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Pop Quiz

Grade 7 Unit 4 Lesson 1-4 Course book Page 58-60

Student Name Class Date

______ is a sport where you go down a

______ is when you jump off a bridge with hill with a special parachute that lets you
a long piece of elastic tied to your legs. fly quite a long way.
A canyoning A sky diving
1 B sky diving B paragliding
C zorbing C mountain biking
D bungee jumping D zorbing

______ is when you jump off a rock into a

______ is a sport where you roll down a fast-flowing stream and then float on your
hill in plastic ball. back.
A zorbing 6 A water skiing
2 B paragliding B white-water rafting

C snowboarding C canyoning

D canyoning D snorkelling

______ is when you jump out of a plane

and you only open the parachute at the
______ is when you go swimming and use
last minute.
a piece of equipment to help you breathe.
A sailing 7 A sky diving
3 B snorkelling
B falconry

C water skiing
C paragliding

D white-water rafting
D sailing

Total Marks
______ is when you go down a mountain
in the snow.
A white-water rafting
4 B mountain biking
C canyoning
D snowboarding
Pop Quiz

Answer Key
Q1 D
Q2 A
Q3 B
Q4 D
Q5 B
Q6 C
Q7 A

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