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Name : Alfi Aryanto

No : 2001002
Mechanical Engineering

Crocodiles are large aquatic reptiles that live throughout the tropical regions of
Africa, Asia, America and Australia. Crocodiles are carnivores or meat eaters. The
term crocodile here only applies to species belonging to the subfamily Crocodylinae.
The term is sometimes used more loosely to include all extant members of the
Crocodilia order, which includes Tomistoma, alligators and caimans (family
Alligatoridae), gharials (family Gavialidae), and all living fossils of Crocodylomorpha
and others.

Crocodiles Alligators Gharials

Although they appear similar to the untrained eye, crocodiles, alligators and gharials
belong to separate biological families. Crocodiles with narrow snouts are easier to
distinguish, while morphological differences are more difficult to find in crocodiles
and alligators. The external difference is most evident on the head with crocodiles
having a narrower and longer head, with a more V shape than a U-shaped muzzle
compared to alligators and caimans.

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