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Identifying the Quality of English Teachers in the Teaching and

Learning Process in the Classroom

Lecturer : Anggraini Thesisia Saragih, S.Pd., M.Hum

Christine Helena Natalia, S.Pd., M.Hum.
Subject : Teaching English as Foreign Language

Arranged by the 5th Group

Rahmadi Nirwanda Pohan (2211121018)
Wahyu Adi Widodo (2140601008)
Safrilla (2212121004)
Wila Putri A. Siregar (2213121062)
Dea Paradila (2213121012)
Emiya Kirana Putri (2213321050)
Fania R. S. Siregar (2213121010)



Praise be to God Almighty who has helped His servant complete this PROJECT with
ease. Without his help, the writer would not be able to complete it properly. This PROJECT is
structured to fulfil the assignments for Teaching English as Foreign Language courses that have
been given in accordance with the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework for smooth
learning. This PROJECT is structured so that readers can know about the Teaching Qualities of
English teacher in MAN 1 Medan.

Hopefully, this PROJECT can provide wider insight and knowledge for readers. There
is no ivory that is not cracked. The author realizes that there are still many shortcomings in this
PROJECT, both in terms of material and presentation techniques, given the author's lack of
knowledge and experience. Therefore, the writer expects constructive criticism and some

Medan, 28th of October 2022



FOREWORD .................................................................................................................................. 2

TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................................................. 3

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTIO ....................................................................................................... 4

1.1. Background ...................................................................................................................... 4

1.2. Questions of Problem ....................................................................................................... 4

1.3. Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER II. RESULT.................................................................................................................. 6

CHAPTER III. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................... 14

3.1. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................... 14

3.2. Suggestions......................................................................................................................... 14

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 15


1.1. Background
Educating is the duty of adults to mature a person, maturation will lead to a more advanced
mindset and will then produce benefits for the life around (Sadulloh et al., 2017: 72). Learning
English is one of the skills that is currently a necessity to be able to move forward both on a
national and international level. English is the connecting language in this world, almost everyone
knows English both as a beginner and as a native speaker.

Teachers must be able to implement their role in learning. the teacher is the person who is
responsible for the education of his students, a teacher must pay attention to how to educate
students in improving intellectually and morally (Cholid, 2021: 3). characteristics as a teacher are
being able to understand the material and convey it clearly to students so that it is easy to
understand, the teacher can manage the class in terms of time, use of media and how to convey it
to students so as to create a fun and meaningful learning atmosphere, besides that the teacher can
make interactions and familiarize with students without losing his authority as a teacher in front
of students.

The role of the teacher is needed in the teaching and learning process because the attitude of
the teacher will shape the quality of the students. Each teacher has their own way of teaching which
in turn raises the quality of the teacher. The quality of teachers will be judged by the way his
teaching is good or not.

1.2. Questions of Problem

a. How is the teaching way of English teacher in MAN 1 Medan?
b. How well do the students understand the material taught by English teacher in MAN 1
c. Does the teacher always use discussion model when teaching and learning process in
MAN 1 Medan?
d. Does the teacher teach more using text books in MAN 1 Medan?

e. What media does the English teacher uses when teaching and learning process in MAN 1
f. What was the most effective learning media that the teacher had ever used in MAN 1
g. How the students feel when the English teacher teaches in MAN 1 Medan?
h. What should an English teacher do to attract students' interest in learning in MAN 1

1.3. Objectives
a. Explaining the teaching way of English teacher in MAN 1 Medan.
b. Explaining students' understanding of the English material taught by the English teacher
in MAN 1 Medan.
c. Explaining the frequency of English teachers in teaching with a discussion model in
MAN 1 Medan.
d. Explaining the frequency of English teachers in teaching with text books in MAN 1
e. Explaining the media used the English teacher uses when teaching and learning process
in MAN 1 Medan.
f. Explaining the most effective learning media that the teacher had ever used in MAN 1
g. Explaining the students feel when the English teacher teaches in MAN 1 Medan.
h. Explaining things that the English teacher should do to attract students' interest in
learning in MAN 1 Medan.


