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Name: Justin Anonuevo Date: 2022 – 11 – 03

“Activity 5”
1.) Summarize one (1) learning resource in 03 Readings: Jose Rizal's
- According to Ricardo P Garcia, Rizal's refutation has two important
pieces of evidence. The first evidence was Fr Balaguer, Vicente, the
healthy Rizal, according to the priest, had numerous unpleasant
sensations, repented, celebrated Mass, took Communion and read the
Rosary four times The next and final testimonial was former army
officer Mariano Martinez Gallegos He claimed Rizal signed the
suspension protocol along with key witnesses Juan del Fresno and Ela
Moure. The two named witnesses corroborated Gallegos' claims.
2.) State the viewpoint/s or argument/s in this resource.
 There are two main arguments in favor of Rizal's withdrawal.
Some historians therefore offer counterarguments to those in
favor of withdrawal of some bugs that pro retraction missed.

 "Original", May 18, 1935, 39 years after Rizal's execution

A manuscript with a so-called retraction formula was discovered
Archdiocese Archives.
3.) What particular viewpoint do you NOT believe in that resource?
Explain why you do not believe in this viewpoint.
- Rizal's retraction is one of the famous and controversial readings in
the Philippines. Talk When I drive in, I'm not there I can't really vouch
for the answer. For me, all the evidence presented was true I don't
think priests sugarcoat everything Because, according to one source,
Rizal was very close to the Jesuit priests and took them with him.
Shortly before his execution, he repented and asked for God's mercy.

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