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Doppler effect and its application

Preprint · November 2021

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13553.61282

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1 author:

Akash Dip Paik

Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science


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Doppler effect and its application
Akash Dip Paik
Indian Association For The Cultivation Of Science

(Dated: 26th May,2021)

CONTENTS A. Discovery Of Doppler effect

A. Discovery Of Doppler effect 1
Doppler first proposed this effect in 1842 in
B. Understanding Doppler effect 1 his treatise ”On the colored light of double stars
C. Equation 2 and some other stars of the heavens” (4). The
II. Applications Of Doppler Effect 2
hypothesis was tested with sound waves by Buys
A. Robotics 2 Ballot in 1845 . He confirmed that the pitch
B. Astronomy 2 was higher than the frequency emitted when the
C. Radar 3
D. Echocardiogram 3 sound source was approached and lower than
E. Siren 3 the frequency emitted when the sound source
F. Vibration measurement 4 was removed. Hippolyte Fizeau independently
G. Satelite Communication 4
H. Developmental Biology 4 discovered the same phenomenon in electro-
magnetic waves in 1848 (in France the effect is
III. Limitation Of Doppler Effect 4
sometimes called the ”Doppler-Fizeau effect”,
IV. Conclusion 4 this name has not been adopted by the rest of
the world because Fizeau’s discovery came six
years after Doppler proposed it). Great Britain,
References 4 John Scott Russell conducted an experimental
study of the Doppler effect (1848) (7).


The Doppler effect or Doppler shift

is the change in the frequency of the
wave whenever there is a relative mo-
tion between the source and the wave.A
common example of Doppler effect is
the change of pitch heard when a
ve- hicle sounding horn approaches to-
wards the observer or recedes from
FIG. 1 : Experiment by Buys Ballot (1845) depicted on a
the observer.This Doppler effect can be wall in Utrecht (2019) copyright@Wikipedia

seen for any types of waves like light

waves,water waves.We are mostly famil-
iar with the Doppler effect of sound
in our daily lives.In the world of mod- B. Understanding Doppler effect

ern science Doppler effect has its appli- The observed changes in frequency associated
cation in various fields of science. with Doppler Effect can be explained as follows:

1) When the source is moving toward the ob-

server, each consecutive wave is emitted from
a position closer to the observer than the pre-
vious wave. So when travelling, the waves are
appeared to be grouped together, and the time
between the arrival of successive wave crests to
the observer is reduced (thus reducing the wave
length), causing an increase in the frequency, as FIG. 3
the velocity is constant. 2) However when the
source is moving away from the observer, each
wave is emitted from a position further away
from the observer than the previous wave, mak-
ing the waves more spread, thereby increasing
the wave length and reducing the frequency.

FIG. 4

when it is away from the source. When both

the source and observer are moving relative to
one another, these equations can be combined
to form the equation below (6)

FIG. 2 Doppler Effect Of Sound Wave copy-


FIG. 5
C. Equation

When a source moves and the observer is

stationary, the following equation can be usedf
is the observed frequency, f0 is the actual A. Robotics
frequency, C is the velocity of waves in the
medium, Vs is the velocity of the source It Real-time dynamic trajectory planning in
should be noted that Vs is positive when the robotics to support robot movement in a de-
source is moving away from the observer, and it manding environment with moving obstacles is
is negative when the source is moving toward often used with the help of the Doppler effect.
the observe In the same way, when a source is Such applications are specially used for com-
stationary and the observer is (6) petitive robotics where the environment is con-
stantly changing (1).
moving relative to it, the equation is as follows
The symbols stand for the (6) same quantities as B. Astronomy
mentioned above and Vo is the velocity of the ob-
server. Unlike before, Vo is positive when the ob- The Doppler effect is used to measure the
server is moving toward the source and negative speed at which stars and galaxies are moving

toward or away from us, in a mechanism known D. Echocardiogram

as redshift or blueshift. Redshift occurs when
the light of a retreating object increases propor- Echocardiography can accurately assess the di-
tionally in wavelength, or blue light has a higher rection of blood flow and the speed of blood and
frequency than red light, the spectral lines of an heart tissue at any point with the Doppler effect
astronomical light source that are approximated within a certain limit. One limitation is that
are blue-shifted, and those of a receding astro- the ultrasound beams must be so parallel. Ve-
nomical light source are red-shifted (5) locity measurements can be used to evaluate the
area and function of heart valves, abnormal con-
nections on the left and right sides of the heart,
blood leakage through the valves (valve regurgi-
tation), and calculations for heart failure. Out-
put (3).

FIG. 6 Doppler Effect Of Light copy-


C. Radar

The Doppler effect is used in some types of FIG. 8 Doppler Effect Of Echocardiogram copy-
radar to measure the speed of detected objects.
A radar beam is fired at a moving target, e.g. For
example a car, as the police use radar to detect
speeding motorists when it approaches or moves
away from the radar source. Each successive
radar wave must continue to travel to reach the E. Siren
car in order to be reflected earlier and detected
in the vicinity of the source . As you keep mov- The siren on a passing emergency vehicle will
ing, the distance between each wave increases, start out higher than its sta- tionary pitch,
increasing the wavelength. In some situations, slide down as it passes, and continue lower than
the radar beam is shot at the approaching car. In its stationary pitch as it recedes from the ob-
this case, each subsequent wave travels a shorter serverAstronomer John Dobson explained the ef-
distance, reducing the wavelength. Doppler ef- fect thus the reason the siren slides is because it
fect calculations precisely determine the speed of doesn’t hit you.In other words, if the siren ap-
the car (2). proached the observer directly, the pitch would
remain constant, at a higher than stationary
pitch, until the vehicle hit him, and then imme-
diately jump to a new lower pitch. Because the
vehicle passes by the observer, the radial velocity
FIG. 7 Doppler Effect Of Radar copy- does not remain constant, but instead varies as
right@ a function of the angle between his line of sight
and the siren’s velocity

then due to shock waves the wave front

gets distorted, consequently the change
in frequency will not be observed by the

FIG. 9 Doppler Effect Of Siren copy- IV. CONCLUSION


Doppler Effect is one of the great-

F. Vibration measurement est discovery of science.It has a great
A laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV) is a non- im- pact on our life.We experience
contact instrument for measuring vibrations. Doppler effect in our daily life.It has
The laser beam of the LDV is aimed at the sur- helped us to explain several phenom-
face of interest and the amplitude and frequency
of the oscillation are extracted from the Doppler
ena that is happening before us.Doppler
shift in the frequency of the laser beam due to ef- fect hass several application in dif-
the movement of the surface. ferent area of modern science like Flow
measurement, Velocity profile measure-
G. Satelite Communication ment, Satellite communication, Au- dio,
The Doppler effect plays an important role in
Vibration measurement, Developmental
the communication of satellite . In low earth or- biology,astronomy etc.
bit (LEO), the Doppler effect of satellite system
plays a very important role.

H. Developmental Biology Author would like to acknowledge

Zebrafish is widely used in the study of the Hu-
Prof. Mintu Mondol for critical read-
man Neurological Study because of its striking ing of the manuscript and valuable com-
resemblance to the human genome. The Doppler ments.
effect helps to study the developmental stage of
the zebrafish embryo (8) .

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