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THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 274, No. 31, Issue of July 30, pp.

21631–21636, 1999
© 1999 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.

Transport of Water and Glycerol in Aquaporin 3 Is Gated by H1*

(Received for publication, March 3, 1999, and in revised form, May 13, 1999)

Thomas Zeuthen‡ and Dan Arne Klaerke

From The Panum Institute, Blegdamsvej 3C, DK 2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark

Aquaporins (AQPs) were expressed in Xenopus laevis macrophysical concepts such as pore diameter and pore length.
oocytes in order to study the effects of external pH and This is mainly due to the lack of knowledge about the structure
solute structure on permeabilities. For AQP3 the os- of the putative pore and the nature of the chemical interactions
motic water permeability, Lp, was abolished at acid pH with the permeating molecules (11, 12). Our data for AQP3
values with a pK of 6.4 and a Hill coefficient of 3. The Lp suggest a model where the permeation of water and polyols are
values of AQP0, AQP1, AQP2, AQP4, and AQP5 were determined by the formation of hydrogen bonds between the
independent of pH. For AQP3 the glycerol permeability pore and the permeating molecule. From a physiological point
PGl, obtained from [14C]glycerol uptake, was abolished of view, it is interesting that both the glycerol and the water
at acid pH values with a pK of 6.1 and a Hill coefficient transport through the AQP3 exhibited a strong, immediate,
of 6. Consequently, AQP3 acts as a glycerol and water and reversible pH dependence. Such short term and direct
channel at physiological pH, but predominantly as a
gating of transport is a novel feature of aquaporins.
glycerol channel at pH values around 6.1. The pH effects
were reversible. The interactions between fluxes of wa- MATERIALS AND METHODS
ter and straight chain polyols were inferred from reflec- Details of the preparation of mRNA, the preparation and injection of
tion coefficients (s). For AQP3, water and glycerol inter- Xenopus oocytes, and the set-up for Lp and s measurements have been
acted by competing for titratable site(s): sGl was 0.15 at described in detail previously (6, 13, 14). For measurements of the
neutral pH but doubled at pH 6.4. The s values were water permeability (Lp) and reflection coefficients (s) oocytes were
smaller for polyols in which the —OH groups were free placed in a chamber (30 ml) in which solution changes could be accom-
to form hydrogen bonds. The activation energy for the plished within 5 s (90% complete). The oocytes were stabilized by the
transport processes was around 5 kcal mol21. We sug- insertion of two microelectrodes, which also recorded the membrane
gest that water and polyols permeate AQP3 by forming potential. The presence of the microelectrodes did not affect the meas-
urements (6, 14). Oocyte volumes were monitored on-line with an ac-
successive hydrogen bonds with titratable sites.
curacy of 0.03% equal to about 0.4 nl, via an inverted microscope
connected to a charge coupled device camera. Lp and s were obtained
from the initial rate of volume decrease induced by the addition of 20
Aquaporins (AQPs)1 are a class of membrane proteins that mosmol of test solute to the control bathing solution. The s of a given
allows osmotic water transport probably via an aqueous pore polyol was obtained from the ratio between the volume changes induced
(1). Some AQPs can transport other solutes as well, AQP3 for by the polyol and mannitol. The control bathing solution contained in
example, supports significant fluxes of glycerol (2–7). It has mM: 90 NaCl, 20 mosmol of mannitol, 2 KCl, 1 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, 10
