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THT110 Tourism and Hospitality

Laboratory Worksheet

Name: KRISTEN JEAN J. DAGUPLO. Lab Schedule: F 3:00-6:00

Laboratory Activity 3

I. Introduction

Knowing your company's strengths and weaknesses is a requirement for running

a successful business. Only then can you determine what has to be improved or how to
address a problem. Environmental scanning is essential because of the quick changes
in the environment that have a big impact on how a business operates. Analysis of the
business environment identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and
is crucial for the survival and expansion of every business enterprise. All businesses of
all sizes and in all industries should scan their internal environments because doing so
will enable them to identify potential threats, opportunities, and weaknesses that could
affect their operations and those of their competitors. Additionally, it will enable the
managers to determine the organization's future course.

SWOT analysis is a tool that examines both internal and external factors that
may have an impact on your business; internal factors are your strengths, whereas
external factors are your threats and opportunities. This analysis will help the business
to better understand its business, show the owner or manager where to focus or make
improvements, and help them plan a strategy to address any weaknesses or threats to
the business so that they are ready should they arise. Additionally, the ability of a
company to outperform its rivals, or the assets you possess that others do not, which
make your company stronger, is referred to as a company's strength. Weakness is the
place where a company's potential is constrained; a company may excel in one area
while lacking in another. Weaknesses should be recognized and addressed as soon as
possible. Opportunities are something that the nosiness should take full advantage of as
they arise. Finally, there is the issue of threat. There is always a threat to a business
from its rivals and other variables, but early threat detection is usually advantageous
because it helps to mitigate some threat.

II. Objective
1. Analyze the tourism/hospitality related business’ internal environment using
the SWOT analysis tool.
III. Methodology - 15 points

October 2022



2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Visit the
ent for an

23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

Individual Finalize Finalizing Making of Printing hard Present
making of the PPT copy of the the
introducti gathered output output
on & data and
learning submit

30. 31.

I. Discuss the steps that you have taken to conduct the activity.
These are the steps that the group have taken to conduct this activity:
i. The group analyzes first the activity once it was posted.
ii. On Saturday morning, the group visited the establishment once again to
conduct a small interview for the SWOT analysis.
iii. Once the group arrived at the establishment, the group politely greeted
the staff and the manager. The group started the interview with the
manager once the manager instructed.
iv. After gathering the information needed, the group thanked the manager
and staff and gave small token for accommodating us.
v. The group finalizes the information gathered.
vi. The group printed the hard copy of the output for submission.
vii. The group made the PPT for the Presentation.

