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Aarón Municio Soto 3rD 17-04-2020


Pre-Reading Activities:
Exercise 1, Page 7. Complete the letter from a passenger on a ship with the words
1. Passenger
2. Luxury
3. Become accustomed
4. Lost
5. Miss
Exercise 2, Page 7. What do you think it was like travelling a long distance on a boat or a
ship 100 years old ago? How do you think it is different today?
In the past it was less common to travel by ship, it was a new fact that you could move
from the harbour where the ship was affixed, to the city or country you wanted to visit,
we didn’t know well how ship worked.
Now travelling by ship is safer than 100 years ago. As time has gone, we have become
more knowledge about what material we should are more appropriate to build a ship…
Exercise 3, Page 7. This book is about the Titanic. Tick the things that you think are true
about the ship, then check your answers on the page 15.
1. The Titanic was the biggest ship built at that time.
2. The Titanic made five journeys across the Atlantic
3. There were only rich passengers on the TItanic
4. In today’s money, it cost $176,000,000 to build the Titanic
5. The Titanic was built in Ireland
Exercises Chapters 1 & 2
Exercise 1, Page 14. Match the words in A to their definitions in B.
1. Sail – Travel on a boat/ship
2. Corridor – A long passage
3. Voyage – A long journey by sea
4. Handsome – Good-looking
5. Exciting – Stimulating

Exercise 2, Page 14. Complete the sentences with the words below.
1. When I was a small child, I woke up very early every morning.
2. It was hot, so the boy took off his sweater.
3. The police will find out who stole my car.
4. I turned to my brother and spoke to him.
5. I can only recognise people when I’m close up.

Exercise 3, Page 14. The words in bold are mistakes. Write the correct word below each
1. Charlotte and Aunt Elizabeth were second-class passengers.
2. The design of the first-class dining room on the Titanic was based on the Palace of
Versailles in France.
3. Charlotte wanted to watch the sunrise alone.
4. Aunt Elizabeth asked Charlotte to send a package to their family in Gibraltar
5. While Charlotte was trying to find the radio room, she saw the young officer from the
dining room.

Exercise 4, Page 15. The setting refers to the background in which the story takes place.
It can include the time period, place, social context, or atmosphere of the story. Answer
the following questions about the setting.
1. What do you think is the time period of the story? Explain your answer. I think it is set
around the 1910 because the aunt and the niece say that in their trip they could see The
Titanic, which was travelling to New York in his first only one trip.
2. Where does the story take place? It takes place in the Atlantic Ocean. Titanic was going
from Shouthampton to New York, and Carpathia, where aunt Elizabeth and Charlotte are
staying, was going from New York to Gibraltar.
Exercise 5, Page 15. Answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook.
1. Why was Charlotte interested in the young man who was with the captain? She was
interested in the young man because he was very handsome.
2. Aunt Elizabeth ordered Charlotte to stay away from the young man. Why? Aunt
Elizabeth ordered Charlotte to stay away from the young officer because she wanted her
to keep her good reputation and behave correctly.
3. Why did Charlotte watch the young man from behind her glass of water? She wanted
to know who he was, without being seen by anyone.
4. What is the Gulf Stream? The Gulf Stream is a warm-water current that goes down the
east coast of the United States and then crosses the Atlantic Ocean towards Europe.
5. Why was Charlotte happy to go to the radio room? She wanted to go to the radio
room to send a message to her family in Gibraltar with some money that her aunt gave to

Exercises Chapters 3 & 4

Exercise 1, Page 22. Tick the sentences true or false. Pay attention to the words in bold.
1. T . It’s difficult to see objects clearly when they are far away.
2. F . If you go on holiday to a hot country, you must pack warm clothes.
3. T . If you are cold in bed, you need another blanket.
4. T . Loud music can hurt your ears.
5. F

Exercise 2, Page 22. Write the words under the correct pictures.
1. Knocking
2. In love
3. Turning red
4. Excited
5. Trembling

Exercise 3, Page 23. Match the questions in A to the answers in B.