HEPES or MES, osmolarity 214 mosmol; pH was adjusted according to
long been known that glycerol transport across the plasma the type of experiment. Test solutions were obtained by adding 20 mM
membrane of the red blood cell is mediated by a pore and that mannitol or one of the following straight chain polyols (mole weights
the transport mechanism is inhibited at low pH (8, 9). Recently and boiling points (°C), respectively, in parentheses): ethylene glycol,
it was established that AQP3 is involved in glycerol transport EG (62, 197); 1,2-propanediol, PD (76, 187); glycerol, Gl (92, 193);
in the red blood cell (10). This raises the questions of whether 1,2-butandiol, B12 (90, 192); 1,3-butandiol, B13 (90, 204); 1,4-butandiol,
glycerol transport in AQP3 is gated by H1 and whether water B14 (90, 230); 2,3-butandiol, B23 (90, 184); 1,2-pentandiol, P12 (104,
206); 1,4-pentandiol, P14 (104, not detected); 1,5-pentandiol, P15 (104,
transport through AQP3 and other AQPs is also sensitive to 242), and 2,4-pentandiol, P24 (104, 201); the structures are indicated in
H 1. Fig. 1B. The isotonic test solution was obtained by replacing 20 mosmol
We have previously applied a fast and high resolution optical of mannitol in the control solution by 20 mosmol of glycerol.
method to determine the transport properties of AQPs ex- The glycerol permeability, PGl, was derived from [14C]glycerol up-
pressed in Xenopus oocytes (6). Here we combine this method takes. The oocytes were equilibrated for at least 2.5 min in the given
with tracer measurements in order to study the effects of H1, test solution before being transferred for 0.5–10 min to 3 ml of the
stirred test solution to which 4 mCi ml21 [14C]glycerol (Amersham
temperature, and solute structure on transport of water, glyc- Pharmacia Biotech, code CFB 174, ethanol-free) had been added. To
erol, and other straight chain polyols. The study is performed terminate uptake, oocytes were washed twice in ice-cold medium and
predominantly in AQP3, but also in AQP0, AQP1, AQP2, transferred to scintillation vials, incubated for approximately 1 h at
AQP4, and AQP5. room temperature with 1 ml of 20% SDS before addition of 15 ml of
At present, transport models are restricted to the use of scintillation fluid (Packard Opti-Fluor), and counting in a scintillation
counter (Packard Tri-Carb).
The Lp and PGl were analyzed as functions of external pH by fitting
* This work was supported by the Sundhedsvidenskabelige Forskn- to a Boltzmann function: exp[(pH 2 pK)/DH]/(1 1 exp[(pH 2 pK)/DH]).
ingsråd and the NOVO NORDISK Foundation. The costs of publication DH is a measure of the steepness of the curve around pK and is related
of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. to the Hill coefficient n 5 d(log Lp)/d(pH) via n 5 1/(2.3 DH).
This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in ac- A phenomenological analysis of the volume and solute fluxes and the
cordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. coupling between them was obtained from irreversible thermodynamics
‡ To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: 45-3532-7582; (15), with glycerol as an example,
Fax: 45-3532-7526; E-mail:
The abbreviations used are: AQPs, aquaporins; EG, 1,2-ethanediol JV 5 2A*R*T*Lp*~DCi 1 sGl*DCGl! (Eq. 1)
(ethylene glycol); PD, 1,2-pentanediol; Gl, 1,2,3-propanetriol (glycerol);
B12, 1,2-butandiol; B13, 1,3-butandiol; B14, 1,4-butandiol; B23, 2,3- JGl 5 A*R*T*PGl*DCGl 1 JV*CGl9*~1 2 sGl! (Eq. 2)
butandiol; P12, 1,2-pentandiol; P14, 1,4-pentandiol; P15, 1,5-pentan-
diol; P24, 2,4-pentandiol; MES, 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid. where JV is the volume flow, determined from the initial rate of change

