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52 The Economist April 25th 2020

Climate brief Politics

Fossil fuels are the bedrock of industrial
society. Even though the alternative of re-
newable energy has, since 1988, become far
more plausible, a decisive move away from
fossil carbon still means a wrenching and
unprecedented shift.
To many convinced environmentalists
that shift seems self-evidently worthwhile.
It fits with an ideology that commits them
to lives that have less impact on the natural
world. But in the face of climate change, in-
dividual willingness to sacrifice the fruits
of a high-energy lifestyle is not enough.
People, and countries, that do not share
such motivations must act, too.
The challenge of climate politics is to
overcome these differences by negotiating
ways forward that can gain general assent.
It is a challenge that, despite those remark-
able four years, has not been met. Instead
of emissions in 2005 being 20% lower than
they were in 1988, they were 34% higher. By
2017 they were 22% higher still.

Think global, act global

The Toronto attendees’ belief that an inter-
national agreement could bring down car-
bon-dioxide emissions rested in part on an
agreement reached a year before to limit
the production of ozone-destroying chem-
icals, most notable among them the
chlorofluorocarbons (cfcs) used in fridges
and spray-cans. That Montreal protocol
looked like a template in two ways.
A history o action and inaction The first was that it was global. Since the
1960s the environmental movement had
The challenge without precedent increasingly taken “saving the planet” as
its rhetorical focus. But practical environ-
mental protections, such as clean-air regu-
lations, almost all worked on a national, or
at most regional, basis. Because the world’s
cfcs are thoroughly mixed together before
The first of six weekly climate briefs looks at the history and politics of attempts
they reach the stratosphere’s ozone layer,
to tackle global warming
the Montreal protocol had to be genuinely
n june 1988 scientists, environmental A mere four years later a global compact global, and thus balance the needs of devel-
I activists and politicians gathered in To- against climate change had been signed. oped and developing countries.
ronto for a “World Conference on the Even with a boost from the end of the cold The second was that the Montreal pro-
Changing Atmosphere”. The aspect of its war, which made global action on shared tocol required remarkable faith in science.
changing that alarmed them most was the concerns seem newly possible and provid- Unlike most pollution controls, which try
build-up of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse ed an opening for a new eschatology to re- to reduce harm already being done, it
gas. In the late 1950s, when systematic place that of nuclear Armageddon, that called for expensive action to deal with a
monitoring of the atmosphere’s carbon-di- seemed like a remarkable political success problem that, despite the dramatic discov-
oxide level began, it stood at around 315 on the part of those pressing for action. ery of the Antarctic ozone hole in 1985, was
parts per million (ppm). By that summer, it Unfortunately, a global agreement to not yet hurting people. It was based instead
had reached 350ppm—and a heatwave was act is not the same thing as global action. on the likelihood of future catastrophe.
bringing record temperatures to much of Climate scientists realised that an emis-
North America. sions-reduction agreement on greenhouse
In this series
The week before the Toronto confer- gases would need a similarly strong con-
ence James Hansen, a climate scientist at 1 The politics o climate action sensus on their dangers. This led to the cre-
nasa, had pointed to the heatwave when ation in late 1988 of the Intergovernmental
2 Modelling the greenhouse efect
telling the us Senate that it was time “to Panel on Climate Change (ipcc). Including
stop waffling…and say that the evidence is 3 The carbon cycle, present and uture researchers from governments, academia,
pretty strong that the greenhouse effect is 4 The impacts and their timescales industry and non-governmental organisa-
here”. The Toronto conference took a simi- tions, the processes of the ipcc required
lar view, calling for an international effort 5 Engineering an energy transition governments to sign off on its conclusions,
to reduce global carbon-dioxide emissions so reducing their ability to ignore them.
6 The imperative o adaptation
by 20% by 2005. The ipcc’s first assessment of climate- 1
The Economist April 25th 2020 Climate brief 53

