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Answer the following questions.

1. Analyze your own groups’ data. Explain.
We are the Model 8, and we must follow Module 6 it says there except Step 4 (pouring 2
drops of fresh pineapple juice). Our biological sample is blood and a plant sample of garlic,
cabbage, dragon fruit, and mango.
The Materials that we used are: Plastic Syringe, Dropper, Measuring spoons, Liquid
measuring cup, 250 ml Water, Warm water (for plant samples), 70% ethyl alcohol, Mortar
and Pestle, Toothpick, Strainer, Timer, Salt Dish washing liquid, Plastic cups.
The first step is to use a mortar and pestle to thoroughly crush the plant sample and then add
14 cup of warm water during and after grinding. Second, put 1 teaspoon of salt in the blood
and plant sample. Next, make the liquid soap solution by putting 5 teaspoon of dish washing
liquid soap in a 250 mL water in a separate cup. After that, add 2 teaspoon of liquid soap
solution and 2 teaspoon of 70% ethyl alcohol to the sample and leave and observe for 1
minute, 30 minutes, and 2 hours.

2. Compare your data with that of other groups. What differences can you observe?
The other groups utilized chilled ethyl alcohol and warm ethyl alcohol to us we used normal
ethyl alcohol, and other groupds didn't go through the same processes like us. Other models
biological sample is saliva and plants sample including onion, banana, papaya, and tomato as
a plant sample. Even if we utilized other materials and samples, we can still extract DNA.
3. Based on the pooled data, develop a hypothesis to explain the characteristics of DNA.
The DNA will turn white and form a clump of thread filaments.
3.1 In the experiment, what is the role of pineapple juice?
Pineapple Juice helps untangle and unfold the DNA from the other parts of the cell.
3.2 In the experiment, what is the role of chilled ethyl alcohol?
Lab technicians can add ethanol or isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) so that the DNA
clumps and form a visible white precipitate. It's important to use cold alcohol because it
allows a larger amount of DNA to be extracted. If the alcohol is too warm, it may cause the
DNA to denature [bold], or break down. The initial role of the ethanol and monovalent
cations is to remove the solvation shell surrounding the DNA and permitting the precipitation
of the DNA in pellet form. The ethanol also serves to promote the aggregation of the DNA.
The warm alcohol make the DNA strands coming from the sample or DNA clumps being
destroyed, it kills the DNA clumps and scattered. It means that DNA clumps cannot form
unless if we uses chilled alcohol. It helps and boost the formation of them Sample's DNA.
4. Suppose you added ethyl alcohol directly to the plant sample without first slicing and
grinding. What do you think would you observe? Would you be successful in extracting the
DNA? Explain.
If we added ethyl alcohol directly to the plant sample without slicing and grinding there will
be no DNA extraction because the the cell walls of the plant material is inside of it you cant

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get any if you don’t slice and grind it. Slicing and grinding the sample exposes a greater
surface area from which to extract the DNA. The purpose of the mashing was to break down
the cell walls. Slicing and grinding the plant sample begins the process of breaking down the
cells in the sample and releasing the DNA. DNA is not soluble in alcohol. Adding alcohol to
the sliced and ground plant sample mixture isolates the DNA from the sample mixture, hence
the reason why the white stringy DNA develops at the top of the mixture.
5. Consider a single-celled organism, such as a bacterium, whose DNA is not enclosed within
a membrane-bound nucleus.
5.1 Would you predict that extracting the DNA from a bacterial cell would be easier or
harder than extracting DNA from onion cells? Briefly explain.