This paper is available on line at 21631

This is an Open Access article under the CC BY license.
21632 Water Gate

FIG. 1. Reflection coefficients (s)

for straight chain polyols. A, four con-
secutive measurements from one oocyte
expressing AQP3 challenged with 20
mosmol of glycerol (Gl), 1,2-butandiol
(B12), 2,3-butandiol (B23), and urea,
which has the same osmotic effects as
mannitol (6). B, the s values of EG, PD,
Gl; the butandiols B12, B13, B14, B23;
and the pentandiols P12, P14, P15, and
P24 compared with s of the impermeable
mannitol (Man), which is taken as one.
Numbers in parentheses are the number
of tests and the number of oocytes, respec-
tively. Structures of the test solutes are
given above. An open circle indicates an
(—OH) group, and squares indicate back-
bone carbons. Each carbon has four
bonds, but single hydrogen atoms and as-
sociated bonds are not shown.

in oocyte volume. JGl is the flux of glycerol, determined from tracer The possibility that the test solute crosses the membrane via
uptake. A is the true oocyte surface area: with an average diameter of another route than the AQP and diminishes the driving force
1.35-mm, oocytes have an apparent surface area of 5.9 mm2. Folding of
the membrane increases this area by a factor of nine (16) to give the
during the measurement can be excluded (6). Consider in the
true surface area A 5 0.53 cm2. R is the gas constant and T the absolute present investigation the most permeable test solute, EG. If a
temperature. DCi is the transmembrane concentration difference of flux of EG (via the membrane or in between the membrane and
impermeable solutes such as mannitol; DCGl is the difference in glycerol the AQPs) should lead to any significant intracellular accumu-
concentration. CGl9 is the average concentration of glycerol in the aque- lation within the test period of 10 –20 s, then sEG would be
ous pore. The coupling between the solute and volume fluxes in the
small for both AQP3 and AQP1. In fact, sEG for AQP3 was close
aquaporin can be characterized by s (Equations 10 –56 in Ref. 15),
to zero, for AQP1 it was about one.
sGl 5 1 2 R*T*PGl*~Dx/ww!*fsw (Eq. 3) The permeability arising from the native oocyte membrane
where Dx/ww is a constant that gives the ratio of the membrane thick-
was small. In the native oocytes addition of mannitol gave an
ness to the volume fraction of water, fsw is a formal frictional factor that Lp of 0.33 6 0.02 (1025 cm s21 (osmol liter21)21) (nine oocytes),
gives the coupling between the solute (glycerol) and water in the pore. which was about 20 times smaller than that of oocytes express-
Changes in s, which arise from partial molar volume effects, are ig- ing AQP0 to AQP5. The s values were all smaller than one: for
nored because they were too small to affect the measured values. It Gl, 0.90; PD, 0.83; EG, 0.63; 12B, 0.45; 13B, 0.59; 14B, 0.83;
follows that a s significantly smaller than 1 is evidence for interaction
23B, 0.69; 12P, 0.56; 14P, 0.70; 15P, 0.73; 24P, 0.53, all with
between solute and water and that 1 2 sGl is proportional to the
glycerol permeability, PGl, times the friction, fsw. We will refer to this S.E. values around 10% (four oocytes).
