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Lab: 2

Problem Statement: What effect does the concentration of Carbon Dioxide have on

Null Hypothesis: The concentration of Carbon Dioxide does not affect the rate of photosynthesis
Alternative Hypothesis: The concentration of Carbon Dioxide affects the photosynthesis rate.

Aim: Does the concentration of Carbon Dioxide increase or decrease the rate of photosynthesis

Apparatus/Materials: controlled greenhouse, dark empty room, open lot, three plants separately
planted in nutrient-rich soil, water and atmospheric probes to measure carbon dioxide, 2 lamps.

1. Label each plant A, B and C
2. Place plant A in the greenhouse, plant B in an empty room and plant C outside
3. In the controlled greenhouse, plant A should have the appropriate amount of sunlight,
water and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.
4. In the dark empty room, plant B should be stored with a lamp as its light source.
5. Plant C will be placed in an open lot and will be observed
6. Atmospheric probes will be connected to each plant and the carbon dioxide to which
they're exposed will be recorded
7. Each plant should get the same amount of water and sunlight.
8. Observe and record for one week on each plant.

Independent: water and soil
Controlled: the plant
Dependent: carbon dioxide concentration

1. Ensure plants are not exposed to chemicals
2. Ensure to record accurate observations

1. People may go into the empty room and increase carbon concentration
2. Animals may consume plant C being that it's on an open lot.

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