2.1. Teaching way of English teacher in MAN 1 Medan

From the 29 students who answered the question "How is the teaching way of English
teacher in MAN 1 Medan?", the students gave a positive response to the question. As for quotes
from some students, namely, "With the percentage of the group then explain it in detail again, then
teach by using fun games", by Muhammad Noufal Susilo. Apart from Noufal's response, there
were also other responses such as, "My teacher often invites discussions so that my friends and I
study together", by Natasya Nabilah Putri.

2.2. Students' Understanding of The English Material Taught by The English Teacher in
MAN 1 Medan

From the 29 students who answered the question “How well do the students understand
the material taught by English teacher in MAN 1 Medan?”, there are students who gave
positive responses and some gave negative responses. There are also answers for positive
responses such as, "I can understand material that tell from my teacher because I ever course in a
place that place teach me English too", by Irfansyah Barus. Apart from positive responses, there
are also negative responses such as, “don't understand, don't understand, and can't understand if
they are not mixed.

2.3. The Frequency of English Teachers in Teaching with A Discussion Model in MAN 1

From the 29 students who answered the question “Does the teacher always use discussion
model when teaching and learning process in MAN 1 Medan?”, there are 86.2% who said that
their teacher used a discussion model in the teaching and learning process. Then, in the google
form it is also seen that there are 13.8% who feel that their English teacher does not use the
discussion model in the learning process.

2.4. The Frequency of English Teachers in Teaching with Text Books n MAN 1 Medan

From the 29 students who answered the question “Does the teacher teach more using
text books in MAN 1 Medan?”, there were 79.3% of students who felt that the English teacher
still used text books more. Then, there are 20.7% of students who think that their teachers do not
use text books in the teaching and learning process.

2.5. The Media Used the English Teacher Uses when Teaching and Learning Process in
MAN 1 Medan.

From the 29 students who answered the question, "What media does the English teacher
use during the teaching and learning process at MAN 1 Medan?", there were various answers
and from the responses of these students more were that their English teacher when teaching using
digital media such as cell phones and power points.

2.6. The Most Effective Learning Media that The Teacher Had Ever Used in MAN 1

From the 29 students who answered the question, "What was the most effective learning
media that the teacher had ever used in MAN 1 Medan?", there was a response from students
who mostly contained cellphone answers because they thought it was simpler. However, there are
also some students who still feel that books are still an effective learning medium. The students
who answered the book were Regina Aprilia Siregar, Adelia Safitri, and Muhammad habibullah.

2.7. The Students Feel when the English Teacher Teaches in MAN 1 Medan

From the 29 students who answered the question, “How the students feel when the
English teacher teaches in MAN 1 Medan?”, there are 86.2% who feel happy when their English
teacher teaches in the classroom and there are 13.8% who feel bored when their English teacher
teaches in the classroom.

2.8. Things that the English Teacher Should Do to Attract Students' Interest in Learning at
MAN 1 Medan

From the 29 students who answered the question, “What should an English teacher do to attract
students' interest in learning in MAN 1 Medan?”, there is a uniform answer from students,
namely the teacher should use games in learning and not rely on books because with the game,
students are not easily bored in learning.


3.1. Conclusion
From the 29 students who were in class XI IPS 1 at the MAN 1 Medan school, they felt
that their teacher's teaching method was good because there were 86.2% of students who felt happy
when studying with their English teacher and only a few were bored. In addition, students gave
positive responses to questions about the discussion model used by their teachers. Students
answered that their teachers often used the discussion method so that students were more
interactive in learning. Then, students think that handphone is one of the good medias in learning
because it can help them in the learning process in class.

3.2. Suggestions
a. It's better if the teacher still maintains a good way of teaching.

b. Students should stay active in the classroom even though the media used is very influential on

their way of thinking.

c. Students should still feel happy when their teacher teaches.



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