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 The science of microbiology dates back only

few hundred years, but the discovery of a 3000-
MODULE 1 UNIT 1 –SCOPE OF year-old mummies with Mycobacterium
MICROBIOLOGY tuberculosis reminds us that microorganisms
Learning Objectives: At the end of the topic you have been around much longer. We know little
should be able about what ancient people thought about the
causes, transmission and treatment of disease,
1. Discuss organisms that make up the history of hundred years back is better known.
microbial world and the development of Let’s look at some important development in the
microbiology field of microbiology that helped the field
2. Brief History of Microbiology improve to its current advanced-technology
3. Microorganisms status. As cited by Tortora, Gerald 9th edition;
4. Division of Microbiology  The 17th-century discovery of living forms
5. Significance of Microbiology existing invisible to the naked eye was a
6. Practical Application of Microbiology significant milestone in the history of science,
for from the 13th century onward it had been
Terminologies postulated that “invisible” entities were
Microbiology responsible for decay and disease.
 study of microorganisms, or microbes,  The word microbe was coined in the last
a diverse group of generally minute simple quarter of the 19th century to describe these
life-forms that organisms, all of which were thought to be
include bacteria, archaea, algae, fungi, protoz related. As microbiology eventually developed
oa, and viruses. into a specialized science, it was found that
microbes are a very large group of extremely
 The field is concerned with the structure, diverse organisms.
function, and classification of such organisms  In addition to populating both the inner and
and with ways of both exploiting and outer surfaces of the human body, microbes
controlling their activities abound in the soil, in the seas, and in the air.

Eukaryotes  Abundant, although usually unnoticed,

 any cell or organism that possesses a microorganisms provide ample evidence of their
clearly defined nucleus has a nuclear presence—sometimes unfavourably, as when
membrane that surrounds the nucleus, in they cause decay of materials or spread
which the well-defined chromosomes (bodies diseases, and sometimes favourably, as when
containing the hereditary material) are located. they ferment sugar to wine and beer, cause
bread to rise, flavour cheeses, and produce
Prokaryotes valued products such as antibiotics and insulin.
 also spelled procaryote, any organism that  Microorganisms are of incalculable value to
lacks a distinct nucleus and other organelles Earth’s ecology, disintegrating animal and plant
due to the absence of internal membranes remains and converting them to simpler
substances that can be recycled in other
Parasitology organisms.
 Parasitology is the study of the interaction
between parasites and their hosts. In general,
parasitologists tend to concentrate on
eukaryotic parasites, such as lice, mites,
protozoa and worms, with prokaryotic
parasites and other infectious agents the
focusof fields such as bacteriology,
microbiology and virology
Brief History of Microbiology: C. Theory of Biogenesis - Unresolved issue
continues, until in 1858 when a German
A. The First Observations – One of the most scientist, Rudolf Virchow challenged
important discoveries in the history happened in spontaneous generation with the concept of
1665 with the aid of a crude microscope. Robert biogenesis. The concept of biogenesis states
Hooke observed and reported that life’s that living cells can arise only from pre-existing
smallest structural units were “little boxes” or living cells. Disagreements about spontaneous
“cells” as he named them. Hooke’s discovery generation continued until 1861, when Louis
marked the beginning of the cell theory- which Pasteur resolved the issue. With his perceptive
states that all living things are made of cells. and weighty experiments, Pasteur denote that
Though Hooke’s microscope was capable of microorganisms are present in the air and can
focusing cells, it does not allow him to see the contaminate sterile solutions, but air itself does
microbes clearly as he lacked the staining not create microbe. This discovery leads to
techniques. form the basis of aseptic techniques. With
Pasteur’s exemplified evidence, scientists now
It was probably Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, an believe that probably a form of spontaneous
amateur scientist and a glass maker observed generation occurred on the primitive Earth
the live microorganisms through magnifying when life first began, but does not happen
lenses. It is through his invented simple, single under today’s environmental conditions.
lens microscope he was able to described the

D. Golden Age of Microbiology – After

Pasteur’s work, there was a roll of discoveries
in microbiology. The period from 1857 – 1914
has been marked as the Golden Age of
B. Spontaneous Generation – After van Microbiology. In this period, rapid advances
Leeuwenhoek’s discovery, the scientific like discoveries of agents of many diseases,
community became interested of the tiny living role of immunity in the prevention and cure of
things. Until the second half of the 19th century disease happened which led to the initiation of
they came to believed that some forms of life microbiology as science spearheaded by
could spontaneously arise from non-living Pasteur and Robert Koch. During this
matter; thus they called the process productive years, chemical activities of
spontaneous generation. microorganisms were studied, improved
microscopy and culturing techniques as well as
An opponent of spontaneous generation, developing vaccines and surgical techniques.
