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Subject: National Service Training Program 1 Instructor: Allain Randy A. Bulilan

Topic: Leadership Training Contact No.: 09270371800


After completion of this module, the student shall be able to understand the importance of good leadership in any
kind of endeavor.
This topic in return equip the students to grasp what are the essentials in good leadership and hoe to acquire them.

This module discusses leadership training in which the leader inspires the followers to perform well and develop
their own leadership potential. To lead men in any endeavor you have to understand what is human behavior and its relation to
In any organization, be it military, business corporations, political or socio civic organizations, good leadership plays
a pivotal role on the success of its operations and objectives. Good leadership pushes an organization up to the pinnacle of its
success, while on the other hand bad leadership or none of it, caused the downfall of any existing organizations, companies, or
For those concern of their future, carving a dignified name under the sun, it is very well proposed to start early
understanding, developing and applying the common characteristics of a good leader and the factors involve to make a good leader.

Human Behavior ( – defined as “the capacity of mental, physical, emotional and social
activities experienced during the various stages of human life”

5 stages of human life:

a) Prenatal c) Childhood
b) Infancy d) Adolescence e) Adulthood (including old age)

Human Development or Development Psychology – a field of study that attempts to describe and explain the changes
in human cognitive emotional and behavioral capabilities and functioning over the entire life.

Motivation – means the drive and ambition needed to achieve our goals.
Motivation encompasses the “internal” and “external” factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be
continually interested in and committed to a job, role or subject and to exert persistent efforts in attaining a goal or objective.
Motivation results from interaction among “conscious” and “unconscious” factors such as:
1. Intensity of desire or need
2. Incentive or reward value of the goal
3. Expectations of the individual

Ex. Internal factors → your realization that being a poor always a victim of hardship, injustices, and embarrassments
→so you are driven to resign from being a poor fellow, but how?
→you decided to finish a baccalaureate education (4-5 years degree) through free tertiary
education in your local College (ambition)
External factors →in your community you observed how good and lively life is for rich and affluent family
(Environment) →they can buy what they want anytime, anywhere
→living in comfort and happiness eating delicious foods, wearing smart clothes’
→these factors motivate you to leave poverty and work hard, endure sacrifices to meet your goal
to be rich or if not at least enjoy life with comfort and affluence.

Leadership → refers to “acts of leading” or “the process of social influence in which a person can enlist the aid
and support of others in accomplishment of a common task”.
→often they said some people are good leaders while others are not? What’s the basis of this
→from a follower’s perspective , good leadership can be attributed to qualities that make people
follow a leader.

Characteristics of a Good Leader:

1. Vision – good leaders knows where they want to go
→they can motivate people to believe in their vision or their country, community and family
2. Wit (mental capacity, intellectual power) – can make sound judgement and decisions even during crucial
→desperate situations needs desperate solutions
3. Passion (specific emotion or desire) – are very passionate and intensely obsessed in whatever they are focused
on, be it business, sport hobby or a cause (political, humanitarian, societal etc.)
4. Compassion (mercy, pity) – show compassion/understanding for their supporters/followers
→consistently care for their constituents
→not selfish individuals who think only about their wants/need
→they have a heart for others
5. Charisma (a special divine gift, extra-ordinary ability) – captivating, charming individuals who tend to draw
people toward them
→it could be because of the way they talk, move or carry themselves
6. Communication skills – usually are great orators and persuaders
→can express their ideas clearly/convincingly
7. Persistence (existing continuously; determined) – never surrender to attain their goals in spite of the obstacles
and problems
8. Integrity – they mean what they say
→they keep their promises and reliable
9. Daring – they are bold, willing to take risk/challenge
→determine to chase dreams amid the reality of fear and uncertainty
“Courage is the virtue on which all other virtues rest.” (Winston Churchill )
10. Discipline – observe self-control and order
→stay focused and steady regardless of the situation
Transformational Leadership – “a form of leadership that occurs when leaders broaden, elevate the interest of their
employees.” (Bass 1990)
→stimulate their employees to look beyond their own self-interest for the good of the group/org.
→as role models, motivate employees to be more innovative
→inspire employees to take personal risks
→not afraid to use unconventional (but ethical) methods to achieve the collective vision
→trust their subordinates, give them enough space to breathe and grow

Transactional Leadership – is based on power that makes use of rewards and coercion to deliver benefits to members
→to use force or instill fear to achieve goals (ex. Colonization, vote-buying)
→emphasizes corrective action and rewards only when performance expectations are met.
→relies mainly on centralized control
→direct most activities by telling each subordinate what, when and how to do it
Four (4) Components of Transformational Leader:
1. Charisma – envisioning and building confidence, set high standards to be followed
2. Inspirational motivation – provides followers with challenges and meaning/reasons for engaging in shared goals
and undertakings
3. Intellectual Stimulation – generate creative solutions to problems
4. Individualized consideration – provides coaching, mentoring and growth opportunities

Three (3) Types of Functions: Transformational leadership.