2 change science, published in 1990, predict- damage was to the case for action. The re- penhagen summit of 2009.
ed that if greenhouse-gas emissions con- sult was a campaign to make the science Six years after Copenhagen, though, the
tinued to rise unchecked, the world would look at best dubious, and at worst fraudu- un process made its biggest step forward
warm by 0.2-0.5°C (0.4-0.9°F) every decade lent, which went beyond noting that many since Rio: the Paris agreement. This, at last,
over the course of the 21st century, and that environmental scientists were committed set a specific global target. Atmospheric
sea-level would rise 3-10cm a decade. environmentalists and pointing out truly greenhouse-gas levels were to be stabilised
Changes in the three decades since fit with open questions (the wide range of the un- by the second half of this century at a level
the low end of both predictions. certainties in the first ipcc report has been that would see an increase of the average
Two years later, at an “Earth Summit” in slow to narrow). In doing so it helped pro- global temperature over its preindustrial
Rio de Janeiro, the un’s members agreed on duce an environment in which some right- level well below 2°C, with strenuous efforts
a framework convention on climate wing politicians felt able to oppose all cuts made to keep it down to 1.5°C. All the coun-
change (unfccc) which committed them to emissions, with notable successes in tries, developed and developing, that
to the “stabilisation of greenhouse-gas America and Australia. signed were required to commit to domes-
concentrations…at a level that would pre- tic actions towards that aim.
vent dangerous anthropogenic interfer- Future targets beat present action There were several reasons for the suc-
ence with the climate system”. Another source of resistance to emissions cess: prior talks between America and Chi-
Despite the fact that such stabilisation reduction was the rise of China. Its gdp, na; skilful French diplomacy; canny nego-
implied impressive cuts in emissions, the measured at purchasing-power parity and tiation by developing countries. Perhaps
treaty set no targets along the lines of To- in real terms, increased sevenfold in the 20 the most important one, though, was that
ronto’s 20% by 2005. They were to be years after Rio. Its carbon-dioxide emis- the cost of renewable energy was tumbling
worked out later. In years to come those ne- sions more than tripled, from 2.7bn to and investments in the field booming. Re-
gotiations on emission cuts came to domi- 9.6bn tonnes. China showed no real inter- ducing emissions while continuing high-
nate discussions between the parties to the est in curbing this world-changing side- energy lifestyles felt newly possible.
treaty, sidelining the vital question of how effect, and because it was a developing Perhaps it will be. But the reductions the
to help countries, especially poor ones, country it was not even notionally obliged countries offered in Paris were too small to
adapt to the now inevitable changes. To to do so by the Kyoto protocol—despite the meet the 2°C target. That insufficiency has
talk of such adaptation was equated with fact that, before that protocol was ten years seen a new generation of climate activists
capitulating on emission cuts. old, China was a bigger emitter than Ameri- demand greater ambition at the next big
Specific emission cuts were agreed ca. Resentment over this was one of the unfccc meeting, originally to be held this
upon five years after Rio, in Kyoto. They reasons some developed countries became year in Glasgow but now postponed be-
were not global in extent, applying only to increasingly unhappy with their commit- cause of the covid-19 pandemic. There re-
developed countries, which were responsi- ments. China’s unwillingness to offer real mains no way for them to force action on
ble for most of the emissions. They were action contributed to the near collapse of people and countries who do not share
not ambitious either. And the Kyoto proto- attempts to move beyond Kyoto at the Co- their passion and commitment. 7
col was never ratified by America, then the
largest global emitter. → Changes, fast and slow, in the climate and its politics
The un imprimatur gave the unfccc
universal legitimacy. But fashioning a Atmospheric CO2, parts per million
treaty that all could accept had meant pro- 7
ducing one with little practical power. The 0.9 7 8
unfccc lacked any mechanism for making Strong Eruption Strong European Strong El Niño
countries commit to ambitious action, let El Niño o Mount El Niño heatwave
alone binding them to such commitments. 0.6
If all countries had shared an urgent in- → Temperature anomaly, °C
terest in action, those shortcomings would Relative to 1961-90 average
not have mattered. But they did not. The 36.6
costs of environmental improvements 35
tend to fall on a few groups—typically, 0
those doing the polluting. In domestic en-
vironmental politics, progress typically re-
lies on going some way to placate those -0.3
groups while increasing the enthusiasm UNFCCC conferences*
for action among others and the public. 199 1997 009 015 0 0
→ CO2 emissions, gigatonnes Rio Kyoto Copenhagen Paris Glasgow
If emissions had been down to just a few (post-
companies, as with cfcs, or sectors of the
economy, as with the smogs tackled by
clean-air acts, such trade-offs might have IPCC reports
been possible internationally. But fossil- 1 3 4 5
fuel use permeated rich economies. Those
1988 Toronto con erence
countries knew the cost of reducing them on the changing atmosphere
could be severe—and that the benefits 15
197 UN Stockholm 1987 Montreal
would accrue mostly to people in other con erence protocol negotiated
countries and future times.
1970 First 1985 Antarctic ozone
These difficulties were exacerbated by Earth Day hole discovered
attempts to weaken public support for cli- 10
7 8
mate action. Fossil-fuel companies and
their political allies, understood how im- Renewable energy production, GW years 10 25 50 100 200 400†

portant a scientific consensus on future Sources: Global Carbon Project; Met Ofce; NOAA; EIA *United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change †Forecast
The Economist May 2nd 2020 55
Climate brief Science
the climate of halving the atmosphere’s
level of carbon dioxide.
Doing so required him to tackle a pro-
blem of the sort that most frustrates and
most delights scientists who study the
Earth system: a feedback loop through
which a change in one factor affects anoth-
er factor which, in turn, affects the first fac-
tor more.
Because water evaporates more slowly
in cooler climes, the amount of water va-
pour in the atmosphere falls with the tem-
perature. And water vapour, like carbon di-
oxide, is a greenhouse gas. Cooling the
atmosphere dried the atmosphere which
cooled the atmosphere further. Many pen-
cils and thousands of sheets of paper into
his exploration of this, Arrhenius conclud-
ed that halving the carbon-dioxide level
would cool the planet by 5oC (9oF).
He also noted that the same relation
would hold the other way round: double
the carbon dioxide and you would get 5oC
of warming. Industry’s coal burning could
thus warm the world—but only, he
thought, very slowly indeed. He never
imagined that the carbon-dioxide level
would increase by a third in just a century.
Around the same time as Arrhenius was
pondering the climate, a Norwegian scien-
tist called Vilhelm Bjerknes was working
on the physics of how heat drives fluid
flow. His students applied these insights to
large scale flows in the atmosphere and the
Computing climate change oceans, laying the foundations of 20th-
century weather forecasting. In 1950 one of
Model behaviour those students’ students, Ragnar Fjørtoft,
was part of the team which first pro-
grammed a computer to forecast the
weather by solving such equations.
The computer models central to today’s
climate research bring together Arrheni-
The basic science of the greenhouse effect is quite straightforward. The vital work
us’s curiosity and Bjerknes’s techniques.
of untangling its future effects requires models which are anything but
Programmes developed from weather-
o imagine earth without greenhouse Svante Arrhenius, a Swedish chemist, forecasting software calculate how the lev-
T gases in its atmosphere is to turn the fa-
miliar blue marble into a barren lump of
wondered if a weakened greenhouse effect
might be to blame. Carbon dioxide was
el of carbon-dioxide and other greenhouse
gases is likely to affect the world’s flows of
rock and ice on which the average surface known to be a greenhouse gas: Eunice heat, energy and water, and through them
temperature hovers around -18oC. Such a Foote, an American scientist, had found in the future climate. To do so they use com-
planet would not receive less of the sun- the 1850s that the rate at which a sealed jar puters that can be some 25trn times faster
light which is the ultimate source of all of air warmed up in sunlight depended on than the one used in 1950.
Earth’s warmth. But when the energy it ab- the level of carbon dioxide in that air. So Ar- These climate models do not treat the
sorbed from the sunlight was re-emitted as rhenius—recently divorced, somewhat atmosphere as a whole. They divide it into
infrared radiation, as the laws of physics melancholy and in need of a project—be- millions of “cells”. The conditions in each
require, it would head unimpeded back out gan laboriously to calculate the effects on of these cells depend on the conditions in
into space. its neighbours above, below and to the
Greenhouse gases block that swift exit. sides as well as on its own history. The idea
In this series
Transparent to incoming sunlight, they ab- is to calculate how conditions in each cell
sorb outgoing infrared radiation, thus 1 The politics o climate action change over time. Unlike a weather fore-
warming the atmosphere and, in so doing, cast, which tries to predict how a specific
2 Modelling the greenhouse efect
the surface below. The result is an average state of the atmosphere will evolve over a
surface temperature of some 15oC—warm 3 The carbon cycle, present and uture few days, these climate models simulate
enough for open seas and oceans and a vi- years, even centuries, of weather in order
4 The impacts and their timescales
brant biosphere. to discover the averages and probability
In the late 19th century the discovery of 5 Engineering an energy transition distributions that define the climate—the
the ice ages led scientists to the conclusion envelope which constrains the norms and
6 The imperative o adaptation
that climate could change on a global scale. extremes of future weather. 1
56 Climate brief The Economist May 2nd 2020

