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Industrial Revolution

1. Agricultural revolution

When and where did the Agricultural Revolution first start?

Which new methods were applied during the Agricultural Revolution?

Consequences of the Agricultural Revolution

2. Demographic Revolution

How did the European population evolve between during the 18th century?

What were the causes of the population growth in the 18th century?

What were the effects of population growth in the 18th century?

3. The First Industrial Revolution

Which countries were the first to become industrialised and when?

Which industries played a central role and which advances occurred?

What is the steam engine and why was it so important for the Industrial Revolution?

Explain the Revolution in transport and machinery.

4. The Second Industrial Revolution

When did the Second Industrial Revolution happen and which countries were the most affected?

Which advances were made during this period (sources and forms of energy, new Industrial

Which advances were made in transport?

How did the economic system, the companies and the work methods change?

5. Class society

Explain the term “class society”? How was this society different from the Old Regime?

Who belonged to the upper class? How did they live?

Who belonged to the middle class? How did they live?

Who belonged to the working class? How did they live?

6. Industrial cities

What was the rural exodus? Which countries were most affected?

How did cities develop during the Industrial Revolution?

How did Industrial cities change at the end of the 19th century. Explain the example of London.

7. Labour movement: ideology

When and where did the labour movement begin?

What were their aims?

Who were the utopian socialists? What did they propose?

Explain the Marxist ideology (founders, most famous work and its content, historical materialism,
class struggle and social change).

Explain the anarchist ideology.

What were the main differences between marxism and anarchism?

8. Labour movement: organisation

Explain the meaning of “trade union”.

What were the first trade unions like, which means did they use and when and where were they
first established?

What is proletarian internationalism and when did it emerge?

When was the First International established and what happened there?

Explain the Second International .


Since when and why do we celebrate the International Worker’s day?

9 . Economic modernisation in Spain: demographic, agricultural, Industrial, changes in

transport and financial changes

How did Spain’s population develop during the 19th century?

In which sector did most of the people work in and what does this mean?

Which migration movements did take place?

Which changes did take place in agriculture during the 19th century? Which aspects stayed the

How did the Spanish industrial sector develop?

Which changes did take place in transport and finance?

10. Economic modernisation in Spain: social changes

Which changes did take place in the Spanish society?

Who belonged to the ruling class and what were their characteristics?

Who belonged to the middle class and what were their characteristics?

Who belonged to the working class and what were their characteristics?

When and how did the Spanish labour movement come into existence? What were their main

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