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Lecture Session 4 September 29, 2021

MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY glyco sweet glycosuria

hemi half hemisphere
– The study of terms or words used in medicine. hyper above, hyperglycemia
– It is necessary for medical professionals to excessive
know, understand, and be able to correctly use hypo under, deficient hypoventilation
medical terms in order to carry out instructions infra beneath infracostal
and to communicate effectively. inter among, intercostals
– Most of the stems, prefixes, and suffixes used in between
medical terms are derived from Latin or Greek intra within intracranial
words and have a specific meaning. iso equal isotonic
– By combining various prefixes, stems, and macro large macrocyte
suffixes, many medical terms with precise
mal bad, abnormal malformation
meanings may be formed.
medi middle medicephalic
STUCTURE OF MEDICAL TERMS mega huge, great megaloblast
• Prefix – Modifying word or syllable(s) placed at meta after, next metamorphosi
the beginning of a word s
• Stem – Main part of a word; root word micro small, microscope
• Suffix- – Modifying word or syllables(s) placed one-millionth
at the end of a word mon(o) one, single monocyte
• Terminology – Terms used in any specialized morph shape morphogenesi
field s
necro dead necrophobia
neo new neoplasm
PREFIX DEFINITION EXAMPLE OF neutro neutral, neither neutrophil
USAGE oligo few oliguria
a, an absent,deficien anemia pan all pandemic
t para beside, paramedic
ab away from absent accessory
ad toward adrenal per through percutaneous
ambi both ambidextrous peri around pericardium
aniso unequal anisocytosis phago to eat phagocyte
ante before antenatal poly many polyuria
ant(i) against antibiotic pseudo false pseudopodia
auto self autograft retro backward retroactive
baso blue basophil semi half semiconscious
bi two binuclear sub under subcutaneous
bio life biochemistry super,supr above superinfection
brady slow bradycardia a
circum around circumnuclear tachy swift tachycardia
co,com,con with,together concentrate therm heat thermometer
contra against contraception trans through transport
de down,from decay tri three trimester
di two dimorphic
dia through dialysis
diplo double diplococcus
dis apart, away disease
dys bad,difficult, dysphagia
e,ecto,ex out from ectoparasite
end(o) inside, within endoparasite
enter(o) intestine enterotoxin
epi upon, after epidermis
equi equal equilibrium
Lecture Session 4 September 29, 2021


Adeno gland lymphadenitis algia pain Neuralgia
arter artery arteriogram blast primitive, germ erythroblast
arthr joint arthritis centesis puncture amniocentesis
calc stone calcify cide death bactericide
carcin cancer carcinogen ectomy excision gastrectomy
chol bile, gall cholesterol emesis vomiting hematemesis
bladder emia in the blood bilirubinemia
chrom color chromogen genic origin, bilirubinemia
cyan blue cyanosis producing
cyt(o) cell monocyte ia state, anuria
edema swelling edematous condition
erythro red erythrocyte iasis process, amebiasis
febr fever afebrile condition
hem(a) blood hematology itis inflammation pharyngitis
hepat(o) liver hepatitis lysis free, breaking hemolysis
histo tissue histology down
iatro physician podiatrist (o)logy study of pathology
lip fat lipoma oma tumor hepatoma
morph Shape, form morphology osis state, leukocytosis
myo muscle myositis condition
nephro kidney nephrectomy penia lack of leukopenia
onc tumor oncology phil affinity for eosinophil
oto ear otitis plastic, to form or hyperplasia
path disease pathogen plasia mold
phleb vein phlebitis poiesis to make hemopoiesis
pod foot pseudopod rrhage excessive flow hemorrhage
ren kidney adrenal stasis Same, hemostasis
sep poison septic standing still
soma(t) body somatic troph(y) nourishment hypertrophy
tox(ic) poison toxicology
ur(o), uria urine hematuria
ven vein intravenous
Lecture Session 4 September 29, 2021

VDRL Venereal Disease Research

ABBREVIATION DEFINITION VLDL very low density lipoprotein
Hb, Hgb hemoglobin WBC White blood cell
HBV hepatitis B virus A Absorbance
hCG human chorionic gonadoropin AFB Acid fast bacillus
- bicarbonate AIDS Acquired immunodeficiency
HCO3 syndrome
Hct hematocrit ALP, AP Alkaline phosphatase
HDL Chol high density lipoprotein ALT Alanine aminotransferase
cholesterol AST Aspartate aminotransferas
HIV human immunodeficiency BP Blood pressure
virus BUN Blood urea nitrogen
HPF High power field CBC Complete blood count
HSV herpes simplex virus CK Creatine kinase
IgG immunoglobulin G CPK Creatine phosphokinase
IgM immunoglobulin M CSF Cerebrospinal fluid
IM infectious mononucleosis EBV Epstein-Barr virus
IU international unit ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation
LD, LDH lactate dehydrogenase rate
LDL, Chol low density lipoprotein GGT Gamma glutamyl transferase
cholesterol GI Gastrointestinal
LPF low power field GTT Glucose tolerance test
M molar, molarity GU Genitourinary
MCH mean corpuscular
MCHC mean corpuscular
hemoglobin concentration
MCV mean corpuscular volume
MI Myocardial infarction
MLT medical laboratory technician
mmol millimole
MT medical technologist
N normal, normality
pH a number indicating the
hydrogen ion concentration of
a solution
PP postprandial
PT prothrombin time, pro time
RA rheumatoid arthritis
RBC red blood cell
RF rheumatoid factors
RPR rapid plasma regain
Sed rate sedimentation rate
S.I. Le System International
sp. Gr. specific gravity
Staph Staphylococcus
Stat immediately
Strep Streptococcus
STS serological test for syphilis
UA urinalysis, uric acid
UTI urinary tract infection
VD venereal disease
Lecture Session 4 September 29, 2021

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