1. Why did Charlotte’s face turn red and her heart beat faster when she was talking to
Harold? – b. Because she was attracted to him.
2. Why did Captain Rostron come to the radio room? – e. Because he wanted Harold to
listen carefully to the messages from the other boats about icebergs.
3. Why did Captain Rostron tell Charlotte to leave the radio room? – a. Because Harold
needed to concentrate on his work.
4. Why did Charlotte tell Aunt Elizabeth about Harold? – c. Because she was excited and
she wanted to share her news with someone.
5. Why was there no hot water in the cabins when Charlotte woke up at night? – f.
Because all energy on the boat was transferred to the engines.
6. Why was Harold’s face white and his hair wet with sweat? – d. Because he was anxious
and afraid.
Exercise 4, Page 23. Answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook.
1. Why was a radio operator’s job important on a ship in an iceberg zone? Because they
have to share to other ships in the area the information about where were the icebergs.
2. Aunt Elizabeth didn’t let Charlotte go for a walk with Harold. Why? She couldn’t meet
him because she had to be polite and behave well.
3. Why was the water in Charlotte’s glass trembling? The water inside glass was
trembling because of all the engines working.
4. How long did Harold think it was going to take for the Carpathia to reach the Titanic?
He said it was going to take around 4 hours.
5. Do you think Charlotte understood that a lot of people on the Titanic were going to
die? Explain your answer. No, because she says that she is hoping to see all the
passengers aboard the Carpathia, but there will die a lot of people.

Exercises Chapters 5 & 6

Exercise 1, Page 30. Complete the puzzle. Use the clues below.
1. Choice
2. Climb
3. Look for
4. Speed
5. Empty
6. Terrified

Exercise 2, Page 30. Complete Charlotte’s letter to her mother with the words below.
1. joined
2. survive
3. darkness
4. shone
5. sign
6. stay wake

Exercise 3, Page 31. Match the characters to each speech bubble.

1. My sister has just had a baby and she needs me to help her. A
2. We must go on deck and help the crew. D
3. We’ve almost arrived then. E
4. We’re travelling at high speed. Look for our signal rockets. C
5. I’ll make a complaint if you don’t follow the original route! B

Exercise 4, Page 31. Answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook.
1. Why did aunt Elizabeth think Charlotte had had a nightmare?Aunt Elizabeth thought
that Charlotte had a nightmare because she told her that the Titanic was sinking, and
Elizabeth said that the Titanic could not sink, it was impossible.
2. Why were some passengers wearing their nightclothes? Because it was night and they
all went to deck as fast as possible and couldn’t change the nightclothes by their normal
3. Why were some passengers angry with the captain? Some passengers were angry
because the captain decided to change the direction to help the Titanic, and they wanted
to go straight on to Gibraltar.
4. Why would people in the water die? They would die in the water because of the
temperature of it, the water of the Atlantic Ocean is about 2ºC below zero.
5. How was the crew on the Carpathia planning to bring survivors on board? List two
ways. They tied rope and ladders to the sides of the deck to help survivors climb onto the
Carpathia. And they are also carrying some sacks for pulling small children on board.

Exercises Chapters 7 & 8

Exercise 1, Page 38. Circle six words in the puzzle. Then use them to complete the
sentences below.
1. Although the car was destroyed in the accident, the passengers were alive and well!
2. The soldier guarding the military base had a gun in his hand.
3. She spoke softly because she didn’t want to scare the girl.
4. When I met John for the first time. I didn’t realise he was your brother
5. It’s hot and sunny today. The clothes will dry very quickly
6. Look at him surfing that giant wave! He’s so talented!

Exercise 2, Page 38. Circle the correct answer.

1. He introduced me to his parents
2. Nina worked hard this morning. Now, she’s taking a break and having a cup of tea.
3. My phone fell on the ground. Now it’s damaged and I have to buy a new one.
4. Please stay and keep me company. I’m so lonely.
5. Please stop screaming. You’re hurting my ears!
Exercise 3, Page 39. Characterisation is the way the author presents the character. We
can often get information about the characters from the things they say or do.
What do these two extracts tell us about Charlotte?
Those two extracts from the book tell us that Charlotte is polite and she tries to help
everyone who need it.
She also tries to make company to people who are alone or feel lonely or bad.

Exercise 4, Page 39. Answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook.
1. What was the first object that the Carpathia approached? The first object that the
Carpathia approached was a lifeboat full of people wearing life jackets.
2. Why weren’t the lifeboats full? The lifeboats weren’t full because people at first didn’t
believe that the Titanic was sinking so there were boats which were not plenty at all.
3. Why did Charlotte feel uncomfortable when she met Georgette and the other
teenagers? She felt uncomfortable because she didn’t know what to tell them.
4. Why did Aunt Elizabeth send Charlotte to the cabin? Because Charlotte was hugging
5. How do we know that Georgette’s cousin understood the situation better than
Georgette? Because he is older and maybe he got better understanding of the situation,
and he could imagine what was happening because of the noise and the water pulling on
the deck.

