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Evony Guide

 Japan – increased food production, ground troop defense and crafting speed.
 Korea – increased lumber production, ranged troop attack and healing speed.
 China – increased troop load, ground troop attack and research speed.
 Arabia – increased gem gathering speed, mounted troop HP and improved bonus
from offering.
 Europe – increased stone production, mounted troop attack and march speed to
 Russia – increased ore production, mounted troop defense and trap building speed.
 America – increased gold levy, siege machine attack and training speed.

Tips for your Evony Alt Account

 Upgrade Keep to at least level 25 – this allows you to upgrade other buildings to a
critical level. It also enables you to attack the alt account with your main account
and receive lower looting penalties.
 Fill all your subordinate city slots with Korean cities - This will improve the resources
gained from gathering.
 Focus research only on resource gathering and production - You will not be using
your alt account to fight.
 Join your alliance – Login at your alt account and then transport resources every day
and join rallies for additional resource box rewards.
 Kick the alt from your alliance now and again to attack it for all its resources.
 Play Evony on your PC or Mac to manage your alts - It is much easier to switch
between accounts this way. You can even have several instances of the game open
at once.
 Upgrade Watchtower to level 25. This allows you to scout enemies defending troops
in Server War and normal PvP without risking your main account. This can be useful
for allies and yourself to see before launching an attack.
 Bait in PvP with your alt. This is the process of dropping your bubble with the
intention of provoking someone to attack you. You can then be ready with your
main account to jump in and attack the aggressor. This is made easier when playing
Evony on your PC.
 Get Queen Jindeok or one of the other best Evony gathering generals to improve
your resource gathering.

The Patrol function on your castle Walls is one of the best ways to pick up Monarch
Equipment. It is very cheap to refresh at only 10K gold and costs just 30 Gems to keep an
item. Therefore, it is possible to pick up Level 3 equipment for just 30 Gems.

Join an Alliance
It is vital to join an alliance on day one. You get a boost from alliance research, can join
alliance rallies against tough boss monsters for better rewards, and can take part in
numerous other highly rewarding events. This includes events such as Hydra Invasion and
Server War.

Queen Jindeok is the best resource gathering general in the game and is also attainable
through the tavern from level 21. Having at least one of her will boost your resources
massively. You should aim to have 5 before too long.

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