2 Dozens of teams at meteorological and dictions made decades ago with the way further. Biology adds yet more complexity.
research organisations around the world things have turned out. A study published A tropical forest pumps water vapour into
run such models, each using different code last year systematically assessed what the atmosphere with far greater efficiency
to capture the climate’s underlying mecha- models published between the 1970s and than a savannah does. In warmer oceans it
nisms and study everything from future 2007 had said about the way the climate is harder for nutrients to rise to the surface,
peak rainfall to the tracks of storms to would respond to steady rises in carbon di- which reduces the ability of plankton to
shifts in seasonality. Since 1995 the Cou- oxide. It found that for 14 out of 17 models suck carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
pled Model Intercomparison Project, or what had happened had been within the Melting permafrost produces copious mi-
cmip, has brought these teams together by model’s error bars; of the other three, two crobial methane—a gas which absorbs in-
providing standardised tasks for their had overshot, one had undershot. Taking frared much more strongly than carbon di-
models and then looking at the range of re- the models seriously would have been a oxide does. Over the decades modellers
sults. Thus, for example, the 56 different good bet. have attempted to build more and more of
models considered in the fifth of the cmip The most important source of uncer- these interrelationships into their models,
projects, which concluded in 2013, found tainty in the models lies in the clouds. As adding greatly to their complexity.
that doubling the carbon-dioxide level greenhouse gases warm the atmosphere its Unfortunately increasing complexity
would, in time, bring about a warming of humidity changes, as does the extent to does not always reduce uncertainty. A
between 1.5 oC and 4.5oC. The uncertainty in which it cools with altitude. These changes model which ignores, say, the instability of
what the models suggest at smaller scales affect how clouds develop; the clouds, in ice sheets—as most did until recently—is
is greater still. Different models can pro- turn, change surface temperature. Most clearly missing something important.
vide very different pictures of the future of clouds warm the world; some cool it. However, because there are always differ-
regional climates. The problem is that the processes which ent ways to incorporate something new,
control a cloud’s thickness, lifetime and two models updated to capture ice-sheet
Rows and floes of angel hair other qualities work on pretty small scales. dynamics may diverge more after this “im-
The wide range of outcomes is, for the most The models do not. Even if every layer of provement” than they did when, unrealis-
part, down to the fact that no two models the atmosphere is represented by hun- tically, they simply ignored the issue. In the
represent the mechanisms of the climate— dreds of thousands of grid cells, they still cmip6 process, which is currently winding
and particularly its feedbacks—in precise- end up being hundreds of kilometres on a up, preliminary results show a wider range
ly the same way. Some ways of doing things side—much too large to capture the pro- of uncertainties than was seen in cmip5.
can be ruled out because the models they cesses responsible for individual clouds. The biggest source of uncertainty,
produce fail to capture the behaviour of the Not all the feedbacks sit squarely within though, lies not inside the models but out-
climate as it is, or as it was in the past (stud- the atmosphere; some extend beneath it. side them. Climate change is a problem be-
ies of the low-carbon-dioxide ice ages pro- Various feedbacks link the atmosphere to cause human activity is adding carbon di-
vide useful calibration, which would have the oceans, which store, move and release oxide, methane and other greenhouse
pleased Arrhenius). But among models heat in ways that do a great deal to shape gases to the atmosphere at a rate that is
which reproduce past and current climates the climate. In the 1960s modellers began both prodigious and impossible for the
reasonably well, there is no clear way to say trying to capture these effects by “cou- physics, chemistry and biology encoded in
which one’s representations are most reli- pling” models of the ocean to models of the the models to predict.
able. The differences between the models atmosphere, so that what they saw in the To estimate how changes in policy
represent a basic level of uncertainty, given atmosphere reflected changes in the might affect emissions a different family of
the current state of knowledge. oceans and vice versa. models is used—“integrated assessment
This endemic uncertainty, though, does Feedbacks involving the land matter, models” (iams) which import simplified
not mean the models have nothing useful too. Cold weather brings snow; snowy results from climate models into models of
to say. Given how long modelling has been ground, especially under clear skies, re- the economy.
going on, it is now possible to compare pre- flects away more sunlight, cooling things One of the things that cmip5 asked cli-
mate modellers to look at is the way that
→ Climate models can guide policy even if they are not precise the climate might evolve if emissions fol-
lowed four standardised “pathways” devel-
Model uncertainty
oped from four particular iams in the
Global projected temperature change
Relative to 1850-1900 average, °C for each pathway 2000s. Three were generated from iams
