is exactly , thus
C2x + C2y = xy
x(x − 1) y(y − 1)
+ = xy
2 2
x2 − x + y 2 − y = 2xy
x2 − 2xy + y 2 =x+y
(x − y)2 = x + y.

Now, since
(x − y) + (x + y) (x − y) + (x − y)2
x= = ,
2 2
maximizing x is equivalent to maximizing x−y. As (x−y)2 = x+y ≤ 2026, the maximum
possible value of x − y = 45. This corresponds to x + y = 452 = 2025. Therefore, the
maximum value of x is
(x − y) + (x + y) 45 + 2025
= = 1035.
2 2

Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad Heat Round 2022 (Senior Secondary Set 3)

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