term as the interaction and relate Arrhenius activation energies (Ea) to pH Dependence of Lp, s, and Membrane Potential—The Lp of
this. AQP3 was immediately affected by shifts in external pH. When
The parameters presented have been corrected for the fluxes taking the pH of the bath solution was changed to acidic values, the Lp
place via the membrane of the native oocytes. All numbers are given as began to decrease within 1–3 s (compare Fig. 2, A and B). The
means 6 S.E., unless otherwise stated the number in parentheses is the
number of experiments in at least four oocytes.
inhibition was complete in about 60 s, at which time Lp equaled
that of native oocytes. To ensure steady states at a given pH,
RESULTS oocytes were adapted for at least 2 min before Lp and s were
Lp and s at pH 7.4 —For AQP3 the Lp was 6.9 6 0.3 (1025 cm recorded. The steady state Lp had a marked pH dependence
s (osmol liter21)21) (29 oocytes). The s values for the polyols
with a pK of 6.4 6 0.01, a Hill coefficient of 2.7 6 0.3 (x2 5
were all smaller than 1, for data see Fig. 1. For AQP1 the Lp 0.017, 119 recordings from nine oocytes), and complete inhibi-
was 6.8 6 0.3 (1025 cm s21 (osmol liter21)21) (8 oocytes). sGl tion at pH values below 5.5 (Fig. 2C). The inhibition was
was 0.94 6 0.01 (35), sPD was 0.93 6 0.02 (32), and sEG was reversible; at the return to external pH of 7.4, Lp immediately
0.95 6 0.01 (36), all significantly lower than 1. began to recover (Fig. 2B) and was normalized in about 60 s. In
Water Gate 21633
FIG. 2. Inhibition of Lp in AQP3 by
H1 ions. A, volume changes of an AQP3
expressing oocyte challenged by 20
mosmol of mannitol at an external pH
maintained at 7.4. B, volume changes of
the same oocyte challenged by 20 mosmol
of mannitol simultaneously with a change
in bathing solution pH from 7.4 to 5.4.
This caused initially a volume change
with a rate about half the value observed
when pH was kept constant at 7.4. After
about 100 s the osmotic challenge was
removed and pH maintained at 5.4; this
induced only a small shrinkage. Re-expo-
sure to 20 mosmol of mannitol (after
200 s) resulted in only small volume
changes, which were of the order seen in
native oocytes. After about 250 s external
pH was returned to 7.4; under the influ-
ence of the osmotic gradient maintained
by the 20 mosmol of mannitol the oocyte
immediately began to shrink. After about
325 s the 20 mosmol of mannitol was re-
moved (pH maintained at 7.4) and the
oocyte volume returned toward its control
value. C, Lp of oocytes expressing AQP3
(●) and AQP1 (M) as a function of exter-
nal pH under steady state conditions: Lp
was recorded after at least 2 min of adap-
tation to the given pH. For comparison,
all Lp values at pH 7.4 are normalized to
one. Lp of AQP3 had a pK of 6.4 6 0.01
and a Hill coefficient of 2.7 6 0.29 (x2 5
0.017) and was completely abolished for
pH values below 5.6. The numbers at each
point are the number of oocytes, and the
bar shows the S.E. if larger than the ex-
tension of the point. The two points at
pH 5 3 are single observations. The AQP1
data are 66 recordings collected from
three oocytes; for this aquaporin there
was no change in Lp with external pH.

