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| ! | History of Asian Nations Chinese food Chopsticks Land and People. China’s name came from the Qin (Chin) emperor (221 BC), and Persians and Indians knew the country as “cin” or “cina”. Other names of China in history were “sinae,” “cathay,” or “sino.” Filipinos call it “Tsina,” and refer to the Chineseas “ints ‘singkit” (slant-eyed). Mandarin Chinese call their country Zhongguo, meaning “middle kingdom” (central nation). It is like saying that they are the center of the world. China has more people than anywhere on earth — over 1.3 billion in the mainland alone, not counting other Chinese. In fact, there are three Chinas, namely, the People’s Republic of China (PROC) in the mainland; the Republic of China (ROC) in Taiwan; and the overseas Chinese in other countries. China occupies most of the habitable land in Asia, in East Asia (9,560,980 sq km) second only to Russia and Canada in total area. It is bordered in the north by Siberia’s frozen steppes and Mongolia’s desert; in the south by the South China Sea; in the west China 1900 Opera by Tibet and the mountains. These natural barriers isolated and enabled it to develop a distinét civilization. The eastern half of China is one of the world’s best farmlands, with three great rivers: the Huang Ho (Yellow), Chang (Yangtze), and Xi. The Huang Ho is the cradle of Chinese civilization, the heartland of China. But it is also known as “China’s sorrow” due to its destructive annual floods. Chang is the longest river. A favorable climate and vast farm lands make farming the main occupation. China is the food basket of the world, growing vast supplies of rice, wheat, potatoes, corn, peanuts, tea, millet, barley, fruits, cotton and other crops. It grows 1/3 of world peanuts and 1/6 of soybeans. It has rich natural resources, including oil and gas, coal, iron, mercury, tin, tungsten, antimony, manganese, vanadium, aluminum, lead, uranium, and zinc. It is one of the largest manufacturing base and consumer markets in the world, with a potential exceeding that of America and Europe. The Chinese belong to the yellow race, descended from Han (92%), Mongol, Tartar and other tribes in Asia, Of slender physique, medium height and slant, almond eyes, they are hardy and resilient, frugal, industrious and patient. They excel in farming, crafts and business. Mandarin, the dialect of the north, is the official language due to the communist Panda bear Incense worship

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