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Idiomatic collocations

fine line
-a very small difference
cold feet
-loss of nerve or confidence
level playing field
-a state in which conditions in a competition or situation are fair for everyone
wake-up call
-something that serves to alert a person to a problem, danger, or need
mixed blessing
-something that is good in some ways and bad in other ways
long shot
-a venture involving great risk
saving grace
-a redeeming quality or factor
foregone conclusion
-an inevitable result 
slippery slope
-a course of action likely to lead to something bad or disastrous
grey area
-an area or situation in which it is difficult to judge what is right and what is wrong
To get Itchy feet
-to start to want to travel or do something different
raw deal
-an instance of unfair treatment
second thought
-reconsideration or a revised opinion of a previous often hurried decision
wishful thinking 
-when you believe that what you want to happen will happen, when in fact it is not possible
last resort
-something done only if nothing else works
Sore point
-a subject that someone prefers not to talk about because it makes them angry or embarrassed

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