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Active Vocabulary
language, n [læŋgwid ] мова
first language рідна мова
mother tongue
foreign language іноземна мова
various, adj. [`vεəriəs] різноманітний
settle, v [setl] оселятись
expansion, n [iks`pæn n] розширення, поширення
empire, n [`empaiə] імперія
contribute, v [kən`tribju(:)t] робити внесок, сприяти
establish, v [is`tæbli ] встановлювати

The problem of learning languages is very important today. Foreign languages are
socially demanded especially at the present time when the progress in science and technology
has led to an explosion of knowledge and has contributed to an overflow of information. The
total knowledge of mankind is known to double every seven years. Foreign languages are
needed as the main and the most efficient means of information exchange of the people of our
English is the most widely spoken language in the world. It is the first language or mother
tongue of around 400 million people living in Britain, Ireland, the US, Australia, New
Zealand, Canada and South Africa and it is spoken as a second language by another 300
million people. Many more people learn English as a foreign language.
English has achieved the status of a world language over a long period of time, and
for various historical and cultural reasons. In the 17th century English was spread by the
settlers going from Britain to America, and in the 18th and 19th centuries by the expansion of
the British Empire. Many countries, which were part of the empire kept English as their
official language after independence. More recently the military and political power of the
US has contributed to the spread of English. Since the middle of the 20th century, English has
been an official language of international organizations such as the United Nations.
Economic factors are also important. Britain and the US are both major business and
financial centers, and many multinational corporations started in these countries. So,
knowledge of English is often seen as necessary for success in business.
Advances in technology and telecommunications have also helped to establish
English as a global language. Now, major computer systems and software developers are
based in the US, and English is common language of the Internet.
Task 1. Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.
1. English is not the most widely spoken language in the world.
2. Many more people learn English as a foreign language.
3. French has achieved the status of a world language over a long period of time.
4. In the 18th century English was spread by the settlers going from Britain to
5. Many countries, which were part of the empire kept different languages as their
official ones after independence.
6. The military and political power of the US has not contributed to the spread of
7. English is an official language of the United Nations.
8. Knowledge of English is often seen as necessary for success in business and other
spheres of life.
9. Ukrainian is common language of the Internet

Task 2. Give the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:
поширена мова; рідна мова; іноземці; отримати статус;
історичні та культурні причини; поселенці; поширення імперії; останнім часом;
багатонаціональні корпорації; вважати необхідним; досягнення в технологіях;
розробники програмного забезпечення.

Task 3. Complete the phrases:

1. foreign a. person
2. increase b. people
3. powerful c. sciences
4. computer d. contacts
5. save e. job opportunities
6. communicate with f. language
7. establish g. time

Task 4. Put the words from the box into the gaps. Read and memorize the dialogues.

difficult easy English (2) heart hard

A: I am studying _____________ now.

B: Really? They say it’s____________ .
A: I don’t think ____is___________ .
B: Why do you think so?
A: Because I have to work __________ learning a lot by__________ .
B: I think you have good memory and it’s not a problem for you to do that.
A: In some way, yes but it’s a question of time.
B: Oh, we are always short of time!
translate dictionary (2) science
article (2)

A: I'd like to have a good Ukrainian-English _______on __________ and

technology. I have to _______ an _______ from Ukrainian into English.
B: Sorry, but we haven't any.
A: It's a pity! I must have this _________ translated as quickly as possible.
B: I can recommend a general Ukrainian -English dictionary. At least it may
be of some help.
A: Yes, I'll take it, of course. It's a pity that you have not a specialized _______.

Task 5. Translate into English:

1. Багато людей розмовляють англійською мовою. 2. Англійською мовою розмовляють
у Великобританії, США та інших країнах. 3. Ви розмовляєте англійською? 4.
Англійська мова є міжнародною. 5. Багато англійських слів мають кілька значень. 6.
Англійська – мій улюблений предмет
Task 6. Make your own dialogues using the following word combinations:
native language, to speak a little, to study English, vocabulary, to be of great impotence, have
good command of, means of communication.

Task 7. Write no less than 7 reasons for learning English

I think that
So, ____________________________________________________________________
To my mind____________________________________________________________
In conclusion I want to say__________________________________

Tick only those statements, which you can say about yourself:
1. I don’t panic if I come across a lot of unknown words in the text, I enjoy working with
a dictionary and I understand that every word enriches my vocabulary.
2. I am usually scared when I see a lot of new words in my text, I am bored if I have to
work with a dictionary for hours, it irritates (дратує) me to look each unknown word
3. I very seldom use a dictionary when I read for pleasure.
4. When I read for pleasure I look every unknown words up.
5. It is always difficult for me to start and keep up a conversation in a foreign language.
6. I always enjoy speaking in a foreign language even if I know that I make a lot of
7. I try to use a foreign language as little as possible because I realize how many
mistakes I make.
8. I enjoy watching video films in foreign languages even if I don’t understand much.
9. I like to listen to recording in foreign languages if I do some physical work.
10. If I don’t understand some grammar point I always try to find an explanation in a
reference book (довідник) or ask my teacher/ friend to explain.
11. I read a lot of books in my mother tongue.
12. I am very interested to find out about people behind the language.
13. I don’t like history, it’s boring.
14. I speak foreign languages only during class and only if my teacher requires it.
15. I never do more work in a foreign language at home than my teacher requires.
16. I can’t remember 5-7 words a day.
17. I like to experiment with foreign languages.
18. If I don’t know how to say something in right way, I don’t speak at all.
19. I will never be able to know any foreign language well, because I know that my
language abilities are poor.
20. My parents make me learn foreign languages and I understand that it is necessary for
my future career, but I hate every minute of it.
If you have ticked numbers 1,3,6,8,9,10,11,12,17 - you are outstanding language learner. You
enjoy learning and using foreign languages, it is constant source of delight for you (постійне
джерело захоплення).
If you have chosen number 2,4,5,7,13,14,15,16,18,20 - learning languages is hard work for
you but you get there in the end. You probably had a bad experience at school. Don’t give up
when you feel you are not making progress. A bit more confidence (впевненності), and
some concentrated practice, and you could easily start feeling at home in the foreign language
you learn.

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