Francesco Redi, John Needham and Lazzaro
Spallanzani firmly demonstrate that a “vital Fermentation and Pasteurization
force” in the air is responsible for the survival of  This method were developed to prevent
microorganism spoilage of beverages and milk respectively
when shipped long distance and to kill
potentially harmful bacteria.

The Germ Theory of Disease

 The relationship between microorganisms to
humans as well with plants and animals in
terms of causing a disease.
 Until the late 1970s it was generally accepted
that all bacteria are closely related in
evolutionary development. This concept was
challenged in 1977 by Carl R. Woese and
coinvestigators at the University of Illinois,
whose research on ribosomal RNA from a
broad spectrum of living organisms established
that two groups of bacteria evolved by separate
Koch’s Postulates pathways from a common and ancient ancestral
 German scientist, Robert Koch was first to form. This discovery resulted in the
established the direct relationship of a specific establishment of a new terminology to identify
microbe to a specific disease. the major distinct groups of microbes—namely,
the eubacteria (the traditional or “true”
Vaccination bacteria), the archaea (bacteria that diverged
 Often used as a treatment or prevention to a from other bacteria at an early stage
certain disease. Long before Robert Koch of evolution and are distinct from the
demonstrate the specific microorganism causes eubacteria), and the eukarya (the eukaryotes).
anthrax, a young British physician by the name Today the eubacteria are known simply as the
of Edward Jenner jumped on an experiment to true bacteria (or the bacteria) and form the
discover a way to protect people from smallpox. domain Bacteria.
 Bacteria have a variety of shapes, including
Collecting and inoculating scrapings of cowpox
blisters from a sick young milkmaid and spheres, rods, and spirals.
 Individual cells generally range in width from
inoculated it to a healthy volunteer turned out to
be successful, in such a way that the healthy 0.5 to 5 micrometres (μm; millionths of a metre).
 Although unicellular, bacteria often appear in
volunteer became sick but recovered and never
again contracted the smallpox. Nowadays, pairs, chains, tetrads (groups of four), or
vaccination is widely used as a treatment and clusters.
 Some have flagella, external whip like
prevention to many diseases.
structures that propel the organism through
E. Modern Chemotherapy ( Magic Bullet) –. liquid media; some have capsule, an external
After establishing the relationship between coating of the cell; some produce spores—
microbes and diseases, the next agenda of the reproductive bodies that function much as
microbiologist was to search for substances seeds do among plants.
 One of the major characteristics of bacteria is
that could eliminate pathogenic microbes
without damaging the infected subject. Thus, their reaction to the Gram stain. Depending
chemotherapy was introduced. Chemotherapy upon the chemical and structural composition of
is the treatment of disease using chemical the cell wall, some bacteria are gram-positive,
substances, it is commomnly refer to chemical taking on the stain’s purple colour, whereas
treatment of non-infectious diseases, such as others are gram-negative.
 Through a microscope the archaea look much
like bacteria, but there are important differences
Types of microorganisms in their chemical composition, biochemical
activities, and environments. The cell walls of
1. Bacteria (eubacteria and archaea) all true bacteria contain the chemical substance
peptidoglycan, whereas the cell walls of
archaeans lack this substance. Many
The major groups of microorganisms—namely archaeans are noted for their ability to survive
bacteria, archaea, fungi (yeasts and molds), algae, unusually harsh surroundings, such as high
protozoa, and viruses levels of salt or acid or high temperatures.
These microbes, called extremophiles, live in
 Prokaryotes—that is, single-celled organisms such places as salt flats, thermal pools,
without a membrane-bound nucleus. and deep-sea vents. Some are capable of a
 Their DNA (the genetic material of the cell), unique chemical activity—the production
instead of being contained in the nucleus, exists of methane gas from carbon dioxide and
as a long, folded thread with no specific location hydrogen.
within the cell.
