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Looking At War




Looking At War

Part 1

The article is about the story of war and its effects depicted in the form of a photograph

that was taken on the actual battlefield. Compiling the pictures was to show how the war was

inhumanly claiming lives, as photos are universal and a language that can be understood by the

players of war, including America, Germany, France, Japan, and others. The images are

combined and used in an uncensored manner to tell the story to every man to stop proper gating

war. This strategy by Virginia Woolf is compelling as all the hidden facts about battlegrounds

are revealed to the public (Sontag & Susan 2002).

Part 2

Fascist insurrection means the pejorative epithet upon different people—pitiless means

cruel or with no mercy. Complicit implies being aware of doing something in real context. These

words, among many others, have been employed in an unfamiliar manner to which I encounter.

To interpret a passage without complete comprehension, one must red and place the course into

context to depict the meaning of the words(Sontag & Susan 2002).

Parts 3
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The diction of the passage is done in a seamless manner as the writer perfectly merges the words

in perfect harmony with the intended message. This mastery shows how one can use the

language to quickly communicate a complex message in a simple manner (Sontag & Susan


Part 4

The passage appears in a context of public sensitization about truthful events of the war.

These contexts make us cognitively understand the ravages of war effects. This plays the role of

conveying the message to abolish war, especially in western civilization (Sontag & Susan 2002).

Part 5

The tone of the passage is that of being worried, depressed, or scared simultaneously.

This makes the e-speaker be in limbo, not knowing how best to explain which she wants to,

except by photos. The numerous depictions of relevant examples reflect this to emphasize the

same issue. The passage reveals that the speaker is well informed about the topic (Sontag &

Susan 2002).

Part 6

Plain disaster. It shows the devastating effects of human conflict. Imagery achieves the

infliction of the message without seeing the actual photos making it practical to use the strategy

(Sontag & Susan 2002).

Part 7
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Images are used to show the sad parts of the human conflict instead of the memory and good

times captured. Images have been used to indicate the devastating effects of war (Sontag &

Susan 2002).

Part 8

The theme of war is prevalent throughout the passage. The author uses the images to

trigger war pictures of wounded and dead soldiers with all the chaos that is usually present at

times of war (Sontag & Susan 2002).

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Sontag, Susan. "Looking at war." The New Yorker 9 (2002): 82-98.

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