about one-third of the oocytes, changes in bathing solution pH the range 22 to 15.6 °C (3.4 6 0.6 kcal mol21). Oocytes only
under isotonic conditions resulted in short lasting (typically survived about 10 min at 31 °C as judged from the membrane
2 s) transient changes in oocyte volume of about 0.1%; we have potential. Ea for (1 2 s12B) was 4.5 6 1.6 kcal mol21 (four
no explanation of this phenomenon. The Lp values of the other oocytes) and for (1 2 s23B) it was 4.8 kcal mol21 (two oocytes),
AQPs were insensitive to external pH. The Lp of AQP1 was measurements at 15 and 22 °C.
measured for pH values between 7.4 and 4.5 (Fig. 2C). For Glycerol Uptake by AQP3—The uptake rate for glycerol de-
AQP0, AQP2, AQP4, and AQP5 there were no significant dif- creased with time, but was practically constant for the first min
ferences between the Lp values measured at pH 7.4 and at 4.5 in the following experiments (Fig. 3A). In hypertonic test solu-
(data not shown). tions, where 20 mM of glycerol was added to the control bathing
For AQP3 the reflection coefficients for glycerol (sGlyc) and solution at pH 7.4, the initial rate of uptake (JGl) was 2.4 6 0.15
formamide (sForm) were sensitive to external pH. In steady (1029 mol min21 oocyte21) (15 oocytes). Given the average
state sGl was 0.15 6 0.01 (15) at pH 7.4 and 0.32 6 0.02 (23) at surface area of 0.53 cm2 this gives a PGl of 2.8 6 0.25 (1026 cm
pH 6.4. sForm was 0.23 6 0.04 (13) at pH 7.4 and 0.53 6 0.03 s21) (Fig. 3B). The uptake into native oocytes was measured to
(24) at pH 6.4. The changes were reversible.
be less than 4% of JGl (Fig. 3A) and has been corrected for in
Acid pH reduced the membrane potential of the oocytes. At
PGl. PGl was independent of whether it was recorded during an
pH 7.4 the average potential was 243 6 2 mV (35 oocytes).
influx or an efflux of water. Oocytes swelled in isotonic test
When the external pH was lowered the potential began to
solution where 20 mM glycerol replaced mannitol (6). Under
depolarize within 1 s and became stable after about 60 s. At pH
this conditions PGl was 0.99 6 0.06 (15 oocytes) times the PGl
4.5 the steady state potential was 218 6 2 mV (nine oocytes);
between these values the steady state potential was a linear recorded in the hyperosmolar test solution used above. This
function of external pH. The membrane potential began to shows that solvent drag in the pore is insignificant, i.e. that the
recover within 1 s when external pH was returned to 7.4 and second term on the right-hand side of Equation 2 can be disre-
stabilized after about 60 s. The pH effect was independent of garded and that the derivation of PGl by means of hypertonic
which type of aquaporin that was expressed and must be as- solutions is valid.
cribed to reversible modulations by pH of ion channel activity PGl was reduced at lower temperatures. A comparison of PGl
in the oocyte plasma membrane. measured at 23 and 10 °C gave an Ea of 5.6 6 0.5 kcal mol21
Temperature Dependence—For AQP3, sGl decreased with in- (eight oocytes).
creasing temperature from 0.24 6 0.01 at 15.6 °C (26) to 0.13 6 PGl was a function of the pH of the test solutions (Fig. 3B). It
0.02 at 22 °C (23) and to 20.23 6 0.03 at 31 °C (5). In the was independent of pH values down to about 6.25, decreased
temperature range 15.6 to 31 °C, the Arrhenius activation en- steeply for more acid pH values, and was abolished at a pH of
ergy (Ea in kcal mol21) for (1 2 sGl) was 4.8 6 0.23 (54). Ea was about 5.6. The pK was 6.1 6 0.04 and the Hill coefficient 6.2 6
higher in the range 31 to 22 °C (7.2 6 0.45 kcal mol21) than in 1.6 (x2 5 0.04, 90 oocytes).
21634 Water Gate