Future scenarios trying to simulate various types of climate
High emissions
policy. The fourth, rcp8.5, though often re-
RCP† . ferred to as “business as usual”, was gener-
ated from an iam run featuring high popu-
Minimal emissions lation growth, low technological progress
RCP† . and very large scale use of coal. As a result it
3 shows emissions increasing at a spectacu-
lar rate, which makes it scary, but not a
RCP† 4.
helpful baseline.
The uncertainties in what the models
RCP† .
predicted was as striking as ever (see
1986-2005 average* chart). But they all agreed that only the
pathway embodying the strongest climate
action—much stronger than what is seen
and promised today—might allow the
Observed temperature change world to keep the temperature rise since
the 18th century well below 2oC in the 21st,
7 7 the target enshrined in the Paris agreement
Source: IPCC AR5, adjusted to an 1850-1900 baseline *Uncertainties calibrated to 1986-2005, as shown †Representative Concentration Pathway of 2015. 7
The Economist May 9th 2020 47
Climate brief Carbon
first, this context seems reassuring. Al-
most all microbes, and all animals, get the
energy that they need for life from breaking
up food made of organic molecules. The
flame-free, internalised form of combus-
tion by which they do so, which biologists
call respiration, produces much more car-
bon dioxide than industry does.
But respiration has a counterpart: pho-
tosynthesis, through which plants, algae
and some bacteria use sunlight to turn in-
organic carbon back into organic mole-
cules. These new molecules are the raw
material from which almost all living
things on Earth are made; the sunlight
stored within them is the source of all the
energy that is released through respiration
when those living things are eaten.
The other great flow of carbon dioxide
into the atmosphere is similarly balanced.
Carbon dioxide dissolved in seawater natu-
rally diffuses into the air above. Carbon di-
oxide in the atmosphere dissolves into sea-
water. Left to themselves, the two flows
balance (see diagram on next page).
These flows create a system in what is
called dynamic equilibrium; if you push it
away from current conditions, it pulls it-
self back. If atmospheric carbon-dioxide
levels go up, the rate at which carbon diox-
ide dissolves into the “sinks” provided by
the oceans and plants will also, all things
being equal, go up. This reduces the sur-
plus, restoring the status quo. Until the
Carbon cycles 19th century this dynamic equilibrium had
kept atmospheric carbon-dioxide levels
Where nature ends pretty stable for most of the 10,000 years
since the end of the most recent ice age.
The plants-and-food branch of the car-
bon cycle, though, is not quite perfect. Like
the little bit left in the corner of the sardine
can that you can’t get out, not all the organ-
The scale of human industry’s impact on the planet’s natural flows of carbon and
ic matter made through photosynthesis
energy is immense
gets used by creatures that respire. Some
t is all, in the end, a matter of chemistry. Earth’s distant geological past to its future ends up buried in sediments instead.
I Carbon dioxide is a form of what chem-
ists call inorganic carbon—a simple mole-
over millennia to come. It is the single
clearest piece of evidence for the idea that
The amount of carbon which leaks out
of the biosphere this way is tiny compared
cule that is pretty inert. Fossil fuels are humans now have a power over the Earth as with the flow returned to the atmosphere.
made of carbon in its organic form—often great as the forces of nature, and that their But the leak has gone unstopped for a very
complex molecules that are far from inert. use of this power has opened up a new geo- long time, and that has allowed the Earth’s
Combustion turns these organic complex- logical epoch that some scientists call the crust to build up a significant store of or-
ities into inorganic simplicities: carbon di- Anthropocene. ganic matter. Now human industry’s use of
oxide, water vapour and heat. To appreciate the importance of this in- the most concentrated and readily avail-
Of the energy that people pay for (as op- dustrial carbon flow, you have to under- able deposits of these fossil fuels has re-
posed to the energy that comes from burn- stand the carbon cycle in which it sits. At turned to the carbon cycle in a couple of
ing firewood) 34% comes from burning oil, centuries a fair fraction of what was
27% from coal and 24% from gas. Nuclear stashed away over hundreds of millions of
In this series
power, hydroelectric power and all other years. It is the addition of this new source
renewables combined provide just 15%. 1 The politics o climate action with no new sink that has knocked the cy-
The result of all this fossil fuel use is a mod- cle out of whack.
2 Modelling the greenhouse efect
ern industrial economy and an annual flow The world’s seas and plants have tried
of 9.5bn tonnes of carbon out of the ground 3 The carbon cycle, present and uture their best to keep things in equilibrium, re-
and into the atmosphere. sponding to rising levels of carbon dioxide
4 The impacts and their timescales
Through its effects on the plants, ani- by stashing more away in the biosphere
mals and microbes which make up the bio- 5 Engineering an energy transition and oceans. They suck up roughly half of all
sphere, on the climate and on the oceans, the extra carbon dioxide that industry puts
6 The imperative o adaptation
this industrial flow of carbon links the into the atmosphere. But that is as much as 1
48 Climate brief The Economist May 9th 2020