Exercises Chapters 9 & 8

Exercise 1, Page 46. Complete the words according to the definitions. Then write the
letters in the squares on the lines below to find out the type of car that Mr Carter
brought on the Titanic.
1. disappear
2. bridge
3. chimney
4. ashamed
5. unusual
6. delighted
Mr Carter’s car was a “ RENAULT “

Exercise 2, Page 46. Put the letters in brackets in the correct order to make words. Then
use the words to complete the sentences.
1. The problem is serious and we are worried.
2. Use sun cream to protect your skin from the sun
3. The boy was kicking the ball against the wall.
4. The accident caused a lot of damage. It was a disaster
5. Don’t drink the water to quickly. Take a breath.

Exercise 3, Page 47. Who or what do the bolded words refer to? Write the answer after
each sentence.
1. Mr Andrews told the captain that the Titanic could sink in an hour.
2. Officers told women to climb into the lifeboats.
3. Orchestra played music while the Titanic was sinking.
4. Titanic made a noise like train travelling quickly over a bridge.
5. William’s mother put a girl’s hat on her son so he could climb into a lifeboat.
6. Titanic had a 25-horsepower engine.

Exercise 4, Page 47. Answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook.
1. What was Mrs Thayer’s reaction when se found out the ship had hit an iceberg? They
did not think it could be a big problem, they just thought that the crew would solve the
2. What did Milton do while Jack was putting on his life jacket? Milton climbed over the
railing and jumped into the water while Jack was putting on his life jacket.
3. Why wasn’t Georgette pleased when William came to sit with Jack, Charlotte and her?
She wasn’t pleasure about William’s company because she knew he was going to talk
again about his missed dog.
4. Why was William angry with his mother? He was angry with his mother because she
put a sunhat on William’s head to make him seem like a lady, because women and girls
were the only ones who could get into the lifeboats.
5. Why did Charlotte think it might be better to be poor than to be rich? Because if
money makes you such an egotistical person, then she did not want any.

Exercises Chapters 11 & 12

Exercise 1, Page 54. Find six words in the puzzle. Then use them to complete the
1. My sister flashed the car’s lights so that I could see her.
2. I’m sorry. I must refuse your offer.
3. If you’re afraid of thieves, get a dog. It will bark if someone comes to your house.
4. The publisher sold 30000 copies of my friend’s new book.
5. All of her jewellery is very valuable so she keeps it in a safe place.
6. Tell me the truth, did you use my car last night without asking permission?

Exercise 2, Page 54. Tick the true sentences. Then correct the false sentences. Do not
change the words in bold.
1. true
2. false. During winter, there is often snow on the ground.
3. true
4. true
5. false. He was very sad at the loss of his grandfather.

Exercise 3, Page 55. The plot of a novel, film or play is the sequence of events which
make up the story. Number the events in the correct order according a to the plot of the
a. Charlotte heard a steward telling some passengers that the Titanic was sinking. 2
b. Charlotte saw the first lifeboat with passengers from the Titanic at 4.00am. 4
c. Charlotte decided to write the true story of the Titanic. 8
d. On her way to the radio room, Charlotte met Harold. 1
e. Aunt Elizabeth, Charlotte and some passengers helped prepare the Carpathia for the
survivors from the Titanic. 3
f. The Carpathia arrived in New York. 6
g. Aunt Elizabeth told Charlotte she had invited Harold to dinner. 7
h. Charlotte met Georgette Madill, Jack Thayer and Lucile and William Carter. 5
Exercise 4, Page 55. Answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook.
1. Why didn’t Georgette’s mother give Charlotte their home address? Because Charlotte
was a third-person class and Georgette’s mother was form first class, so they couldn’t
keep in contact after that.
2. Did Charlotte find it easy to forget the accident? Explain Your answer. No, she didn’t
find it easy, because she thought about all the third-person class that were trapped into
the gates because that first people class could get into the lifeboats before them.
3. Which false reports did the newspapers publish about the night the Titanic sank? They
published false stories about the dog of William that it swam during hours in the freezing
water of the Atlantic Ocean until the dog met William in a lifeboat.
4. Why did almost all of the third-class passengers die? Most of them died because they
were trapped so that first people class could get before into the lifeboats.
5. Why did Charlotte decide to write the book Save the Titanic? Because there were lots
of false stories about the Titanic and Harold encouraged her to write it because she was
one of the most understanding person about the issue.

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