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Welcome to the Ancient Civilizations Museum!

Have you gotten a copy of the ^museum map^ for you and your team?

[one per team because #savetheearth]

If you need help finding one, look for the president or either one of the vice-

There will be no instructions on how to get to the locations for the different
stations so make sure to always have it on hand!

Group: ___3____________

Members: __Jayden,Xiu Zhen___________

Your Name: _______Juaria___________


Exhibit Locations

1,2,3: Inside the Ancestors and Rituals exhibition, Kwek Hong Png gallery.

4: Inside the Jewellery exhibition.

5: Inside the Ceramics gallery.

6: Inside the Tang Shipwreck exhibition.

7: Court and Company + Scholars exhibitions.

Task 1, Location 1

- Locate this artefact and take a picture with your teammates

- Post picture in Padlet. 7

- (Find members of other teams to help your team take the picture, try not to
take it selfie-style unless you can fit the whole fixture in the selfie.)

Task 2, Location 2 (Fill in the blanks)


- Fill in the blanks about the ^ Makara Palanquin ^ ornament.

- The _____makara_______is the ____vehicle____ of the Hindu

______water___ Goddess
Ganga. It is a composite creature with features of a
Despite its origins, it is still seen as a______water spirit_______ an

Task 3, Location 3

Find the ^ Wayang Topeng ^ (Theatre masks) and choose 3 to match emotions

Choose 3 masks and write down 3 different emotions based on the facial

Emotion 1: ___puzzled_________

Emotion 2: ______mischevous_________

Emotion 3: ____serene___________

*Emotions must not be repeated.

Circle the 3 masks you have chosen

Task 4, Location 4

There are photos of ^ 4 artefacts ^ in the exhibition, find out and label each of
them with the correct name.

Artefact 1: ………buckle (pending) with belt…………..

Artefact 2: …………wedding necklace…………..

Artefact 3: …………neck ring…………..

Artefact 4: headdress

Task 5, Location 5

Find out and match the correct name to each type of ceramic.

Label the name of

- Grey ceramic: ________stoneware_______

- Blue ceramic: _________porcelain______

- Brown ceramic: _______earthenware________


Task 6, Location 6

Draw the design of any of the bowls found at the exhibition.


Task 7 Location 7

Find, take a picture of, and upload two pictures of "chess sets" found in the listed
exhibitions. Upload pictures of BOTH CHESS SETS on PADLET.

"Chess set" refers to any game that has a board with black and white checkered

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