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Technology in the Classroom

Technology is all around us each and every day and is constantly evolving. Britannica

defines technology simply by saying, “the application of scientific knowledge to the practical

aims of human life” (Britannica 2022). I agree with this definition because technology was

created for the human body and to advance our knowledge and life in general. One of the main

things technology has advanced and impacted is the world of education. Technology has been

established in the classroom as a learning tool and can be valuable as a new teaching technique. I

hope to one day become a middle school math teacher and implement technology into my future

classroom to make learning more fun and engaging. Math is a subject that many students learn to

dislike because of its boring aspects or difficult skills. I believe if technology is integrated in a

better way in math classrooms then future students’ love for math will increase along with their

academic success. Technology will be most influential in my future classroom by engaging

students in each day’s lessons. For example, different educational games can be played through

technology and students can participate in class discussion with interactive lessons or slides.

Technology can help students become an active member in their education and can help students

learn in a fun and intriguing way. Technology can also help promoste relationships within the

classroom and encourage independent responsibility. The textbook says, “The effective

integration of technology can build more cohesive teacher-student and teacher-parent

relationships and improve the academic achievement of students” (Kathleen Kopp 2015). As

technology progresses throughout future years, so will the way educators incorporate technology

in their classrooms. Technology will most likely become more modern, more informative, and

more advanced in future years. With new technology, educators will have to constantly adapt and

learn to better their teaching methods. However, with new technology, teachers are able to offer
new teaching methods to the students who may need to learn in different ways. Although

technology is constantly changing, the human population must remember that technology was

made to aid the human body not work against it. Technology in classrooms is made to make the

classroom an efficient learning environment. It just has to be used in the right, most productive

Works Cited

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopedia. "technology". Encyclopedia Britannica, 7 Apr.

2022, Accessed 8 September 2022. Kopp,

K. (2015). Integrating technology into the Curriculum. Shell Education.

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