 Methane-producing archaea live only in frequently called molds, whereas yeasts are
environments with no oxygen, such as swamp unicellular fungi.
mud or the intestines of ruminants such as  In molds cells are cylindrical in shape and are
cattle and sheep. Collectively, this group of attached end to end to form threadlike filaments
microorganisms exhibits (hyphae) that may bear spores. Individually,
tremendous diversity in the chemical changes hyphae are microscopic in size. However, when
that it brings to its environments. large numbers of hyphae accumulate—for
example, on a slice of bread or fruit jelly—they
2. Algae form a fuzzy mass called a mycelium that is
 The cells of eukaryotic microbes are similar to visible to the naked eye.
plant and animal cells in that their DNA is  The unicellular yeasts have many forms, from
enclosed within a nuclear membrane, forming spherical to egg-shaped to filamentous. Yeasts
the nucleus. Eukaryotic microorganisms include are noted for their ability to
algae, protozoa, and fungi. ferment carbohydrates, producing alcohol and
 Collectively algae, protozoa, and some lower carbon dioxide in products such as wine and
fungi are frequently referred to bread.
as protists (kingdom Protista, also called
Protoctista); some are unicellular and others Protozoa
are multicellular. Eukaryotes and, like plants,
contain the green pigment chlorophyll, carry Protozoa, or protozoans, are single-celled,
out photosynthesis, and have rigid cell walls. eukaryotic microorganisms. Some protozoa are
 They normally occur in moist soil and aquatic oval or spherical, others elongated. Still others
environments. have different shapes at different stages of the life
 These eukaryotes may be unicellular and cycle. Cells can be as small as 1 μm in diameter
microscopic in size or multicellular and up to and as large as 2,000 μm, or 2 mm (visible without
120 metres (nearly 400 feet) in length. Algae as magnification). Like animal cells, protozoa
a group also exhibit a variety of shapes. Single- lack cell walls, are able to move at some stage of
celled species may be spherical, rod-shaped, their life cycle, and ingest particles of food;
club-shaped, or spindle-shaped. Some are however, some phytoflagellate protozoa are
motile. plantlike, obtaining their energy via photosynthesis.
 Algae that are multicellular appear in a variety Protozoan cells contain the typical internal
of forms and degrees of complexity. Some are structures of an animal cell. Some can swim
organized as filaments of cells attached end to through water by the beating action of short,
end; in some species these filaments intertwine hairlike appendages (cilia) or flagella. Their rapid,
into macroscopic, plantlike bodies. darting movement in a drop of pond water is
 Algae also occur in colonies, some of which are evident when viewed through a microscope.
simple aggregations of single cells, while others
contain different cell types with special The amoebas (also amoebae) do not swim, but
functions. they can creep along surfaces by extending a
portion of themselves as a pseudopod and then
allowing the rest of the cell to flow into this
3. Fungi extension. This form of locomotion is called
amoeboid movement. The sporozoans
 They are eukaryotic organisms that, like algae, (phylum Apicomplexa) are so named because they
have rigid cell walls and may be either form dormant bodies called spores during one
unicellular or multicellular. Some may be phase of their life cycle. Protozoa occur widely in
microscopic in size, while others form much nature, particularly in aquatic environments.
larger structures, such as mushrooms and
bracket fungi that grow in soil or on damp logs.
Unlike algae, fungi do not contain chlorophyll
and thus cannot carry out photosynthesis.