2 they can do. And so the amount in the at- not be the pre-industrial one. The carbon- Some forms of negative emission look
mosphere grows. dioxide level will settle down not far short fairly benign: farming in ways that make
This intensification of the carbon cycle of whatever the 21st century’s peak level the soil richer in organic carbon; restoring
has side-effects. Plants fed with extra car- turns out to be. Which means that tempera- degraded forests and planting new ones.
bon dioxide tend to grow more, if circum- tures will stay high, too—with all that en- More ambitious is the idea of harnessing
stances allow. Current estimates suggest tails for crops, ice caps and the like. photosynthesis to industry; growing plan-
the global rate of photosynthesis is 3-7% This plateau will eventually subside. tation crops, burning them to generate
higher than it was 30 years ago; satellite im- The erosion of the Earth’s crust exposes sil- electricity and sequestering the carbon di-
ages show the Earth is getting greener. icate minerals that react with carbon diox- oxide given off underground, rather than
Such “carbon-dioxide fertilisation” has im- ide, eventually producing solid carbonate letting it out into the atmosphere, an ap-
proved the yields of some crops, and the minerals from which the carbon cannot proach called bioenergy with carbon cap-
growth of some forests and other ecosys- readily escape. But this “chemical weather- ture and storage, or beccs.
tems. This is not enough to compensate for ing” works on a much longer timescale Then there is the idea of stripping car-
the damage climate change does to agricul- than the sinks. Geochemists think it would bon dioxide out of the atmosphere with re-
ture by higher temperatures and altered take 1,000 years for a post-fossil-fuel car- newably powered open-air chemical engi-
rainfall. But, on balance, it is hard to see it bon-dioxide level of around 550 parts per neering: “direct air capture”, or dac. And
as much of a problem. million to be brought back below today’s there is also the possibility of helping
The same cannot be said of the in- 415ppm towards a mid-20th century level along the chemical weathering process by
creased flow into the ocean sink. More dis- of 315ppm. grinding up silicate rocks into fine dusts,
solved carbon dioxide makes seawater thus speeding up the reactions that store
more acidic. How bad this acidification Going backwards carbon dioxide away in stable minerals.
will prove is open to debate. But the process What, though, if the Anthropocene transi- There are two big problems with these
will probably be very damaging to some tioned from a past dominated by anthropo- ideas. One is the scale at which they need to
ecosystems, including reefs already genic carbon sources to a future character- operate to make a difference. Imagine that
stressed by rising temperatures. Even if ised by anthropogenic sinks? There are two in 2060 the world had, through a vast ef-
fossil-fuel use were not warming the cli- reasons why this might be appealing. One fort, renounced 90% of its fossil-fuel use.
mate, this acidification would in itself is that some fossil-fuel emissions may be To offset the remaining recalcitrant 10%
count as a frightening global change. very hard to eliminate from the economy. If would still require a sink capable of soak-
The growth of the two carbon sinks is they could be counterbalanced by “nega- ing up about 1bn tonnes of carbon a year.
also, left to itself, unsustainable. Warm wa- tive emissions” that take carbon dioxide The industrial systems for taking carbon
ter absorbs less carbon dioxide than cold out of the atmosphere at a similar rate, the dioxide from the air currently on the draw-
water. So as the oceans warm their ability to Paris goal of stopping any further increase ing board operate at barely a thousandth of
offset emissions weakens. As to the land to the carbon-dioxide level would be far that scale. Creating such a flow through
sink, higher temperatures speed up micro- easier to meet. photosynthesis would require a plantation
bial respiration, especially in soils, more The second attraction of the idea stems about the size of Mexico.
reliably than higher carbon-dioxide levels from the other Paris goal, that of keeping This leads to the second problem. Imag-
speed up photosynthesis. the global temperature increase, compared inary backstops are dangerous. If countries
The Paris agreement of 2015 calls for in- to pre-industrial times, well below 2°C. Do- build negative emissions into their think-
creases to the atmosphere’s carbon-diox- ing this simply by reducing emissions ing, they will cut emissions more slowly on
ide level caused by fossil fuels to end by the would require much steeper cuts than any the basis that any overshoot can be
second half of this century. Even if that seen to date, and they would have to con- mopped up later. But they will not neces-
deadline is not met, some mixture of poli- tinue for decades. If the world developed sarily undertake the huge efforts required
cy, catastrophe and/or resource depletion negative-emission technologies, more to make those negative emissions a reality.
will eventually bring the rise to an end. The gentle emissions cuts in the near future The Anthropocene fact that humans are
flows of carbon between the atmosphere, could be made up for by negative emis- now integral to the processes of the planet
oceans and biosphere will then come back sions later on, which would bring the car- does not mean that they can change those
into balance. bon-dioxide level back down from its ex- processes without great effort—let alone
But the equilibrium thus restored will cessive peak. just through wishful thinking. 7