FIG. 3. Uptake of glycerol into

AQP3 expressing oocytes. A, the up-
take of glycerol (JGl) as a function of time
calculated from the uptake of tracer
amounts of [14C]glycerol into AQP3 ex-
pressing oocytes (●) (curve drawn by eye).
The numbers in parentheses are numbers
of oocytes from three different animals.
The uptake rate was roughly constant for
the first minute. E, uptake into unin-
jected oocytes averaged from between
three and five oocytes. B, the glycerol per-
meability (PGl) for AQP3 expressing oo-
cytes as a function of external pH under
steady state conditions; values are de-
rived from 1-min uptakes of [14C]glycerol.
PGl had a pK of 6.1 6 0.02 and a Hill
coefficient of 6.2 6 1.6 (x2 5 0.04) and was
completely abolished for pH below 5.7.
The number at each point shows the num-
ber of oocytes from two animals. For com-
parison, the variation of Lp with pH is
shown as a thin line (right-hand scale;
data from Fig. 2B).

DISCUSSION determine the Lp. In the simplest, but not the only, model these
AQP3 has been found to act as a channel for both water and sites are located in the aqueous pathway and determine the
glycerol transport. The fluxes are linear functions of their re- energy barriers for water permeation. Titration of the sites
spective chemical driving forces (3, 5, 6, 17), and the activation would abolish their hydrogen bonding capacity and render
energies are low (3, 6). Furthermore, the two fluxes interact in them effectively hydrophobic. In analogy to the Lp, the PGl had
the protein (6). Our data show that the transports are gated by low activation energy and a marked dependence on external
H1. In principle, three simultaneously active groups of titrat- pH. But the pK was lower, 6.1, and the Hill coefficient larger,
able sites could be responsible for this behavior: one group in about 6 (Fig. 3B). This would suggest that glycerol also perme-
which titration led to closure of the channel(s), another that ates by forming successive hydrogen bonds, the Hill coefficient
controlled the Lp, and finally one that controlled the PGl. We indicates at least six.
will discuss the simplest possibility: that these groups are, at The difference between pK values and Hill coefficients raises
least partially, identical. the question whether it is the same titratable groups that
Mechanisms and Coupling of Water and Glycerol Fluxes— determine the Lp and PGl. We suggest it is and that the differ-
The behavior of AQP3 cannot be interpreted in terms of a ence arises from two effects. First, glycerol with its three —OH
physical pore. AQP3 remained open to glycerol transport in the groups might have to make and break more hydrogen bonds
pH range 5.8 – 6.2 while being closed for the smaller water than water in order to cross the aquaporin; this would lead to
molecule. The data can be interpreted by means of an Eyring a higher Hill coefficient. Second, the pK for glycerol transport
energy barrier model (18). On this model, the molecule perme- could be shifted due to a competitive interaction between H1
ates by a series of jumps, the energy barriers of which are and glycerol at the sites. Such competition has been described
determined by the chemical bonds between the molecule and in intact human red blood cells (9) where glycerol transport is
specific sites in the pathway. For AQP3, the Ea for Lp was low, mediated by AQP3 (10). In these cells pK for PGl was about 6.0
around 5 kcal mol21, which suggests that the water molecule at at external glycerol concentrations of 1 mM and 5.5 at external
neutral pH crosses this aquaporin by forming a succession of glycerol concentrations of 2 M. In addition, the Hill coefficients
single hydrogen bonds. The Lp exhibited an immediate and were estimated to be larger than 2 (9). These values are in
reversible dependence on external pH (Fig. 2, A and B), under agreement with those of the present study where glycerol con-
steady state conditions the Lp depended in a sigmoidal manner centrations of 20 mM were employed. It appears that glycerol,
on external pH with a pK of 6.4 and a Hill coefficient of about when close to the titratable site, to a certain extent displaces
3. This suggests that at least three cooperating titratable sites water molecules, an effect that would be enhanced by the
Water Gate 21635
confinement of the pore. The resulting lower molar fraction of AQP3 has been reported to be independent of external pH in
water near the site would result in a lower local H1 concentra- the range 6 –7 (22), while we found PGl to be significantly
tion and consequently in a decrease of the effective pK. The smaller at pH 6.0 (Fig. 3B). The same investigators (22) also
hypothesis of a pathway shared by water and glycerol in AQP3 reported no water permeability of the AQP3, which is in con-
is supported by the finding that sGl doubled when external pH trast to all other reports (3, 5, 6, 17) and the present study.
was lowered to 6.4. This shows that the pathways for water and The sGl determined by us in a previous study 0.24 (6) was
glycerol has at least one titratable site in common with a pK higher than the one determined here, 0.15. The oocytes in the