1. Task Functions – defining the tasks
→making the plan
→allocating tasks
→controlling tasks
→checking performance
→adjusting the plan
2. Team Functions – setting the standards
→enforcing discipline
→promoting team spirit
→developing sub-leaders
3. Individual Functions – attending to personal problems
→enhancing confidence
→giving status pride
→using abilities of the people within the org
→involving individuals in decision-making process

Leadership Development: Factors

1. Develop a pool of leaders
→find people with basic leadership
→assure a democratic process
→widen the area of specialization
2. Provide knowledge and skills
→build leader’s personal capacities
→recognize this as a lifelong process
3. Support active leaders
→do not place them in position and abandon them
→maintain active support to leaders

Seven (7) habits of Highly Effective People: (Stephen Covey)

1. Be proactive – use some creativity and some initiative
Proactive →means being able to take responsibility for your life
2. Begin with the end in mind
→know where you want to go
→envision your goal and make it happen
3. Put First Things first – practice self-management
→know your priorities
4. Think win-win – enter agreement or make solutions that are mutually beneficial and satisfying to both parties.
5. Seek to understand – then to be understood
→putting yourself in someone’s else shoes
→”the best way to understand is to listen”
→by listening to a person’s explanation, only then can you evaluate, probe, give advice and interpret his/her
6. Synergize – is the habit of creative cooperation
→better results can be produced as a group that as individuals
7. Sharpen the saw
→many things evolve and develop so fast that you need to update thru various food for the brain resources.
→a sense of humor is vital to relieve tension and boredom as well as defuse hostility.
Teamwork – the process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a goal.
→means that people will try to cooperate by using their individual skills and providing constructive
→it brings people together for a common purpose or goal.
Time Management - the art of arranging, organizing, scheduling and budgeting one’s time for the purpose of
generating more effective work and productivity.
→it is important to everyone
→an important aspect of time manage is “planning”
→keeping a calendar or daily planner is helpful to stay on task but “discipline” is also a must.
Decision Making – is a process that involves select6ing the most logical choice from among two or more options.
→instrumental in the survival and propensity of human beings.


Direction: Write in your own handwriting your answer in yellow pads paper.

Activity 1 – FILL IN THE BLANKS.

1. To lead men in any endeavor you have to understand what is __________ and its relation to ______________
2. The capacity of _____, _____, _____ and _____ activities experience during the various stages of human life.
3. Leadership refers to act of _____.
4. Good leadership can be attributed to qualities that make people _____ a leader.
5. Desperate situations needs _____ solutions.
6. ______ is a process that involves selecting the most logical choice from among two or more _______.
7. An important aspect of time management is ______.
8. Team is defined as a group of _____ passionately committed to their ______ goal.
9. _______ the process of working ______ with a group of people in order to achieve a _____.
10. Motivation means the _____ and _____ needed to achieve our goals.
11. Motivations results from interaction among _____ and _____ factors.
12. The best way to understand is to _______.
13. Synergize is the habit of creative _______.
14. Put first things first means know your _____.
15. ______ means being able to take responsibility for your life.
16. Team functions involve setting _______, enforcing ________, promoting ______, developing _______ and _________

Activity 2 – Enumeration
1. Give the three (3) factors of leadership development.
2. What are the seven (7) habits of Highly Effective people?
3. Enumerate five (5) stages of human life.
4. Give the characteristics of a good leader.
5. What are the four (4) components of Transformational leader?
6. What are the three (3) types of functions of transformational leadership?

In your own words/ideas, please kindly explain what is meant by Pres. Winston Churchill’s remarks “Courage is the virtue on
which all other virtues rest.”
1. Human Person Gearing Towards
Social Development NSTP-CWTS 1
Worktext for College Students 2nd Edition
by H.S Villasoto
N.S. Villasoto

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