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Supporting lecturer :


Arranged by :

Lidya Agustina (2223130118)




YEAR 2022 AD/ 1444 H


Praise be to Allah SWT for all His blessings so that this paper can be compiled to
completion. We do not forget to say thank you for the help of those who have
contributed by contributing both thoughts and materials.

The author hopes that this paper can add knowledge and experience to readers. In fact,
I hope further that this paper can be practiced by readers in their daily lives.

As a writer, I feel that there are still many shortcomings in the preparation of this
paper due to limited knowledge and experience. For this reason, I really hope for
constructive criticism and suggestions from readers for the perfection of this paper.

Bengkulu, 06 October 2022


TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................3

BAB I PRELIMINARY ....................................................................................5

A. Background.............................................................................................5
B. Formulation of the problem.....................................................................6
C. Destination .............................................................................................6
BAB II DISCUSSION........................................................................................7
A. The Role of the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business (Febi) Expo in
Improving Sportivity, Creativity, and Competence With Islamic Values in the
Digital Age..............................................................................................7

BAB III CLOSING.................................................................................................9

A. Coclusion....................................................................................................9


A. Background

The development of the Islamic economy in Indonesia is a reflection of the

increasing awareness of Muslims in carrying out Islamic law. This is a consequence
of the understanding that Islamic economics is not just a conception. Islamic
economy is the result of a process of transformation of Islamic values that form the
framework and institutional and economic institutions that live and process in
people's lives. The existence of the concept of thought and organizations formed in
the name of this system can certainly be assessed as a model and the beginning of its
growth. But it still requires more system models, in order to form a more integrated
unit and have the ability to generate or draw conclusions that can be tested in
research and practice.

Today, we live in a digital age. The era in which the continuation of this
globalization era has given rise to so many new challenges and as much as possible is
turned into an opportunity that can be used properly, then the challenge can provide
blessings for anyone who does it. For such a situation, Islamic education is ready or
not ready to be able to work together and even be responsible for equipping
generations to face the era of digital disruption, namely a generation that can turn
challenges into golden opportunities and can take advantage of it for a peaceful life
both in terms of material and spiritual.

It is undeniable, the progress of a nation is largely determined by the role of

human resources as the main actor in driving the economy, education, social and
culture for the development of the country following the dynamics of human needs
whose acceleration sometimes beats the establishment of educational institutions,
ideally as the main "producer" institution. processing human resources into quality.
So that from educational institutions it is expected that the development of a country
is able to produce progress that is equivalent to the development of global countries.
Therefore, the quality of human resources is a major factor in determining the
stability of a country.
The presence of the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business (FEBI) of
UINFAS Bengkulu, of course, must also play its role in how to advance the sharia
economy. Then FEBI must also make a real contribution to the community and
government, both constructive thought and real action in Indonesia's equitable
economic development. In addition, the campus which has an Islamic economic
development agenda must be a driving force so that people understand and want to
apply sharia economics in their daily lives. So that through the FEBI EXPO, it is
hoped that it can change the mindset and train students' entrepreneurship by utilizing
the potential that exists in nature and the surrounding environment.

Based on the background described above, the author can take an interesting
problem to be appointed as research in this paper, namely with the title, The Role of
the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business (Febi) Expo in Improving Sportivity,
Creativity, and Spirit of Competence with Values. Islam in the Digital Age.

B. Formulation of the problem

What is the Role of the Islamic Economics and Business Faculty (Febi) Expo in
Improving Sportivity, Creativity, and Competence With Islamic Values in the Digital

C. Destination

To Know the Role of the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business (Febi) Expo in
Improving Sportivity, Creativity, and Competence With Islamic Values in the Digital


A. The Role of the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business (Febi) Expo in
Improving Sportivity, Creativity, and Competence With Islamic Values in the
Digital Age

Efforts made by an Islamic university have an important contribution to the

progress of Islamic economic development, effort is effort, reason, endeavor to
achieve a purpose, solve problems, find solutions. Of course, the efforts made are in
accordance with the capacity and ability of each individual or institution.
One of the unresolved problems at this time is the lack of competent human
resources in the field of Islamic Economics. The Faculty of Islamic Economics and
Business itself in an effort to prepare competent human resources in the field of
Islamic economics, FEBI always updates the curriculum to adapt to the challenges of
the times and prepares supporting facilities and infrastructure.
Apart from lecturing activities, there are many ways that students can take to
get real experiences for their lives after graduation. In this FEBI EXPO activity, it
can not only assist information dissemination activities through the Tri Dharma
College activities (teaching, research, and community service), but also through the
distribution of graduates, who have been equipped with qualified competencies to
transmit knowledge of systems and products/services. sharia to the community. Of
course the efforts that can be made by universities in terms of socialization must be in
accordance with their capacity as academic institutions. In addition, the Faculty of
Islamic Economics and Business does not only provide socialization and education
conceptually but also through practical activities.
Through the theme "Improve Sportivity, Creativity, and Competence with
Islamic Values in the Digital Era". This activity was attended by all FEBI students
who had registered as participants in the competition, but there were also
competitions that students outside the FEBI faculty could participate in. This activity
is a place to train students' abilities in applying the theory they have learned in class
because FEBI students are required to be creative and productive students in today's
digital era.
This activity is carried out every year, becoming a routine activity, with the
hope of strengthening the friendship of the entire academic community of UINFAS
Bengkulu and especially FEBI students and maintaining student creativity in
exploring potential. FEBI EXPO organizes several competitions, including:
1. Solo Song Contest
2. Tumpeng Decoration Competition
3. Bazaar Competition
4. Debate Competition “Economics in the Digital Age”
5. Beauty Class Competition
6. Futsal and Badminton Competition (Outside the Faculty)
7. Online Graphic Design Competition
This all proves that students' products can be processed locally as well, and can
be combined with global products. So that the competitiveness can be better. So, they
learn about many things, about spirit, competitiveness and creativity. In this Digital
Disruption Era, to prepare quality generations, one must have skills in terms of
readiness in compiling, planning, implementing and finding solutions to every

The implementation of this Expo is also a stage to display student

entrepreneurial creativity. As a forum for students to be able to build cooperation and
networks with various other communities throughout Indonesia. Through social
forums in the campus environment, students can develop their interests and talents
and produce a balance between their knowledge, skills, attitudes and good behavior so
that later they can be useful through work in society.


A. Coclusion
The FEBI EXPO 2022 activity is themed “Improve Sportivity, Creativity, and
Competence with Islamic Values in the Digital Era. FEBI EXPO held several
competitions, consisting of Solo Song competition, Tumpeng Decoration and the
opening of the bazaar. For other activities, the bazaar competition, the
"Economics in the Digital Era" Debate competition and the Beauty class
competition were continued. Followed by other competitions futsal and
badminton outside the faculty as well as online graphic design competitions
Then Friday the closing of the competition prize distribution. This activity is
carried out every year, becoming a routine activity, with the hope of changing
the mindset and training of student entrepreneurship by utilizing the potential
that exists in nature and the surrounding environment.

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