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EDT 7221








This year the school doors around the world have been closed for several months to contain
the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. During this crisis, we have seen an incredible amount of large-
scale effort to use technology in support of remote learning. Over 1.6 billion students in 194
countries were impacted by school closures. The UNESCO statistics on school closures triggered
by COVID-19 reflect the immense effect of the pandemic on education worldwide. At its height,
at the beginning of April 2020, over 91 percent of the global student population was impacted by
national closures of educational institutions.

In education, emerging learning helps one not only to discover new solutions to what
people think, but also to how they learn, when and when they learn. On top of that, emerging
technologies will further improve the position of educators. They should become co-creators of
knowledge, trainers, guides and evaluators, rather than simply sharing knowledge. For starters,
existing digital learning platforms may go far beyond mere instruction. These programs,
empowered by Artificial Intelligence, may also analyze how students think. In addition, they will
figure out what kind of activities and feelings they are most interested in, and what kind of
challenges they find tedious or challenging. The instructional process will then be modified by
these programs to fit the learning patterns of different students. And, most importantly, they can
do this with much greater accuracy than any conventional learning experience will ever do.

Although new media has played a vital role in ensuring sustained access to education in
recent months, we must urgently ask ourselves the following question: How successful has digital
technology been in meeting the almost 1.6 billion students impacted by school closures? Although
new media has played a vital role in ensuring sustained access to education in recent months, we
must urgently ask ourselves the following question: How successful has digital technology been
in meeting the almost 1.6 billion students impacted by school closures? In their families, 9% of
15-year-old students do not have a peaceful place to learn, and this is disproportionally the case
among disadvantaged students.

How well teachers are trained and involved in online learning is another significant factor.
Teachers need to be interested in preparation so that their teaching needs are met by technology.
If not, until things have returned to normal, they will not begin adopting digital technology.
Teachers will need to be properly qualified and suited to their level of comfort and technical
experience. In this respect, urban technology champions who can share best practices with peers
are invaluable. Teachers need to have adequate amount of training on how to use the ICT tools for
teaching for the lesson to be more effective with the students. However, we have limited time
where teacher need to be trained and familiar with the ICT tools used to teach online to students.

It is more dishearten to find that many of students kept out of the classroom by COVID-19
do not have access to a household computer. It can be said, parents trust issues, or the family status
did not have the capable to own such device in this digitalize world nowadays. Furthermore, there
even more students have no internet access at home whether it is due to line coverage, or do not
own internet subscription at all. This is the challenge that been faced by teachers and students
during this COVID-19 pandemic, to have a class at their own home due to this pandemic. It clearly
shows that challenges in ensuring educational continuity do not stop with the deployment of digital
solutions for distance learning. Teachers will need to be properly qualified and suited to their level
of comfort and technical experience. In this respect, local pioneers of technology who can share
best practices with peers are invaluable.

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