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What are the pros and cons of living in a city?

Honestly, I was born and have been living all my life in Kyiv, so I consider myself a true city
dweller or a pure urbanist. And I used to live in a city. Also, I consider life outside the city only
from the point of view of rest or vacation because I can’t imagine myself outside the crazy pace
of city life. Nevertheless, I firmly believe that like in any other case there are advantages and
disadvantages (or downsides) in living in a (big) city.

Living in a big city has a lot of advantages like

There is always something to do in a city to keep people of all different interests from getting
bored.  Most cities have a lively nightlife, different types of food to try, shows of all types,
museums, landmarks, parks, festivals, sports games, and much more.  There are plenty of
opportunities in big cities to become a part of the scene especially for visual or performance
artists or for musicians.
Public transportation
Transport facilities are highly developed and often receive regular funding for updates. It can be
faster to commute to the place from another one in a city or town.
The public transportation system in major cities is a good alternative to driving yourself and
dealing with the traffic and parking situation.  Cities have trains or subways, buses, and plenty of
taxis and ride sharing drivers so you can get where you need to go.  Many public transportation
options such as the bus and train are very affordable and free you of the hassle of driving.  It is
possible to live without a car in most major cities.
Big events and possibilities to spend free time
The biggest events such as sporting events, concerts, festivals, and art openings happen in major
cities.  You can catch a concert or a baseball game without the long drives to and from the
There are a lot of theatres, concerts and other ways of entertainment. There are a lot of
possibilities of shopping.

Meeting new people and possibility to make friends

You will meet new people anywhere you move, but the experience is different in a city. There
are more people in a city which means you will be encountering new faces every day.  Meeting
and talking to new people who have had very different life experiences than yours can be
refreshing and give you a new perspective.
Big cities are more welcoming than many people believe and if you go to the same places and do
the same activities, you will quickly meet new people who have similar interests. Those people
will be able to become your good friends in the future.
Free activities
While many activities are typically more expensive due to the higher overhead costs, there’s also
many free things to do when they’re planned well. There are so many ways to take advantage of
a major city without spending a dime: going to the park, check out tourist locations, explore a
new neighborhood and its street art, go for a walk/run, or just sit on a bench and people
watching… And you can spend all day staying busy.
Higher salaries
Despite the high costs of living in the city employers are (usually) going to adjust salaries
accordingly. Specifically, large corporations are offering higher salaries with remote positions.
Job opportunities
It’s pretty hard not to find a job, although it may be tough to find one that covers your expenses,
besides it remains for living, and also it allows to save money for the future.  But a city full of
companies is a city full of career opportunities.
Statistics also show that people in larger cities also find better employment opportunities than
those in the suburbs or smaller towns.

Cons of living in a city

High cost of living
Major cities always have a higher cost of living than the surrounding suburbs. Normal living
expenses such as rent, and utilities tend to be higher in big cities. Food, drinks, tobacco products,
and fuel are also more expensive in major cities.


In general, the noise level in major cities is quite high. Cities have more people and more traffic
that contribute to the noise, as well as trains and nearby airports with loud planes flying in and
out.  Special events such as concerts and ball games can also make a neighborhood louder and
more congested.  

Lack of the space

Most people in major cities live in apartments and in some cities, the apartments can be very
small. If you want to live in the city, you must accept that you will be living in an apartment
building with neighbors on the other side of your walls.

Lack of parking
The parking situation in a major city is difficult as it is not guaranteed. Some residential streets
are permit parking only which means you need to pay for a permit, and streets with free parking
fill up fast.

Higher crime rates

Some cities have higher crime rates than other ‘cause of more people=more crime.

Living in a big city definitely has its drawbacks, but to some people, the advantages far outweigh
the disadvantages of living in a city. 

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