IV. Results - 50 points

Examining both internal and external challenges is the first stage in
effective strategic planning. The SWOT matrix supports better decision-making
by utilizing your company's competitive advantage and internal strengths to
create an action plan that unearths new opportunities for long-term success.
Since it opened fourteen (14) years ago, this place has been providing lodging.
The more changes they have adapted to and experienced as the industry
develops over time, which benefits their business. Despite how long they have
been in the industry, they still need to make certain modifications to their
company to provide high-quality service to both their internal clients and external
clients. Our analysis will focus on the company's strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats, as well as how these drawbacks might be turned into
By creating this activity, we were able to understand their strengths,
weaknesses, and areas for improvement. The quality of the company's service,
which they provide while accommodating customers, is a strength. If the
services can ensure that the guests are satisfied, the service itself may be a
strength. Reviews and feedback left by customers can be used to gauge how
satisfied they were, as can the strength of the bond between the company and
the customer. The fact that the hotel's owner and management is a members of
a well-known fraternal group works to their advantage because the hotel will
likely host any events related to the group if they occur. Additionally, because
members of this group come from all over the country and not only from Leyte, it
might aid the hotel in marketing its services. The hotel itself is a benefit because
it offers services and lodging at a reasonable cost. We were informed that this
hotel has been operating for 14 years, which is a strength because, when
compared to other hotels, it means it is more experienced, sophisticated, and
exposed to the travel and hospitality industries. Since the beginning, they have
accumulated a plethora of knowledge and suggestions for enhancing their
This section of the paper will go over the hotel's weaknesses. So the hotel
requires some updating with its technology, social media platform, marketing,
advertising, and interior design, the establishment is less exposed to modernity
and innovation. We may say that this era is more advanced than previous ones,
and as a result, businesses in the tourism and hospitality sectors that offer
comfort, services, and lodging must adjust to this progress in technology. Their
social networking platform's out-of-date updates are a weakness. When we went
to their Facebook page, we saw that their most recent posts were from 2017,
which was far too long ago. That is one of their weaknesses because, from the
perspective of the guest, we need to know what updates have been made to their
hotels and whether they continue to provide the same services as previously or
whether there is something new they can offer the market. Since social media is
currently the most effective instrument for promotion, the company should take
advantage of it. The establishment's security is not up to par. Since the primary
goal of an accommodation company is to provide comfort to the guest as well as
safety, we discovered that the hotel lacks security staff who can maintain the
hotel safe. Since the hotel has a small staff, it is clear if there is no security guard
present. The staff of this hotel is multifaceted. It will be challenging for guests to
find a place to park their automobiles, motorcycles, or other vehicles they bring
because the hotel's parking space is similarly limited, which makes it a weakness
for them. Despite being in the center of Ormoc, the hotel's space is not very
noticeable, thus the business needs to make its signs more noticeable so that
they may be seen and recognized. To make it clear that they work for the
specified company, the staff must wear their assigned uniforms.
There are several opportunities for the establishment. The potential to
market their service to customers exists because the business owner has
contacts with powerful people. Almost all businesses involved in hospitality and
tourism are active during the holidays or peak season, which allows the company
a chance to advertise its offerings. The hotel is adaptable since it may advertise
services during off-peak or busy times. Being a seasoned professional in the field
presents an opportunity because they are aware of the strategies used in this line
of work, but they must also adjust to recent changes.
The group will discuss the threats that the company may experience or
have already faced. The hotel has more competition as a result of its location,
which forces them to amp up its marketing and advertising efforts. Currently, one
hotel faces threats from increased supplier costs and supply chain risk brought
on by changes in the price of this crucial product. Although customers'
expectations can be dangerous because their reviews aren't always favorable,
accommodating businesses must utilize this as an incentive to enhance their
offerings. The hotel has been in operation for a while, so its external and interior
design is antiquated. It must update its structure to be recognized among other
 It is their accommodation services  Less expose to modernization and
that they are offering to the guests, innovation.
from initial contact to departure.
 Outdated update of their social media
 Having personal connections of staff, platform
employees, and managers to a large
and well-known group of  The establishment is not as secured
organizations. If an event takes place, as it has to be. No security guard.
the hotel you are working with may be
their choice.  Limited staff.

 The hotel itself is an asset because of  Parking area is limited.

the low cost of rooms, the location,
the products and services offered,  The hotel’s signage is not visible
and, of course, the furniture. enough to be distinguish or seen.

 The hotel's time since it was  The staffs has no uniform for them to
established is its strength. be distinguished as staff in the said

 The product of this establishment is  Due to its location, TRN Travelers Inn
service to people, enable for the will face many competitors.
people to purchase it, is they need to  At the moment, one hotel is
experience it first. threatened by the rising costs of its
suppliers and is exposed to supply
 The establishment are quite busy, chain risk brought on by changes in
specially Holiday season and summer the cost of this important input.
time, it is the time where the  Outdated when it comes to
establishment is packed with technology and modern way of
travelers form other cities, to local advertising/promoting.
guest and foreign guest.  Guests expectations
 Since the TRN Travelers Inn opened,
 The establishment is flexible. 14 years. Many of its rivals have
luxurious designs, making the hotel
 The establishment has been running vulnerable.
14 years and until now its still
providing service in terms of
accommodation to guests and satisfy

V. Leanings, challenges and suggestions

In terms of the business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and

threats, this activity taught me a lot. When we talk about a company's strength,
we are referring to the advantages the company possesses over its rivals. To
succeed in business, you must be distinctive since distinctiveness commands a
premium in marketing. Weaknesses, it's crucial that you as a manager are aware
of your company's weaknesses in order to find a solution. We all know that while
some aspects of your organization are strong, others are as vulnerable. When
possibilities for your business arise, seize them with both hands and use them to
your advantage. The risks to businesses are not new, but it is crucial to have a
plan or at least an idea of one if you want to decrease them. Furthermore, I've
discovered that this analysis is an excellent tool for strategic planning and
brainstorming. A SWOT analysis will be more fruitful if it is carried out with a
particular goal or query in mind.
Since the managers' responses are brief and to the point, we require
answers that actually elaborate the business in order to identify the SWOT. So
far, I believe that is the only issue that our group has encountered when
creating this exercise. I advise that in order for us to avoid running into these
problems again, we should ask the manager to emphasize her response in
order for us to comprehend it better or for us to know the business better so
that we can quickly identify its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats, as well as effectively suggest solutions that will change the company
for the better and result in high profits and the satisfaction of its customers and

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