Extracting a plant sample is far more difficult due to the plant's cell wall. Extracting DNA
from a bacterial cell is simpler because there are only three steps to follow. Furthermore,
during the condensation process, chemicals in the plant cell may contaminate the DNA
5.2 Would you predict that a single-celled bacterial organism would have as much DNA as a
more complex entity, such as an onion? Explain.
6. Suggest ways to modify the procedure to increase the amount of DNA which can be
extracted from the plant samples.
From what I saw in the internet, the result of their experiment the DNA is very visible,
because they used greater amount of materials added in the plant sample.
7. What method would you propose to extract DNA in other cells, such as liver or yeast?
Explain your reasoning.
The tissue is homogenised to break open the cells and the nuclear pellet is isolated by
differential centrifugation. One treatment with high salt concentration, the DNA solubilise
and dissociates from proteins on addition of cold 95% ethanol, DNA precipitates out like
their long threads which can be spooled on a glass rod.

8. What is the use of DNA after it was extracted?

Once extracted, DNA can be used for molecular analyses including PCR, electrophoresis,
sequencing, fingerprinting and cloning.

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1. Do all living things have DNA? Explain your answer.
All living organisms have DNA in their cells. In fact, almost every cell in a multicellular
organism contains all of the DNA required for the organism. However, DNA does more than
specify the structure and function of living things — it also serves as the primary unit of
heredity in organisms of all types. In other words, whenever organisms reproduce, a portion
of their DNA is passed along to their offspring. This transmission of all or part of an
organism's DNA helps ensure a certain level of continuity from one generation to the next,
while still allowing for slight changes that contribute to the diversity of life. DNA, on the
other hand, is the basic unit of inheritance in all species, and it does more than explain the
form and function of living things. To put it another way, when organisms reproduce, they
pass on a piece of their DNA to their children. This transmission of all or part of an
organism's DNA maintains a degree of continuity from generation to generation while
allowing for tiny differences that add to life's diversity.
2. Using the figure, what are the three components of a nucleotide?
a. Base Nitrogenous
Purines and pyrimidines are the two classes of nitrogenous bases. Adenine and guanine are
two types of purines. Cytosine, thymine, and uracil are three pyrimidines. DNA is made up of
four bases: adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G), and cytosine (C). In RNA, there are four
bases: adenine, guanine, uracil, and cytosine.
b. Sugar Pentose
2'-deoxyribose is the sugar found in DNA. Ribose is the sugar that makes up RNA. Both
ribose and deoxyribose are five-carbon sugars. The carbons are numbered progressively to
keep track of where groups are linked. The main difference is that 2'-deoxyribose contains
one less oxygen atom attached to the second carbon.
c.Phosphate Group
PO43- is a phosphate group with only one phosphate group. The phosphorus atom is at the
center. One oxygen atom connects the sugar's 5-carbon atom to the phosphorus atom. When
phosphate groups unite to form chains, such as in ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the link
looks like O-P-O-P-O-P-O with two additional oxygen atoms attached to each phosphorus,
one on either side of the atom
3. In complex multicellular animals and plant cells, where is DNA found?
Despite the fact that most eukaryotes' DNA is found in the nucleus, some DNA can also be
found in the mitochondria of animals, plants, and fungi, as well as in the chloroplasts of
plants. ATP is largely created in these organelles by mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation
and chloroplast photosynthesis. Numerous lines of evidence imply that mitochondria and
chloroplasts evolved from bacteria that were endocytosed and formed endosymbionts in
primordial eukaryotic cells. Over evolutionary time, the majority of bacterial genes encoding
components of today's organelles have been transferred to the nucleus. However, in modern
eukaryotes, mitochondria and chloroplasts retain circular DNA encoding organellar proteins,
as well as the ribosomal and transfer RNAs essential for their translation. As a result,

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eukaryotic cells have a variety of genetic systems, including a dominant nucleus system and
secondary systems, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts, that each have their own DNA.
4. When isolating DNA, why is it helpful to control environmental conditions?
The preceding methods for isolating DNA from the cortex are designed to extract DNA from
the cortex and then purify it to remove any amplification inhibitors. The ability to extract
DNA is crucial for studying disease genetics and creating diagnoses and treatments. It's also
needed for forensic science, genome sequencing, environmental detection of germs and
viruses, and paternity determination.

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