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Pelina, Carlos Jade L. Mr.

Robee Brooks
BTLED- Home Economics 2 PEDTFTAL

The season is rapidly approaching in the Philippines. As a student and future

educator, you have the right to choose and vote for your choices. Simply respond
to the following questions.

1. As a future educator, how do you choose your candidates?

- As a future educator, I will choose the right candidate to run for our country
based on its true self. What I mean is that a candidate’s platform is not
enough to vote for him/her. It is easy to say than to be done. In choosing a
candidate that has a good track record along as he/she is on the politics,
he/she had many projects, programs that have been conducted especially to
those poorer of the poor which seeks a high sense of helping towards his/her
fellowmen. I choose my candidates also based on their experience in
leadership and if he/she has the right capacity to handle a country.

2. How does technology impact the Philippine election? Provide your insights
about COMELEC's automated process.

- The technology greatly impacts the Philippine election by utilizing faster

voting in the automated ballots, hassle-free and well organized, the other
thing is, automated voting has a higher level of security when it comes to
manipulation of votes than manual voting. In addition, technology helps the
Philippine election to have faster transmission of votes in different provinces
and can be easily monitored. Regarding the COMELEC’s automated process
as I observed in the past automated voting and until now, it is unavoidable to
have certain technical difficulties in automated voting despite early trials and
as the machines are not perfectly made and sometimes encounter problems
like paper jamming, overheating, corrupt SD cards, etc. But COMELEC still
did a good job to continue the voting despite those technical errors but those
errors must be watched carefully as it deserves a small gateway to
manipulate votes also using the technology which is still one of the problems
of the Philippine automated elections. But, technology greatly helps us and
the COMELEC to run the election smoothly and more securely.

3. Would you prefer to shift back to manual counting of the election? Why or
why not?

- I think I would prefer not to go back on the manual counting of the election
as they are vulnerable to manipulation of votes. I’ve said this because there
are proofs of the past administrations wherein the manual voting doesn’t
have enough security to protect. Unlike in automated elections where there
is a digital A.I security system to protect the votes from manipulation.
Additionally to that, manual counting takes a lot of time and manpower to
count and can trigger a more human error in counting that can affect the
number of votes of a certain candidate/s.

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