→ Humans have unbalanced the carbon cycle; could they fix it?
Negative emissions: 1 enhanced weathering
2 reforestation 3 soil improvement 4 BECCS* 5 DAC*
Total carbon stocks and annual flows, gigatonnes of carbon

Past Pre-industrial Now Early Anthropocene Net-zero future Later Anthropocene

Biosphere Atmosphere
Biosphere Atmosphere Biosphere Atmosphere
109 61 Oceans 123 79 Oceans
600 600 600 600 Oceans
107 60
38,000 117 80

Soils Soils 9.5 3

Soils ?
2,000 2,000
Extracted fossil
4 5
Sources: California
(solid earth) Geosphere Geosphere
Polytechnic; IPCC 12.5m 12.5m *Explained in text
The Economist May 16th 2020 49
Climate brief Impacts
mate change. But research suggests that
many of them will. Most of the problems
people have with weather and climate
come from extremes. When means shift a
little, extremes can shift a lot (see chart
overleaf). Today’s rare extremes become to-
morrow’s regular disturbances; tomor-
row’s extremes are completely new.
How damaging these impacts will be to
the economic and physical welfare of hu-
mankind depends on how much warming
takes place and how well people adapt—
both of which are currently unknowable.
But it is possible to get a qualitative sense
of what they could mean by looking at the
range of timescales over which they oper-
ate. At one end, a thunderstorm’s pollen
surge, sweeping by in minutes; at the other,
sea-level rise which could last longer than
any civilisation in human history.
In terms of short-lived events, the worst
sort of bad day that the world’s weather can
offer is generally taken to be the one on
which you get hit by a tropical cyclone,
which is why hurricanes (as they are
known in the Atlantic) and typhoons (as
they are known in some other places) have
become so heated a part of the arguments
about climate change. A single hurricane
can do more than $100bn in damage, as
Harvey did when it hit Houston in August
2017, or kill thousands, as Maria did the fol-
lowing month in Puerto Rico.
Tropical cyclones can only form over a
From seconds to centuries sea or ocean with a surface temperature of
27°C or more. The area where such tem-
Bad times peratures are possible will definitely in-
crease with warming. But that does not
mean hurricanes will become more com-
mon. Their formation also requires that
the wind be blowing at a similar speed
close to the surface and at greater alti-
The damage done by climate change will be severe, widespread
tudes—and this condition, models say, will
and sometimes surprising
become less common in future over many
n november 21st 2016, a line of thun- of 2016 had not brought weather particular- of the places where hurricanes spawn.
O derstorms passed through the Austra-
lian state of Victoria. By the end of the fol-
ly well suited to the growth of allergenic
grasses, would that stormy afternoon have
Thus models do not predict a great increase
in the number of tropical cyclones; Atlan-
lowing day, it had sent 3,000 people to been so catastrophic? Such complexities tic hurricanes may well become more rare.
hospital. Storms typically hurt people by mean that a gradual change to the climate But more heat in the oceans means that
blowing down buildings, flooding streets can lead to sudden changes in the impacts those tropical cyclones which do get going
or setting fires. In this case, though, the ca- on human beings when things pass a cer- are more likely to become intense. There is
sualties were caused by asthma. Late that tain threshold. And that threshold will not thus broad agreement among experts that
afternoon a peculiarly powerful downdraft necessarily be discernible in advance. the proportion of hurricanes which reach
generated by the storm front pushed a layer Not all the ways in which today’s weath- category four or five looks set to increase.
of cold air thick with pollen, dust and other er harms people will be exacerbated by cli- So, too, does the rainfall associated with
particles through Melbourne. The city’s them, because warmer air holds more
ambulance service was swamped within moisture. Studies of the flooding caused by
In this series
hours. At least ten people died. Hurricane Harvey suggest that warming
The risks that weather and climate pose 1 The politics o climate action due to climate change increased its rainfall
to human life are not always as specific to by about 15%. Extreme rainfall events of
2 Modelling the greenhouse efect
the peculiar circumstances of time and many sorts increase in warmer worlds.
place as that sudden-onset asthma epi- 3 The carbon cycle, present and uture The heat which powers hurricanes at
demic. But they are complex functions of sea can, on land, kill directly. Humans cool
4 The impacts and their timescales
what, where and who, and their mecha- themselves by sweating, a process that be-
nisms are not always easily discerned. 5 Engineering an energy transition comes less effective the more humid the at-
What is more, they can interact with each mosphere. Combining the heat and the hu-
6 The imperative o adaptation
other. For example, if the southern spring midity into something called the wet-bulb 1
50 Climate brief The Economist May 16th 2020

2 temperature (wbt) allows scientists to In the nearer term, there is an increased This is an issue not just in warm, fire-prone
measure temperatures in a way that re- likelihood of heatwaves. Between August places such as Australia. For several
flects that difficulty (similar measures in 3rd and 16th 2003, Europe saw 39,000 more months in the summer of 2019, large
America are called the heat index). wbts of deaths than would have been expected on swathes of northern Russian and Canadian
35°C and above are lethal. the basis of previous years. The excess mor- forest—and even some of Greenland’s few
Until recently it was thought that wbts tality was due to a summer that was hotter, woodlands—went up in flames.
that high would not be seen until warming by some estimates, than any for the previ- Unusual infernos have plagued Califor-
had continued for decades. A review of ous 500 years. Modelling suggests that, nia for many years now, again as a result of
weather-station data from 1979 on, how- even in 2003, climate change had made parched conditions, which are drying out
ever, shows that for very brief periods local such a heatwave at least twice as likely. rivers, lakes and underground aquifers
wbts almost that high are already being ex- Extreme heatwaves are becoming more across the entire south-west of the state.
perienced occasionally in South-East Asia, frequent not only because temperatures This is no regular drought. It is 19 years in
the Persian Gulf and the coastal south-west are climbing. Warming-induced changes the making, enough for it to be classed as a
of America, and that their frequency had in the climate system can weaken the pro- “megadrought”.
doubled since 1979. With 2.5°C (4.5°F) of cesses that normally move weather around Tree-ring records show only four such
global warming above pre-industrial lev- the world, allowing conditions to get stuck. in the region over the past 1,200 years, and
els, which is quite possible in the second Such stalling can be the difference between suggest that this could be as bad as the
half of this century if action on emissions a hot week and a lethal month, or in winter worst of them, which took place in the 17th
is not significantly increased, these unlive- a cold snap and a deep freeze. century. Such droughts are linked to chang-
able conditions will become a regular oc- ing patterns of circulation in the ocean.
curence in parts of the humid subtropics. Springtime and harvest Models suggest that such patterns are
Another recent study defines climates Hot summers can also harm crops, both di- themselves altered by warming, which can
which people find liveable according to rectly—many important crops are very thus change the frequency of other large-
where, historically, they have lived, and sensitive to temperatures above a certain scale regional shifts in the climate.
then sees which such areas move beyond threshold—and through water stress. Mil- And then there is the longest term
those climatic bounds as the world warms. der winters can also do harm by allowing change: sea level. The sea’s rise comes from
Temperature rises quite plausible by 2070 pests to survive, hurting yields. three different mechanisms—the expan-
would see many areas where people live to- When unusually hot and dry conditions sion of the oceans as they absorb more
day develop climates unlike any that peo- suck the moisture off the land, the subse- heat, the addition of meltwater from
ple have lived in before (see map). Some quent droughts do not just exacerbate the shrinking glaciers on land, and the physi-
econometric analyses based on inter- problems for farmers. They also increase cal break down of ice sheets such as those
annual differences suggests that, in gen- the risk and severity of fires—which an in- on Antarctica and Greenland. The first two
eral, higher temperatures lead to lower la- crease in the amount of lightning will, in factors are currently driving an increase of
bour productivity and more violence. some regions, spark off more frequently. about 1cm every three years, and are set to
do so at a similar rate well into the 21st cen-
tury even if global warming is held well be-
→ A hotter planet is a more extreme one; some regions become unliveable low 2°C; the time it takes seawater to warm
up gives the process a significant inertia.
Effect of changes in global temperature
Such rises will erode coasts and increase
Increase in mean Increase in variance Increase in mean and variance flooding—especially when pushed inland
by the surges intense storms produce.

