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CAS Project:

Road Safety Awareness Campaign

CAS Strand fulfilled:

Creativity, Service

Group number 02:

Vedang Goyal, Khwaish Hira, Suhani Morde, Shaun Landers, Samay Sanghvi, Nidhi

While there is national concern about a variety of road safety issues, the level of
concern regarding each of these problems may vary across individual communities.
In addition, road safety problems are local, meaning that the specific characteristics
of a problem are often unique in each community. This campaign enabled us to
make a difference, even if it was at a local level. First of all, we are thankful for being
given this opportunity. Through this activity, we became much more aware of safety
hazards, road safety guidelines, and how to combat these issues. We now
understand and recognize the importance of safety on road. We have also become
aware of our strengths and weaknesses, and have gotten to know each other better.
Over-all, this was a great experience as it helped us bond well while also attempting
to tackle so important an issue in today's world.

Learning Outcomes:

Strength and Growth:

Through this activity, we became aware of our strengths and talents. We were able
to see ourselves as individuals, and understand that we can make choices on our
own about how we wish to move forward.

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Challenge and Skills:

A few members in our team are not as skilled in digital art, and making posters
seemed to be a huge challenge for them. However, with effective communication
and honest introspection, we were able to figure a way out of this crisis. Some of us
also discovered a new talent and we look forward to polishing this new found skill.

Initiative & planning:

We all collectively articulated a plan- from deciding our main area of focus, to
managing time and our schedules. We shared our knowledge, and divided work
amongst ourselves.

Working collaboratively with others:

We held meetings to discuss how we were going to go about this activity. Active
participation and enthusiasm by every member helped make this activity a success.

Showing perseverance and commitment:

Every member showed perseverance and commitment, and was able to deliver one
poster each before the due date. All of us accepted our share of responsibility with
enthusiasm, and dealt with problems encountered during the course of this activity.

Global engagement:
We were able to identify and demonstrate our understanding of global issues in a
creative manner, make responsible decisions, and take appropriate action in
response to the issue we are trying to address and spread awareness about.


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Poster by Vedang Goyal on Drunk Driving.

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Poster by Khwaish Hira on Drunk Driving.

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Poster by Suhani Morde on Importance of Seat Belts.

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Poster by Shaun Landers.

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Poster by Samay Sanghvi on Over-speeding.

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Poster by Nidhi Patil on Over-speeding.

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