Fungi do not ingest food but must
absorb dissolved nutrients from
the environment. Of the fungi classified as
microorganisms, those that are multicellular and
produce filamentous, microscopic structures are
Virus to identify how some of these organisms cause
diseases, discover cures for such diseases and
Virus agents considered on the borderline of living even use some microbes for industrial purposes
organisms, are also included in the science of etc. Some of the fields that microbiologists may
microbiology, come in several shapes, and are
specialize in include: Immunology
widely distributed in nature, infecting animal cells,
plant cells, and microorganisms. The field of study Soil biology , Industrial Microbiology ,Biotechnology
in which they are investigated is called virology. All Biogeochemistry , Microbial genetics , Aquatic
viruses are obligate parasites; that is, they lack Microbiology
metabolic machinery of their own to generate
energy or to synthesize proteins, so they depend Although microbiology is, for the most part,
on host cells to carry out these vital functions. Once described as the study of microorganisms (those
inside a cell, viruses have genes for usurping the
that cannot be seen with the naked eye), such
cell’s energy-generating and protein-synthesizing
systems. In addition to their intracellular form, groups as algae and fungi contain organisms that
viruses have an extracellular form that carries the do not necessarily require the use of special tools
viral nucleic acid from one host cell to another. In to observe them. Therefore, microbiology also
this infectious form, viruses are simply a central encompasses a number of organisms that fall
core of nucleic acid surrounded by a protein coat outside the traditional definition.
called a capsid. The capsid protects the genes
outside the host cell; it also serves as a vehicle for
entry into another host cell because it binds Branches of Microbiology
to receptors on cell surfaces. The structurally
mature, infectious viral particle is called a virion. Bacteriology is the branch of microbiology
concerned with the study of bacteria. This branch is
further divided into a number of specializations that
UNIT 1 MODULE 1: IMPORTANCE, BRANCHES, include marine bacteriology, sanitary bacteriology,
AND APPLICATION OF MICROBIOLOGY industrial bacteriology, agricultural bacteriology,
and systematic bacteriology among others. Here,
LEARNING OBJECTIVES this branch of microbiology gives focus to such
 Discuss importance of microbiology aspects as types of bacteria and their
 Define and Describe the different branches of characteristics, diseases, and application among
Microbiology others.
 Demonstrate understanding on the different
application of Microbiology Mycology - Unlike bacteriology which is the study
of bacteria, which are prokaryotic organisms,
Importance mycology deals with the study of fungi which are
Essentially, microbiology is the study of biological eukaryotic in nature. Found in many types of
organisms that are too small to be seen with the environments, the different types of fungi (mold and
naked eye (without using such tools as the yeast) can be highly beneficial or harmful.
magnifying glass or microscope etc). Microbiology Mycology gives focus to the different properties of
is therefore dedicated to studying the lives and these organisms (characteristics, taxonomy, etc)
characteristics of a wide variety of organisms which has it turn made it possible to use them in
ranging from bacteria and archaea to parasitic various industries ranging from breweries to food
worms in their environments. Here, the discipline is and medicine.
used to learn about all aspects of the organisms in
order to not only determine how they live in their Those who specialize in mycology are known as
environment, but also how they impact their mycologists.
respective surroundings and thus other organisms
around them (human beings, animals, etc).
Microbiology has proved to be one of the most
important disciplines in biology, making it possible
Protozoology is one of the newer branches of enhancing the immune system to protect the body
microbiology based on taxonomy. It is the sub- from diseases. It is worth noting that while diseases
discipline that deals with the study of protozoa. Like are caused by various organisms and foreign
fungi, these are eukaryotic organisms that include substances, they can also result from the immune
such groups as amoeboids, ciliates, sporozans , system itself in cases of autoimmunity
and flagellates. Given that a good number of these
organisms have been associated with animals and By studying the relationship between the body,
human diseases, protozoologists not only focus on pathogens and the immune system, researchers
their taxonomy and morphological aspects for have made significant strides and breakthroughs
classification purposes, but also for medical that have made it possible to eradicate diseases
significance. Some common examples of diseases that were once common in society. These efforts
caused by protozoa include malaria, sleeping continue to be seen in studies regarding such
sickness as well as amoebic dysentery. diseases and Ebola among others outbreaks
identified in different parts of the world. A person
Phycology is one of the branches of microbiology who studies immunology is known as an
that is concerned with the study of multicellular immunologist.
organisms. Unlike mycology, however, phycology
deals with the study of different types of algae that Virology is the branch of microbiology that is
can be found in different types of environment. concerned with the study of viruses. Unlike most of
While they may exist as small microorganisms the other organisms which are either described as
found floating in the ocean, some algae grow to being unicellular or multicellular, viruses are
form large seaweeds found in the aquatic acellular microbes with simple structures and need
environments. Apart from being part of the food host cells to multiply.
