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Name : Fitri Nurul ‘Aeni

NIM : 20510072

Class/Study Program : A2-2020/PMTK



Past Passive
1. Each subject was interviewed related to the results of his work on the
algebra operation about story problem.
2. This research was conducted in SMPN 1 Banda Aceh.
3. The validity test of the data was done by triangulation technique.
4. The research subjects were recruited from seventh-grade students of
SMP Negeri 17 Makassar with 6 subjects, 2 students with misconception
(false negative) type, 2 students with misconception (false positive)
type, and 2 students with misconception type.
5. Diagnostic test II and the second interview were given to the subject one
week after diagnostic test I and the first interview.
Present Passive
6. Based on the results of the Three TierTest given to 7th-grade students, it
is identified that students experience misconceptions on algebraic
materials with a percentage of 37% from all 7thgrade students.
7. This misconception has a negative impact on students. Students will
have difficulty understanding the concepts conveyed by the teacher so
the new knowledge that students will receive is hampered.
8. Misconception is an incorrect idea or view of a concept held by a person
who is different from concepts that are considered true by experts.
9. The difficulties experienced by students are expected to make teachers
eager to motivate students to be diligent in learning so that students do
not experience fear of mathematics as expressed by Peker &
10. Initial conceptions or preconceptions that are not appropriate to the
scientific concept are called misconceptions.

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