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Layers of the Atmosphere
About this experiment: In this experiment, you will demonstrate how the atmosphere settles into
layers based on density using different liquids to represent each layer.

 Sand/Dirt (you will not be able to reuse this after the experiment)
 Honey
 Corn Syrup
 Dish Soap
 Water (coloring optional)
 Oil
 Beaker or Cup

1. Pour 20mL sand into the beaker.
2. Pour 20mL honey into the beaker.
3. Pour 20mL corn syrup into the beaker.
4. Pour 20mL dish soap into the beaker.
5. Pour 20mL water into the beaker.
6. Pour 20mL oil into the beaker.
7. Observe what happened.
8. Paste a copy of the different process that you do and add captions.

*You do not have to use exactly 20mL of each liquid, just use enough to be able to distinguish
the layers.
*Use these questions as a guide to write a journal entry, make a poster, give a presentation, or
write a research report about your experiment or a related topic.
What did you observe as you poured each liquid into the beaker?
 As I continue to follow the steps given in the procedure, I have noticed that each of the
liquids used to represent each of the layers of the atmosphere is that they don’t mixed
with each other. Just like the earth’s atmosphere that don’t mixed to its content.

Are there perfect lines between each liquid?

 Since there are a problem in material, due to lack of materials provided. There is an
alternative that the researchers used. For example, instead of using honey, that researcher
used body wash. However the separation between the liquids is visible.
Can you match each liquid to a layer of the atmosphere?

 Exosphere

 Thermosphere

 Mesosphere

 Stratosphere

 Troposphere

Which layer of Earth does the dirt/sand represent?

 It represent the earth’s crust, or the land.

Activity No. 3
Laws of Thermodynamics
Fill the blanks in the following sentences with the correct thermodynamics term:
1. The thing we measure when we want to determine the average kinetic energy of random
motion in the particles of a substance is temperature.
2. The specific heat is the energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance one
degree Celsius.
3. A (n) exothermic reaction reaction is one where the products have lower energy than the
4. Endothermic reactions require energy in order to take place.
5. Spontaneous changes take place by themselves, without any help.
6. The heat of reaction is used to describe how much energy is produced or used during a
chemical change.
7. Potential energy is energy that is stored chemical energy.
8. Kinetic energy is energy associated with the movement of an object.
9. Thermal energy is a form of energy transfer to or from a system, which occurs from hot to
10. Thermal energy is the total energy of the particles in a particles.

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