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Biographical Poem

Is sad, lost, and confused

Loves to sleep, rest, and sleep
Is good at nothing, nothing, and nothing
Feels empty, unhappy, hopeless
Needs a motivation, a purpose, and a will to live
Wants to graduate, make my parents proud, and to be happy
Fears rejection, death, and losing my sanity
Like to eat hamburger, fries, and ice cream
Watches monster, bojack horseman, erased
Resident of Brgy. Zone 4

I Am Poem
I am a lazy and pessimistic
I wonder what will happen after death
I hear my thought asking ”does this life worth living? ”
I see no vision in my life
I want nothing in life
I am lazy and pessimistic
I pretend I have a goal, a dream even do I don’t have a plan
I feel I’m lost
I touch the sky to know who it feels to be free
I worry that I’ll lose my sanity
I cry even do, I don’t have any tears left
I am lazy and pessimistic
I understand nothing in this life
I say “nothing really matters, at some point we’re all gonna die
I dream of nothing
I try to do my best
I hope that I’ll find a purpose in life
I am lazy and pessimistic

Look In The Mirror Poem

I look in the mirror and what do I see?
A tired, exhausted, confused person looking at me
I’m really good at nothing
And love to sleep
I spend lots of time thinking what I’m gonna do in my future
And can’t wait for this pandemic to end
I could improve my posture
And motivating myself is hard for me
But I know if I try, I’ll be the best I can be

Opposite poem
I love to hang out with my friends
I dislike when their too much modules
I have great group of friends
I want best things for them
My friend say I am a great listener
My family says I have great group of friends
One day I will find someone that will love me unconditional
I will never be an abusive to my partner
My favorite foods are the sweet one
I’ll never eat a raw meat
I feel sad when I’m being ignore
I feel happy when I have lots of money
I feel save when I’m home
I feel scared when walking alone at late night
Lovely and short

Lovely, intelligent
Loving caring, stunning
A beautiful majestic creature
Girl friend

Gentle, soft
Cooking< cleaning, sewing
Needles, thread, scissors, buttons
Working buying, paying
Busy, hard
Gorgeous, intelligent
Caring, loving, charming
She is my crush. Who’s yours?

A dog
Big and strong
Playing and barking
A pretty lady
Walks by

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