chain, algae are also involved in the production of Given that viruses need host cells to multiply, they
oxygen which makes them important in also, end up affecting the cells and consequently
microbiology. causing disease. In virology, researchers also focus
on such aspects as biochemistry, distribution,
Those who study phycology (e.g. Carl Adolph molecular biology as well as the evolution of
Agardh) are known as phycologists. viruses which makes it's possible to not only
understand them, but also develop cures to some
Parasitology is a wide field of microbiology that of the most serious diseases caused by these
deals with the study of parasites. For the most part, parasites (AIDs etc).
parasitology is concerned with organisms found in
three major groups including protozoa, helminths Nematology is the sub-disciplines that deal with
(worms) and arthropods. Given that parasitology is the study of multicellular nematodes. Also known
concerned with disease-causing organisms (as well as roundworms, nematodes include a variety of
as vectors) it has been influenced by a number of organisms (worms) found in a variety of
other disciplines including immunology and environments on earth (they can be found in soil,
biochemistry among others. Like mycology and mud, sands, mountains, etc).
phycology, parasitology entails the study of both
unicellular and multicellular organisms. According to studies, nematodes are some of the
most abundant organisms on our planet.
Those who study parasitology are known as Nematology, as a branch of microbiology, has
parasitologists. allowed for the classification of these worms based
on their general morphology, habitats as well as
Immunology is the sub-discipline that deals with whether or not they cause diseases, etc. Those
the study of the immune system. It has been one of who study nematology are known as nematologists.
the most important areas of study since the 18th Apart from taxonomy, microbiology is also
Century whose efforts are directed towards classified into pure sciences.
Some of the most common categories include: · Medical Microbiology
This is the branch of microbiology that is concerned
Microbial cytology with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of
deals with the structure and function of the diseases caused by different types of organisms
organisms · (infection agents). This sub-discipline is therefore
related to a number of other fields including
Microbial physiology virology, bacteriology, immunology, and
is the branch of microbiology that deals with the germicrobiology. Industrial microbiology This
different parts and normal functions of the branch of microbiology is concerned with the use of
organisms (functioning of the different parts of the given microorganisms for industrial production.
organism) · Here, research studies are directed towards the
use of these organisms to increase and maximize
Microbial ecology yields in industries like fuel, pharmaceutical, and
branch that deals with the surroundings/habitat of chemicals among others. Here, the use of
the organism. This makes it possible to understand microorganisms makes it possible to mass produce
how the organism interacts and affects its for a big market.
surroundings ·
Agricultural microbiology
Microbial genetics Agricultural microbiology is concerned with
is concerned with the genetic makeup of the microbes associated with plants and animal
organism. It is used to identify the different strains diseases and production. As such, it is not only
and phenotypes of an organism and classify the concerned with the medical significance of these
organisms. organisms, but also their economic importance for
Whereas taxonomy classification gives focus to the farmers and the industry as a whole. In the
organism and its general characteristics, applied process, agricultural microbiology is aimed to solve
microbiology is focused on how various organisms issues identified in agricultural practices while
can be used (applied) in given processes or the helping increase yields for farmers
impact they can have in different industries.
Some of the other branches of microbiology based
Some of the most important branches of on application include:
microbiology based on application include:
Soil microbiology - This is the branch of
Food microbiology microbiology that deals with the study of soil
Research studies focus on a variety of microorganisms and how they impact soil
microorganisms that contaminate/damage food and properties
those that can be used for food Pharmaceutical microbiology - Concerned with
processing/modification among others. As such, the use of microorganisms for inhibiting
microbiology gives special attention to such contamination as well as the development of
microorganisms as molds, yeasts, and bacteria pharmaceuticals
among others that either benefit or have negative Veterinary microbiology - Focus on microbes that
effects on the quality of food material with public cause diseases ·
health concern in mind. Microbial biotechnology - Area of microbiology
and biotechnology aimed at using microbes for
Food microbiology is connected to several other beneficial purposes: It is aimed at enhancing
fields (immunology and molecular biology etc) and microbial application in the day to day life. A good
entails such aspects as food processing and example of this is the research study currently
preservation, food ingredients, production and being conducted (at the time of writing) to use given
fermentation among others. bacteria to replace the traditional sewage systems
by the Gates Foundation.

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