→ The big unknown, though, once you get
Fewer cold More hot More cold More hot Less impact on More hot
extremes extremes extremes extremes cold extremes extremes
to the century time scale, is the stability of
↙ ↘ ↙ ↘ the great ice sheets. It is widely believed
that there are points of no return after
which such sheets are doomed slowly to
Cold Average Hot Cold Average Hot Cold Average Hot
collapse, thus increasing sea levels by
many metres. Where these points of no re-
turn are is not clear. It is possible that they
Projected change in suitability* for human habitation in 2070 More suitable/
With warming of between 2°C and 2.5°C above pre-industrial levels no change Less suitable might be passed even if warming is kept to
1.5°C above the pre-industrial.
Outside historical A high likelihood of drought and crop
human niche failures; changes to regional climate that
upset whole economies; storms more de-
structive in both their winds and their
rains; seawater submerging beaches and
infiltrating aquifers: what is known about
the impacts of climate change is already
worrying enough. The known unknowns
add to the anxiety. It is not just the question
of the ice sheets, an uncertainty massive
enough to weigh down a continent. There
are other tipping points, too, which could
see ocean currents shift, or deserts spread.
And in the spaces between all these trou-
bles are the unknown unknowns, as sur-
prising, and deadly, as a thunderstorm that
Sources: IPCC AR5; “Future of the human climate niche”, by Chi Xu et al., 2020 *Based on temperature and precipitation levels kills through pollen. 7
The Economist May 23rd 2020 49
Climate brief Energy
ville, Pennsylvania, that crude oil came to
represent 25% of humankind’s total prim-
ary energy. Energy transitions were slow
largely because the growth in total energy
use was fast. In the century it took oil to
capture a quarter of the total, that total in-
creased. They are also always incomplete.
New fuels may reduce the share of the pie
that old fuels control, but they rarely re-
duce the total energy those fuels supply.
Much more “traditional biomass” is
burned by the world’s poor today than was
burned by the whole world in 1900.
To give the world a good chance of keep-
ing global warming, measured against the
temperature pre-coal, well below 2°C
(3.6°F) will require an energy transition far
larger and quicker than any before it. In the
next 30-50 years 90% or more of the share
of the world’s energy now being produced
from fossil fuels will need to be provided by
renewable-energy sources, nuclear power
or fossil-fuel plants that bury their waste
rather than exhaling it.
During this time, the pie will keep grow-
ing—but not necessarily as fast as it used
to. The direct relationship between gdp
and energy use, which held tight until the
1970s, has weakened over the past half cen-
tury. It is possible for growth per person to
continue without energy use per person in-
creasing. Though the population is no lon-
ger growing as fast as it did at the 20th-cen-
tury peak of its increase, it will still be the
Once more, with renewables best part of 2bn higher by mid-century. And
all those people should be able to aspire to
Not-so-slow burn modern energy services. Today more than
800m people still lack electricity—hence
all that burning of traditional biomass.
The good news, however, is that govern-
ments say they are willing to push through
the change. Previous transitions, though
The world’s energy system has been transformed before—but never as quickly or
shaped by government policy at national
completely as must happen now
levels, were mostly caused by the demand
or more than 100,000 years humans ergy transitions”. They require huge for new services that only a specific fuel
F derived all their energy from what they
hunted, gathered and grazed on or grew for
amounts of infrastructure; they change the
way the economy works; and they take
could provide, such as petrol for engines.
The growth in renewable-generation
themselves. Their own energy for moving place quite slowly. capacity is the exception. It has not been
things came from what they ate. Energy for James Watt patented his steam engine driven by the fact that renewable electrons
light and heat came from burning the rest. in 1769; coal did not exceed the share of to- allow you to do things of which those from
In recent millennia they added energy tal energy provided by “traditional bio- coal are not capable. It has largely been dri-
from the flow of water and, later, air to the mass”—wood, peat, dung and the like—un- ven by government policy. This has not al-
repertoire. But, important as water- and til the 1900s (see chart overleaf). It was not ways had the near-term effects for which
windmills were, they did little to change until the 1950s, a century after the first such policy should aim. Germany’s roll-out
the overall energy picture. Global energy commercial oil well was drilled in Titus- of renewables has been offset by its retreat
use broadly tracked the size of a population from nuclear, and its emissions have risen.
fed by farms and warmed by wood. But subsidies there and elsewhere have
In this series
The combination of fossil fuels and ma- boosted supply chains and lowered the
chinery changed everything. According to 1 The politics o climate action cost of renewable technologies.
calculations by Vaclav Smil, a scholar of en- During the 2010s the levelised cost (that
2 Modelling the greenhouse efect
ergy systems at the University of Manitoba, is the average lifetime cost of equipment,
between 1850 and 2000 the human world’s 3 The carbon cycle, present and uture per megawatt hour of electricity generated)
energy use increased by a factor of 15 or so. of solar, offshore wind and onshore wind
4 The impacts and their timescales
The expansion was not homogeneous; fell by 87%, 62% and 56%, respectively, ac-
over its course the mixture of fossil fuels 5 Engineering an energy transition cording to Bloombergnef, an energy-data
used changed quite dramatically. These are outfit (see chart overleaf). This has allowed
6 The imperative o adaptation
the monumental shifts historians call “en- deployments that were unthinkable in the 1
50 Climate brief The Economist May 23rd 2020

