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Janelle Rozendaal

We Have Lost our Freedom of Speech

Canada was made a free country, and was meant to stay a free country, but have you realized
that you could face charges for simply speaking your mind? Did you know that by stating your opinion,
you could get fines, and even jail time? Thousands of people have come to Canada to have the right to
say what they want but did they get that? ||||||

My answer is that no. We have lost our freedom of speech, which I can prove to you through first, the
LGBTQ protective laws, second, abortion practices and laws, and last, silencing during COVID.

It’s one thing that there is a LGBTQ community, but it’s another thing that the laws protecting
them take away our freedom of speech. |||||| Bill C-6 which we all remember fiercely disliking, and
which Trudeau rushed through, made it practically impossible to change someone’s mind from LGBTQ
back to normal. It says that they are only allowed to go to counselling if they want, but in reality, the
chances of them WANTING to go are slim. But it doesn’t stop here, if it wasn’t enough, the government
then set in place bill c-4 and does not allow people to receive conversion therapy at all, no one cannot
receive body affirming help, or get counselling to change their mind from becoming LGBTQ. This kind of
counselling is out of the question. You can’t advertise it. You can’t go there if you don’t want it. You
can’t go there if you do want it. You can’t persuade your neighbor’s husband not to wear a skirt to work
tomorrow. You can’t speak your mind or opinion. You have lost your freedom of speech.

So, there were two laws that just showed us that Canada isn’t as free as we think it is, and the at
sometimes our classroom talk is illegal, but what’s also against our freedom of speech is the abortion
practices and laws. Everybody was, when Canada was made, allowed to speak their mind and opinion,
but that was curbed when hospitals and abortion clinics didn’t like having pro-life protestors right
outside their window. Laws were set up against it, and now we can’t speak our pro-life opinion by
hospitals, or setup sidewalk counseling to these women. If we were to try to talk to a person who’s
proabortion, their excuse is always, “We have to protect the women.” But what about the baby? It was
made legal in Canada to abort up to birth, also for “the women’s rights,” but these babies no doubt
want to live, and at times when abortions go wrong, the baby is still alive, making movements, or even
crying, and although this isn’t our way of speaking, it obvious they are fighting. They speak, but are not
listened to, instead are killed in ruthless ways.

Up until now, what you have heard most likely hasn’t affected you too closely, but I’ll bring it
closer to home: the medical silencing during COVID. |||||| We all remember that when COVID hit, we
were terrified, we believed every word of the media. But when a doctor figured out early on, that COVID
doesn’t have as high of a deathrate as they make it out to be, he wanted to show other people too, and
end their anxiety about COVID. This doctor made a simple video on YouTube, simply telling everyone the
reason not to get scared about it, twenty minutes later, his video was gone. Apparently, it was against
YouTube’s terms of service, which isn’t true. People are allowed to post what they want, with a few
exceptions, this not being one of them. The doctor was shoved in a corner and told to be quiet. The
well-known Derek Sloan, who we all have heard about, was questioning the pandemic and the vaccine,
and was not only told to be quiet, but was KICKED OUT of parliament! He couldn’t speak his mind as we
are entitled to do, instead he was shoved into a corner like so many other medical personnel. Doctors,
nurses, and others, have lost their jobs, lost their medical license, and even killed, for coming out with
what they knew about COVID. For instance, Dr. Moss was accused of spreading COVID 19
misinformation, and had his doctor’s license suspended. But really, he wasn’t spreading anything wrong
at all, he was telling others about what he had come across with COVID, luckily, he got one of the milder

We have lost our freedom of speech, and I proved that to you through the restricting LGBTQ community
guidelines, abortion acts, and the shushing during COVID. I could talk for hours, but I’m going to have to
leave it as this: freedom of speech means we can tell someone what they don’t want to hear.

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