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In the video we can find a man, where he talks about the irrational behavior. After
being some years in the MID (measuring instrument directive), he thinks and sees
that to write academic articles, it isn't emocionant. So, he decided write something
more funny, something like a cook book. In this book he would have spoken about
his research and a bit of cooking. But all the places where he wanted to give his
idea, they were saying that this is not his place, that will find another place. So,
someone told him, if you want to do this, first you have to talk about your research,
there isn't another way. So he did what this person told him.
For it, to talk about the irrational behavior, he explained different examples, as the
ilusion visual, in this, he told about two tables, at first view, one table seems more
long that the other table, but, really the two tables are identical. With this, he wants to
say that if we make these mistakes in things that supposedly we are good. What is
the probability that we make mistakes in things that we aren't good at? As in the
illusions cognitives, he told about the article about the organs donation, and another
article in which talk about the different doctors that have to make a difficult decision.
In both of them we can find that depending to as show the situation, it is more
probable to take one decision or another.
Another last example from the examples that he gived, is about the economy. In this
experiment, there were three options, the first opcion was little bit choosed, the
second option nobody choosed this, and the last option was the most choosed. But,
the experiment was repeated but without the second option, and the first opcion that
was little bit choosed, this time was the option most choosed, and the last option that
was before most choosed, this time was less chosen. This makes you see that we
don't really know our preferences. And as we don´t know these preferences, we are
debiling all these influences.
After more examples, this man tries to show the mental world, about the health
system, retirement, stock markets... we forget that we are limited. And he believes
that if we understand our cognitive limitations in the same way that we understand
our physical limitations, we can design a better world.

In my opinion, this is a topic very interesant. I think that all world should know at least
a little respect. Because I think that the things that he explains are true, and we don't
see that maybe we are limited, that we need to understand the cognitive limitations
because it is really important. Personally I think that everything relationated with the
mind is important to know, since everything related to the mind I love, for this reason
I really liked the video.
And finally, I think that there would be many things that would be different and better
if we gave importance to everything that this man tries to explain.

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