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A set of Rules to make a Language Meaningful.

A Medium through which we express our Ideas, Feeling, Emotion etc.

Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing

4 Skills (LSRW)

Language Script
26 Letters (Alphabet) Vowels (A, E, I, O, U)

Consonant (B, C, D, F, ……………)

A meaningful Unit of Letters.

Parts of Speech

1) Noun – Naming word

2) Pronoun – Replaces a Noun
3) Adjective – Qualifies a Noun & Pronoun
4) Verb – Action/ State Word
5) Adverb – Qualifies a Verb
6) Preposition – Relating word
7) Conjunction – Connecting word
8) Interjection – Sudden Felling Expressing word
Noun is the name of a person, place , and thing.

Functional Grammar

11. Visible Only – Person, Place, Thing……2

2. Felt Only – (FAQS) F – Felling, A – Action, Q – Quality, S – State

3. Noun Equivalent – Act as Noun

4. Unit – Count; Measure



1. Proper noun
 Specific Name : Particular name
 Initial letter : Upper case
 φ + Proper name of person

(Zero Article)(A, AN, THE)

Ex- Rahul, Delhi, Kohinoor….

2. Common Noun
 s
1. Ram has a Car. RAM & CAR (Noun)
Who has a car. RAM Ram has what? CAR
2. The little girl bought a book. GIRL & BOOK (Noun)
Who bought a book? Girl Girl bought what ? Book
3. Seema went home. SEEMA
Who went home? Seema Seema went where. Home Adverb
4. Isha loves her Home. ISHA & HOME
Who loves her home? Isha Isha loves what? Home
5. The team won the match. TEAM & MATCH
Who won Match? Team Team won What? Match
6. The Audience waited. AUDIENCE
Who waited there? Audience
7. Honesty is the best policy. HONESTY & POLICY
What is the best policy? Honesty Honesty is what? Policy
8. Laughter cures stress. LAUGHTER & STRESS
Laughter cures what? Stress What cures stress? Laughter
9. Love changes a person. LOVE & PERSON
Love changes what? Person Who changes a person? Love
10.Isha will come tomorrow. ISHA
Who will come tomorrow? Isha
11.Tomorrow never comes. TOMORROW (Noun Equivalent)
What never comes? Tomorrow
12.A year has twelve months. YEAR & MONTHS
A year has what? Months What has 12 months? Year

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