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(10 marks)

Choose and fill in the questions with correct answers.

I would look at the food label. What are the types of snacks you should avoid?

Why is healthy snacking I would go for whole grain as they give me more
important? energy.

It is a snack which is not high in fat and calories.

Mark Siva
What is a healthy snack?

It is a snack which is not high in

fat and calories.

Why is healthy snacking important?

It keeps your energy level high and

your mind alert throughout the day.

What are the types of snacks

you should avoid?

I should avoid snacks which has a lot of added sugar.

How do you know the amount of fat and calories in your food?

I would look at the food label.

What smart snacking tip do you follow?

I would go for whole grain as they give

me more energy.
(10 marks)

1. I am going to buy a new gown for the party.

2. She is going to attend the choir class next Sunday

3. He is going to participate in the running event.

Accept any suitable sentences.

4. Mr. Thomas is not going to attend the meeting tomorrow.

5. They are not going to the concert because they have art class.

6. Amanda is not going to buy he dress before trying it.

(10 marks)

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(20 marks)

ACCEPT any suitable ANSWERS.

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