2 2000s. Britain now has 10,000 offshore to oil is not yet as great, because oil mostly farmland—they will need to be offset by re-
wind turbines. They are built by developers drives cars, and electric cars are still rare. moving carbon dioxide from the atmo-
chosen based on how low a price they are But as that changes, renewables will come sphere either with trees or technology.
willing to take for their electricity (the gov- for oil, as they are already coming for gas. None of this happens, though, without
ernment pledges to make the cost up if the There are stumbling blocks. Neither the investment. The International Renewable
market price falls below it). sun nor the wind produces energy consis- Energy Agency, an advisory group, esti-
In 2015 winning bids were well over tently. Germany’s solar-power installa- mates that $800bn of investment in renew-
£100 ($123) per mwh, far higher than the tions produce five times more electricity in ables is needed each year until 2050 for the
cost of fossil-fuel electricity. Thanks to pre- the summer than they do in the winter, world to be on course for less than 2°C of
dictable policy, fierce competition and when demand for electricity is at its peak. warming, with more than twice that need-
technical progress, a recent auction Wind strengths vary not just from day to ed for electric infrastructure and efficien-
brought a bid as low as £39.65 per mwh, day but from season to season and, to some cy. In 2019 investment in renewables was
roughly the level of average wholesale extent, year to year. This amounts to a $250bn. The big oil and gas firms invested
power prices. Solar and onshore wind are speed bump for renewables, not a block- twice as much in fossil-fuel extraction.  
even less expensive. About two-thirds of ade. Long transmission lines that keep If governments want to limit climate
the world’s population live in countries losses low by working at very high voltages change, therefore, they must do more. They
where renewables represent the cheapest can move electricity from oversupplied ar- do not have to do everything. If policy
source of new power generation, says eas to those where demand is surging. Lith- choices show that the road away from fos-
Bloombergnef. ium-ion batteries can store extra energy sil fuels is right, private capital will follow.
Solar power is the really spectacular and release it as needed. The economic Investors are already wary of fossil-fuel
achiever, outstripping the expectations of stimulus China announced in March in- companies, eyeing meagre returns and the
its most fervent boosters. Ramez Naam, a cludes both ultra-high-voltage grids and possibility that action on climate change
bullish solar investor, recently recalibrated electric-vehicle-charging infrastructure. will leave firms with depreciating assets.
his expectations to foresee a future of “in- But governments need to make the sig-
sanely cheap” solar power. By 2030, he Thou orb aloft, somewhat dazzling nals clear. Around the world, they cur-
reckons, in sunny parts of the world, build- As the sun and wind account for a larger rently provide more than $400bn a year in
ing large new solar installations from share of power, renewables might store direct support for fossil-fuel consumption,
scratch will be a cheaper way of getting power by splitting water to create hydrogen more than twice what they spend subsidis-
electricity than operating fully depreciated to be burned later. More ambitiously, if ing renewable production. A price on car-
fossil-fuel plants, let alone building new technologies for pulling carbon dioxide bon, which hastens the day when new re-
ones. Michael Liebreich, a consultant on back out of the air improve, such hydrogen newables are cheaper than old fossil-fuel
renewable energies, speculates about a “re- could be combined with that scavenged plants, is another crucial step. So is re-
newable singularity” in which cheap re- carbon to make fossil-free fuels. search spending aimed at those emissions
newable electricity opens up new markets In doing so, they might help remedy the which are hard to electrify away. Govern-
that demand new capacity which makes other problem with renewables. There are ments have played a large role in the devel-
electricity cheaper still. some emissions which even very cheap opment of solar panels, wind turbines and
Even without such speculative won- electricity cannot replace. Lithium-ion fracking. There is a lot more to do.
ders, the effect of renewables is apprecia- batteries are too bulky to power big planes However much they do, though, and
ble. Together with natural gas, which on long flights, which is where artificial fu- however well they do it, they will not stop
America’s fracking revolution has made els might come in. Some industrial pro- the climate change at today’s temperature
cheaper, solar and wind are already squeez- cesses, such as cement-making, give out of 1°C above the pre-industrial. Indeed,
ing coal, the energy sector’s biggest emitter carbon dioxide by their very nature. They they will need to expand their efforts great-
(a megawatt of coal produces a stream of may require technology that intercepts the ly to meet the 2°C target; on today’s poli-
emissions twice the size of that given off by carbon dioxide before it gets into the atmo- cies, the rise by the end of the century looks
a megawatt of gas). In 2018 coal’s share of sphere and squirrels it away underground. closer to 3°C. This means that as well as try-
global energy supply fell to 27%, the lowest When emissions cannot be avoided—as ing to limit climate change, the world also
in 15 years. The pressure that they can apply may be the case with some of those from needs to learn how to adapt to it. 7

→ The phenomenal growth in energy use brought about by fossil fuels will be hard to decarbonise
Global energy consumption, by source, terawatts Global energy consumption, by source, % of total Levelised cost of energy, $ per MWh
Log scale Solar Nuclear Other 2019 prices
Hydropower Wind renewables
Fossil uels
Traditional storage†
biomass Gas Solar*
6 3
. Ofshore wind
Human labour 4

. Coal
Onshore wind
Animal labour
. Coal
7 5 5 5 5 5 4 6
Sources: Vaclav Smil; BP Statistical Review of World Energy; BloombergNEF *Average of fixed and tracking systems †Estimated using battery-pack prices before 2018 ‡Combined Cycle Gas Turbines

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