around 6.4. Titration reduces the availability of this site, and present study had more negative membrane potentials, on
the interaction between the fluxes is reduced. At sufficiently average 243 mV compared with the 225 mV in the previous
acid pH values both water and glycerol would be unable to cross study. As sGl was found to increase with acidity, we suggest
the channel. The fact that s for formamide also doubled at pH that the oocytes used previously, being more stressed, might
6.4 supports the notion that it is the —OH groups of the solute have had a more acid intracellular pH.
rather than its backbone that is responsible for interaction. Relation between Primary Structure and Permeation in
Our model suggest a mechanism of how another member of AQP3—The ability of AQP3 to transport both water and larger
the major integral protein family, the glycerol facilitator GlpF, solutes is shared by AQP7 (24, 25) and AQP9 (17). Function-
can act as a glycerol channel without letting through water ally, this places these three aquaporins in between those mem-
(19). If the pore of GlpF had a titratable site that was proto- bers of the major integral protein family that transport pre-
nated at normal pH, it would be hydrophobic and in effect dominantly water (i.e. AQP0, AQP1, AQP2, AQP4, AQP5) and
prevent the passage of water. If the site allowed competitive those that are impermeable to water, i.e. the glycerol facilitator
interaction between glycerol and H1 as described above, the GlpF (19). In view of the unique dependence of AQP3 on pH,
glycerol molecule would be able to remove the H1 and use the titratable residues common for AQP3 and the water transport-
site for transport. ing aquaporins may not be relevant to explain the transport
The model is not directly applicable to AQP0, AQP1, AQP2, properties, while homology with the glycerol transporting
AQP4, and AQP5, since they did not exhibit any pH sensitivity. aquaporins may be more important. If single residues are fo-
One possibility is that the sites responsible for Lp in these cused upon, an obvious guess for the titratable sites would be
aquaporins are not accessible to H1. AQP1 has a small but histidines, which qua their imidazole ring have pK values of
significant permeability to glycerol (6, 20, 21), and the s values 6.0 –7.0 when incorporated into proteins. Other candidates
for the smaller polyols, EG and PD, were of the same size as with hydrophilic side groups are aspartate and glutamate res-
that of glycerol. This shows that although these polyols inter- idues, which may have pK values as high as 7 in proteins. All
three amino acid residues are known to participate in hydrogen
acts with water in AQP1, some structural incompatibility, not
bonding (23).
found in AQP3, prevents them from permeating at any larger
Interestingly, specific structural changes in aquaporins have
been shown recently to cause shifts from water to glycerol
The Role of Polyol Composition—In general the s values for
permeation (26, 27). It should be investigated whether this
AQP3 increased with the number of —OH groups and number
phenomena and the one described by us have a common basis.
of carbons of the test solute (Fig. 1B). The importance of —OH
The rapid and reversible effects of H1 observed by us, however,
groups available for hydrogen bonding was particularly clear
do not per se implicate structural or major conformational
when s values of the butanols B12, B13, B14, and B23 were
compared. For these polyols the location and intramolecular
Physiological Relevance—AQP3 has been localized in several
interactions of the two —OH groups had significant specific
mammalian tissues: eye, kidney, stomach, spleen, intestine,
effects on s values. The s values were larger if the two —OH
and erythrocytes (3, 28 –30). For a recent review, see Ref. 7. The
groups were located next to each other and engaged in intramo-
reduction of the Lp of AQP3 by H1 suggests that these tissues
lecular bonding (sB23 . sB12 . sB13 > sB14). The extent of
under anaerobic conditions protect themselves against exces-
intramolecular bonding was mirrored by the boiling points,
sive cellular swelling by a reduction of the passive water per-
which were lower for B12 and B23 than for B13 and B14. The meability. The lower pK for PGl than for Lp shows that the cells
—OH groups in B12 and B23 were therefore not available for strive to retain their capacity for glycerol uptake under
interaction with the sites in the aquaporin to the same degree acidosis.
as the —OH groups of B13 and B14. This would result in
smaller fluxes (smaller P) and/or smaller frictions with the Acknowledgments—The technical assistance of Inge Kjeldsen, Tove
water (smaller fsw) and therefore in larger s values for B23 and Soland, and Svend Christoffersen is gratefully acknowledged. Valuable
suggestions have been given by Anne-Kristine Meinild, M. Grunnet,
B12 (Equation 3). The effects of the locations of the —OH Nanna Boxenbaum, Dr. J. Brahm, Dr. S. Dissing, and Dr. W. D. Stein.
groups on s were absent for the pentanols. Most likely the
longer carbon chain mitigate the strength of intramolecular
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